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Mod5/2 Study Guide

S. Dudley Mod 5/2 Study Guide

What medication is used for chicken pox\shingles? Acyclivir
What is used for cold sores? Abreva\docosanol
What is used for warts? Compound W\Salycilic Acid
What is impetigo? It is superficial but still highly contagious.
What causes impetigo? It is caused by a staph or strep virus.
How is impetigo treated? It is treated with bactroban (mupirocin). If there are multiple lesions they use systemic therapy (oral or injectable) with broad spectrum antibiotics.
What are mites? External parasites that uses the human as a host.
What mites inhabit the human body? Lice and scabies
What are wingless insects that live on various animals? Human lice
What is the source of nourishment for lice? Human blood
What is scabies? It starts on the surface of the skin and then burrows under the layers of the skin where it continues to live until it is treated.
What is pediculosis? An infestation with lice
How many types of lice are there? There are 3 different types of lice. There are head lice, body lice, and pubic lice.
What is Elmite(permethrin)? A treatment used for lice and is also used for scabies. Rx only
What are Nix and Rid? Over the counter treatments for lice.
What is Lindane and what is it used for? Lindane can come in a lotion or shampoo form and is used for the treatment of lice. RX only
What is Eurax (crotamiton) used to treat? It is used to treat lice and is Rx only
Types of burns Can be classified by burns and types.
Thermal burn Contact with heat or fire
Chemical burn Acids or bases, bleaches, or insecticides
Electrical burn Contact with wires, plugs, lightening, or sockets.
Friction Harsh rubbing of the skin. Dermabrasion, road rash, carpet burn, thrush burn; Also from rolling\rubbing in the grass.
Sunburn Over exposure to the sun. Several different degrees of sunburn
1st Degree Burn Limited damage to the epidermis. Redness and pain.
2nd Degree Burn Damage to the epidermis and the dermis. Swelling, blisters, redness, and pain.
3rd Degree Burn Epidermis and dermis and subcutaneous tissue are destroyed. Has a leathery, dry, white, black, or cherry red apperance. No blistering occurs. A critical burn.
4th Degree Burn Total destruction of all skin, muscle tendons, ligaments, and bones. Critical and fatal to nature.
Body Surface Area The rule of 9's is used to estimate the amount of BSA that has been burned. Calculated on a % of the body.
Head 9%
Chest\Abdomen 18%
Upper, Middle, Lower Back and Butt 18%
Each Arm 9%
Each Leg 18%
Groin 1%
Actinic Keratosis Precancerous condition from over exposure to sunlight
Basil Cell Carcinoma Most common. Slow growing. Rarely metastesizes. Found alot in OTR truck drivers
Keratoacanthoma An epithelial turmor that first grows rapidly then usually regresses and heals.
Melanoma A highly malignant cancer that forms from melanocytes. Sunburn increases the risk.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Most rapid growing skin cancer. Metastasis is very uncommon. It may be treated with retinoid compound. Intense erythema occurs in the beginning of treatment
What is the skin considered as? An organ
Skin makes up how much of your body weight? 10%
What is the largest organ the body has? The skin
What 3 layers are the skin made up of? Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous
Epidermis The outtermost thinnest layer containing the melanocytes which produces melanin which is responsible for your skin color.
Dermis Middle layer of skin contains fibroblast, collagens and elastin(proteins), assist in regulating the body temperature.
Subcutaneous Innermost layer and contains lobules of fatty tissue. Also called the hypodermis
How many different kind of skin problems are there? More than 1000
How many different categories are these problems classified in? 9 different categories
What is the most common skin rash reported? A rash of some kind
What is Acne Vulgaris? Inflammation of the skin, face, or neck cause by an increased activity of subaceous glands
What are subaceous glands? The gland that secretes oil and aid in the body's defense against bacteria.
What is the oil that the sebaceous gland secretes? Sebum oil
What can cause acne? Hormones or puberty are reasons
What medicines are used to treat acne? Benzole peroxide(soap), tetatocycline(orally), zythromax(orally or injectable)
Where are fungal infections common to humans? Skin and nails are the common places to have a fungal infection
What type of fungal infections are candida Thrush or vaginal yeast infections, ringworms
Thrush and vaginal yeast infections are caused by what? Micro fungas effects the horny scally skin or nail.
Athlete's foot can appear where On other parts of the body other than the foot
Common meds for fungus are? Butenafine(lotrimin ultra, mentax), terbinafine(lamisil AT) all of these will kill the fungus these drugs are topical.
What drugs are used to treat candiasis? Clortrimazole(lortrimin)(Gyn-lortrimin) both topical are for yeast infections(mycelex, mycelex troche)are taken orally
Mycoses if what? Condition that effects the entire body internally and externally or more than one area or can cause death
Who is most subject to get mycoses? People with weak immune systems
Mucoctaneous infections effect what area? Effects the region skin comprised of both the mucosa and mucutaneous, mostly occurs external skin stop and smoother inner most skin starts.
Pruritis is what? Itching associated with skin disorder
What type of drugs are used to treat this? Antihistamines
Urticaria means wht Hives or itching wheals
Atopic means what On top of skin
Photosensitivity means what Sensitivity to the sun caused by many medicines.
Phototoxicity means what Sensitivity to the property of some chemicals that are used in medicines.
What types of medicines are used in most cases of phototoxicity Topical and orally used corticosteroids for most skin disorders
What type of medicines are used in extreme cases of phototoxicity coyleted are used
Which ACE inhibitors cause photosensitivity all that are categorized as ACE inhibitors
What abx can cause photosensitivity griseofulvin, quinolones, sulfa meds, tcn antibiotics
What antidepressants cause photosensitivity clomipramine, maprotiline, zoloft, tca's
What antihistamines cause photosensitivity cyproheptadine, benadryl
What cardiovascular drugs cause photosensitivity amiodarone, cardiazm, zocor
Which antipsychotics can cause photosensitivity geodon
Which chemo-agents cause photosensitivitiy All chemo therapy can cause photosensitivity
What diuretics cause photosensitivity Lasix, thiazide
What hypoglycemics cause photosensitivity sulfonylureas
What NSAID's cause photosensitivity all of them
What is eczema Inflammation of the skin characterized by itching, redness, and oozing
The FDA has approved a new class of meds to treat eczema called what immunomodulators
What do they do Effect the body's immune system
Psoriasis is what Chronic noncontagious condition in which epidemic cells multiply and die at an excessive rate
What is plaque psoriasis The production of red, scally skin patches that keep piling on. Very rough skin
What causes psoriasis genetics, illness, injury, emotional stress
What are treatments ameviva, remicade, enbrel, raptiva, oral elidel
What is dandruff Skin or shedding cells from your scalp
What is used to treat dandruff Selsun blue, Head n shoulders, selenium sulfide is the main ingredient
selenium does what controls dandruff and helps get rid of extra dry skin
What is rosacea Chronic disorder with an inflammatory vascular component
What are two vascular components erythemalolelangectatic and papulopustular which mary become infected to cause the rosacea
What triggers rosacea Stress, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, and body temp
What medicines are used to treat rosacea azelex topical\oral med (Oracea)
Created by: shantel.dudley
Popular Pharmacology sets




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