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Dimelo Tu ch8 p1

beverages and foods

pisco alcoholic drink made from muscatel grape
vino blanco white wine
vino tinto red wine
pavo turkey
pollo chicken
carne de puerco pork
carne de res beef
salchicha sausage
durazno peach
fresa strawberry
manzana apple
melón melon
naranja orange
piña pineapple
plátano banana
calamar squid
congrejo crab
langosta lobster
pulpo octopus
salmón salmon
aguacate avocado
apio celery
col cabbage
lechuga lettuce
papa potato
tomate tomato
verdura vegetable
zanahoria carrot
desayunar to eat breakfast
desayuno breakfast
rábano radish
lácteo milky
cerámica ceramics
guantes gloves
mercancía merchandise
poncho cloak, square piece of fabric with opening for the head
felliz cumpleaños happy birthday
helado(a) cold
lago lake
mina mine
natural natural
ramo bouquet (of flowers)
riqueza richness, wealth
sorpresa surprise
al ajillo sautéed in garlic
cóctel de fruta fruit cocktail
empanada turnover
ensalada salad
estofado stew
fiambres cold cuts
frito(a) fried
helado ice cream
hamburguesa hamburger
huevo egg
mantequilla butter
pan bread
pastel cake, pie
queque cake
desear to desire
devolver to reimburse, to return
regalar to give a gift
sacar fotos to take pictures
Created by: albertsonme
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