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MMT & Goniometry
MMT Positions & Goni Norms
Osteokinematic Movement | Position & Norms |
Scapular Abduction & Upward Rotation (Serratus Anterior) | 1) Short sitting over side of the table 2) **Same position** Action: Pt raises arms to ~130 degrees of flexion w/ elbow extended |
Scapular Elevation (Trapezius, Levator Scapula, rhomboid major and minor) | 1) Short sitting over side of table 2) Prone/Supine fully supported Pt elevates (shrugs) shoulders |
Scapular Adduction (Trapezius, Rhomboid Major, rhomboid minor, trapezius, levator scapulae) | 1) Prone w/ shoulder at edge of table and abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed to 90 degrees 2) **Same position** Pt lifts elbow toward the ceiling |
Scapular Depression & Adduction (Trapezius, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major and minor) | 1) Prone w/ arm over head to 145 degrees of abduction, thumb pointing up toward ceiling 2) **Same position** Pt raises arm as high as they can |
Scapula Adduction & Downward Rotation (Rhomboid Major and Minor, levator scapulae) | 1) Prone, shoulder internally rotated and adducted across the back w/ elbow flexed and hand resting on the back 2) Short sitting w/ shoulder internally rotated and arm extended and adducted behind back Pt lifts their arm |
Shoulder Flexion (Deltoid, Supraspinatus, Coracobrachialis, pectoralis major, deltoid, serratus anterior) | 1) Short sitting w/ arms at sides, elbow slightly flexed, forearm pronated 2)**Same position** Pt moves arm in flexion to shoulder height |
Shoulder Extension (Latissimus Dorsi, Deltoid, Teres Major, triceps brachii) | 1) Prone w/ arms at side and shoulder internally rotated (palm up) 2) **Same position** Pt lifts arm as high as they can |
Shoulder Abduction (Deltoid, Supraspinatus) | 1) Short sitting, w/ arm at side and elbow slightly flexed 2) **Same position** Pt lifts arm out to the side to shoulder level |
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction (2 positions) (Deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor) | 1) Prone w/ shoulder abducted to 90 degrees and forearm off edge of table, elbow straight 2) Short sitting Pt lifts elbow up toward the ceiling |