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American History #3

Grades 5 to 8

Which president signed the Pacific Railroad Act? Abraham Lincoln
What two cities did the railroad created by the Pacific Railroad Act connect? Omaha, Nebraska and Sacramento, California
Which ethnic groups built the railroad from Omaha west? Irish and African Americans
Which ethnic group built the railroad from Omaha west? Chinese
Where did the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific meet? Promontory, Utah
What is the term for the railroad that went from the east coast to the west coast of the United States? Transcontinental Railroad
How long did it take to travel by rail from Omaha, Nebraska to Sacramento, California? 10 to 12 days
How fast did the Transcontinental Railroad travel? 25 mph
What did Mexico say was their northern border before the Mexican-American War? Nueces River
What did the USA say was their southern border before the Mexican-American War? Rio Grande River
What lands did Mexico give up to the United States after the Mexican-American War? California, Nevada. and Utah; parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming
How much did the USA pay for the Mexican cession? $15 million
Who discovered gold in 1848 ? James Marshall
Who owned the sawmill where the gold was discovered in 1848? John Sutter
What was the mass migration of Easterners to California in 1849? California Gold Rush
What were the emigrants who went west in 1849 called? Forty-niners
Who became rich in the California Gold Rush? merchants--shopkeepers, restaurant owners, laundreys
What was the law that permitted settlers living in a spot for five years to claim as much as 160 acres as their own? Homestead Act
Provide three new inventions that helped farmers and ranchers of the Great Plains . steel plow, barbed wire, windmills
What animal was shot to clear the way for westward expansion? Buffalo or bison
What was the forced migration of Native American from the East to Oklahoma called? Cherokee Trail of Tears (although Choctaw, Creeks, and Chickasaws were also moved)
Who was president of the United States at the time of the Cherokee Trail of Tears? Andrew Jackson
What was the only time a president of the United States defied the United States Supreme Court? Indian Removal Act
What was the Underground Railroad? a series of safe stops for escaped slaves traveling from the South to the North
What were people who opposed slavery called? abolitionists
Who was the white abolitionist from Kansas who led an attack on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry? John Brown
What was John Brown's punishment for leading the slave revolt at Harpers Ferry in Virginia? He was hanged.
Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? Harriet Beecher Stowe (She had never set foot in the South or even encountered a slave.)
Who was Sojourner Truth? Former slave that became an abolitionist
Who was Federick Douglass? Former slave that became an abolitionist orator
Who was Harriet Tubman? Former slave that led hundreds of escaped slaves from the South to the North
What are the three parts of the Missouri Compromise? Missouri entered the Union as a slave state. Maine entered the Union as a free state. Slavery was banned north of Missouri's southern border except for Missouri.
What was the Compromise of 1850? California entered the Union as a free state. The rest of the territory had to decide by popular sovereignty. Selling and buying slaves in Washington, DC outlawed. Fugitive Slave Law allowed Southerners to go after their escaped slaves in the North.
What was the Dred Scott Decision? Supreme Court case where Dred Scott, a slave who moved from MO to IL and then back to MO, petitioned the court to be free since he had lived in IL. Chief Justice Roger Taney
In 1858, who opposed Abraham Lincoln in the Senate race for Illinois? Stephen A. Douglas
What name did the press give to Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas's political discussions? Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Which states formed the Confederacy of the United States? Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas
Which were the border states? Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland (West Virginia broke off from Virginia to be the 4th border state.)
Define a civil war. war between two different groups of people of the same nation
Who was president of the Confederacy of the United States? Jefferson Davis
Why did the Southern states need slavery? Because of the rich Atlantic Coastal Plain, the South had large plantations with large cash crops.
What was the first battle of the Civil War? The South attacked the federal arsenal at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.
What was the nickname for the North or Union soldiers? Yankees
What was the nickname for the South or Confederate soldiers? Rebels, Johnnie Reb, or Reb (els)
What was the name of the ironclad ship for the North? Monitor
What was the name of the ironclad ship for the South? Merrimac
What was the Emancipation Proclamation? Federal law freeing the slaves. Since most of the slaves were in the South. It didn't really do anything, but established a precedent for many other laws.
What was the turning point in the Civil War? The Battle of Gettysburg
What document begins, "Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers . . ." The Gettysburg Address
Who was the Northern general that Lincoln liked because he fought? Ulysses S, Grant
Who was the general that Lincoln wanted to lead the Northern troops? Robert E. Lee (Lee resigned his commission in the US Army in order to remain loyal to his state of Virginia.)
Which Northern general burned a path across the south as he marched to the sea? William T. Sherman
Why did General Sherman burn a path to the sea? economically devastate the South and split into two parts
Where did Ulysses S. Grant accept Robert E. Lee's surrender? Appomattox Court House
Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth
What were the advantages of the North in the Civil War? Larger population, more factories, better roads, more railroads, navy and army already established, and money in the bank.
What were the advantages of the South in the Civil War? Better generals, fought on their own turf, and better and more skilled horsemen and riflemen
Which side had the boys from the same county or town in regiments or units? South
Which side had immigrants who didn't speak the same language and had to rely on bugle calls and drum cadences? North
Angel of the battlefield who later founded the American Red Cross Clara Barton
Southern laws to keep former slaves "in check" Black Codes
Who were carpetbaggers? Northerners who came to the South to take advantage of the chaos
Who were scalawags? Southerners who supported Radical Republicans
Which amendments pertain to rights of African Americans? 13, 14, and 15
What is the KKK? The Klu Klux Klan believed in white supremacy and used intimidation and murder to oust the African Americans in their communities.
What was Samuel Clemens penname? Mark Twain
Where did Samuel Clemens grow up? Hannibal, Missouri
Who had a monopoly on railroads? Cornelius Vanderbilt
Who had a monopoly on oil? John D. Rockefeller
Who had a monopoly on steel? Andrew Carnigie
Who had a monopolies on meat packaging? Gustavus Swift and Philip D. Armour
Who had a monopoly on flour milling? Charles A. Pillsbury
Why did workers unionize following the Civil War? Workers are more powerful when they stand together against management.
Name two large unions that developed at this time and are still going today. American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
An agreement by labor and management to allow a third party to settle disputes arbitration
Workplace where workers must join a union after being hired union shop
Union representatives negotiation with management in the interests of union workers collective bargaining
Complaint about wages, schedules, or other matters by labor against management grievance
Employer's refusal to let employees into the workplace unless they accept management's terms lockout
Step in to settle a dispute mediate
Discuss how much of something, such as work, will be exchanged for something else, such as wages and benefits negotiation
Union workers who stand outside a workplace to discourage the public from doing business with the company and other workers from working there pickets
Refusal to work in order to get certain benefits or agreements from management strike or walkout
Person hired by an employer to do the work of an employee who is on strike strikebreaker
Favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: progressive
Who began the Progressive Political Movement? Theodore Roosevelt
One company exclusively owns all the materials and can manufacture and sell to consumers monopoly or trust
Which city in Central Missouri has one of the first Carnegie libraries? Sedalia
Social workers who worked to improve conditions for immigrants Jane Addams
Inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell
Invented the light bulb, the phonograph, and early movie camera Thomas Alva Edison
Invented the Model-T and designed it so that the average person could own one Henry Ford
Designed a cup that permitted oiling an operating machine; often referred to as "the real -----" Elijah McCoy
Someone that comes into a new country immigrant
Someone who leaves a country emigrant
Who did the countries of Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and the Kingdom of Sardinia oppose in the Crimean War? Russia
What was the causs of the Crimean War? control the territories of the Ottoman Empire
Identify one nurse of the Crimean War. Florence Nightingale
What attack by British light cavalry against Russian troops took place in the 1854 Crimean War, during the Battle of Balaclava? The Charge of the Light Brigade
The Charge of the Light Brigade was later immortalized in a poem by __________. Alfred Lord Tennyson
Created by: marybahner
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