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Hackers 17day

Hackers Vocab.17

absolute complete, perfect" 절대적인
account explanation, exposition" 설명
chamber compartment (작은)방
compact compress 압축하다
company firm, concern, corporation" 회사
complex compound, complicated" 복잡한
compulsory compelled, binding" 강제적인
concomitant concurrent, simultaneous, synchronous" 동시에 일어나는
condense compress, concentrate" 압축(응축)하다
conform comply, agree, assent" 순응하다
consistent compatible, harmonious, coherent" 일관된
constrain compel, coerce, restrain" 강요하다, 억제하다"
contagious infectious, communicable" 전염성 있는
contract compact, bargain" 계약
contrast comparison 대조
decisive definite, conclusive, determinative" 결정적인
disdain condemn, despise, scorn" 경멸하다
element component, part, feature, constituent, ingredient" 구성요소
enlighten illumine, edify" 계몽하다
evil immoral, malicious" 사악한
exhaust expend, consume" 소모하다
expand bloat, swell, extend, enlarge" 확장하다
flattering complimentary 아부하는
full-blown complete, matured" 성숙한
hide conceal, veil, cover" 감추다
intricate complex, elaborate, complicated" 복잡한
mammoth huge, gigantic, colossal" 거대한
mercy compassion, benevolence" 자비
ordinary mundane, common, usual, customary" 보통의
plain clear, distinct, obvious" 분명한
popular common, current, general" 대중적인
recompense compensation, reward" 보상
reconcile conciliate, settle, resolve" 타협시키다
remark comment, utterance, statement"
own acknowledge, admit, allow" 인정하다
revolutionize completely change ~에 혁명을 일으키다
rival competitor, antagonist, opponent" 경쟁자
self-satisfied complacent, smug" 자기 만족의
stretch extend, lengthen, pull" 늘리다
succinct concise, brief, terse" 간결한
tumult disturbance, turbulence, uprising" 소란
Created by: msyang98
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