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La Escuela
school vocab
Question | Answer |
asiste a todas sus clases | assist all classmates |
buen estudiante | good student |
saca buenos apuntes | make good grades |
es apto y atento | attentive |
toma riegos intelectuales | taking intellectual risks |
se comporta bien | behaves well |
desarrolla la buen | develop a good memory |
tiene buen motivacion | have good motivation |
obedece la critica del profesor | take critques from a teacher |
se gradua en el colegio | graduates from college |
da respuesto apropiados y bien pensadas | responds approvingly and has good thoughts |
es intelectual y curioso | is intellectual and curious |
es bueno professor | good teacher |
ensena con entusiasmo | teaches with enthusaism |
es exigente y compasivo | demanding and compasionate |
da prueba y examens | quizes and test |
repasa el material esencail | over essential material |
borra la pizara | tovwipe the board |
corriege trabajo de estudiantes | correct the work of students |
academico | scholar |
alumno | alumn |
aprendiz | aprentice |
biblitecario | librarian |
companero | peer |
director | director |
maestro | teacher |
principiante | princpal |
profesor | professor |
profesado | faculty |
rector | director |
carecer de | lack of |
desdichado | unfortunate |
encuesta | poll |
facultad | facility |
imprimir | to print |
promedio | average |
biologia | biology |
calculo | calculus |
ciencias | science |
computaion | information |
filosofia | philosphy |
frances | french |
idioma | language |
matematicas | math |
quimica | chemical |
los estuadiante malo | bad student |
fastidian al profesor | to annoy the teacher |
se mofan de las palabras del profesor | to laugh at the words of the professor |
se comportan con picardia | behaves naughty |
participan con torpezas son traviesos | is mischevious |
los titulos | the titles |
el bachillerato | high school dipolma |
la licenciatura | bachelor's degree |
la maestria | master degree |
el doctorado | docorate |
el intelecto | intellect |
analizar teorias | analize theories |
aprender varias materias | learn many materials |
comuniar a traves de oredenadores | use computers |
corregir ideas anticuadas | correct old ideas |
dar informes | give information |
definir a fondo | define throughly |
descubrir nuevos metodos | discover new methods |
especializarse en idomas extranjeros | especialzes in foriegn languages |
expresar pensamientos con preiscion | express thoguhts with precisions |
agunatar | support |
abecedario | alphabet |
acarrear | to transpire |
acceder | to consent to |
altavoz | loud =speaker |
anoranza | homesickness |
anunicos | ad |
aparatoso | ostandious |
bilingue | bilingual |
carteles | poster |
catedras | chairs |
comportamiento | behairs |
comprobar | to check |
corredor | runner or gallery |
cursar | to study |
debate | debate |
educaion | educaion |
educado | edcuated |
educarse | educate onself |
educativo | educated |
enhorabueno | congratulations |
especializacion | speicalization |
experiminetos | experiment |
ficciones | fiction |
formulas | formula |
graderias | series of seats or steps |
instituto | insititue |
laboratorio | labortoty |
licenciadado | licenicsed |
pantalla | screen/shack |
papel de calco | carbon paper |
pensamientos | thoughts |
periodos | periodos |
poema | poem |
pupitre | student |
sonar | to sound |
trozo | piece |
univerisdad | university |