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Vocabulary Cards


Clickers A device that clicks.
Audioblogs A blog that includes audio clips in MP3, AAC or other audio format with brief text descriptions of their content. If the audioblog is made available in a syndication format such as RSS, it is a podcast.
Mashup technique by which a website or Web application uses data, presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create a new service.
Nanotechnology the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.
Really Simple Syndication is the term used to refer the collection of Web feed formats that provide updated or shared information in a standardized way. The information could be website or blog entries, news headlines, or audio or video files.
Telepresence refers to a set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if they were present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect, via telerobotics, at a place other than their true location.
Ubiquitous Computing is a concept in software engineering and computer science where computing is made to appear anytime and everywhere. In contrast to desktop computing, ubiquitous computing can occur using any device, in any location, and in any format.
Vologging a blog that features mostly videos rather than text or images.
Web 2.0 Applications A collective term for certain applications of the Internet and the World Wide Web, including blogs, wikis, video sharing services, and social media websites.
Created by: XxpiineappleXx
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Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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