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Soc Studies Voc L-Z

Social Study Vocabulary Terms (L-Z)

League of Nations organization that sought to prevent conflict after WWI, encouraged by Woodrow Wilson. Ultimately failed because the USA did not join
Legislative Branch branch of government that makes the laws, House of Representatives and Senate
Market Economy investment, production, and distribution are based on supply and demand
Marshall Plan American program to aid Europe post WWI, in an effort to encourage countries to favor Democracy and not Communism
Migration referring to the fear of communism in the 1950s, aided by the efforts of Senator Joseph McCarthy
Militarism the belief that government should maintain a strong military
Mixed Economy –. economy where both the state and the private sector had influence; Most economies are mixed
Modernization the change in a society from agricultural to a modern society
Monopoly when a company is the only one making a product, they can then charge whatever they want for it
Nationalism pride in one’s country
Natural rights system of laws that are determined by nature. Certain rights should be given to every man.
Neutrality to stay out of a conflict, to not pick either side of a disagreement
Parliamentary Democracy A system of government where citizens elect the Legislature and the Legislature selects the executive
Plessey v Ferguson 1896. Upheld racial segregation in public facilities. Must be “separate but equal”
Political Action Committee organization that donates money to or against a candidate in an election to further their individual interests
Populism political philosophy where people claim that live is the “regular” people versus the elites
Predict an educated guess about what will or should happen
Presidential Democracy A system of government where citizens elect both the Legislature and the executive
Primary Source a source from someone who was actually there. A person, diary, picture, artifact, autobiography, etc.
Progressivism political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform through government action
Prohibition the outlaw of alcohol, 18th Amendment in 1919
Propaganda form of communication that is aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument
Ratify to approve something ; Congress does this when passing legislation.)
Red Scare Fear of communism; Result of communist revolution in Russia; restricted immigration to the US , "Red" nickname for a communist
Refugee Person who leaves their home country to escape persecution, starvation, war, etc.
Refute provide evidence that proves a claim incorrect
Region an area of a country or continent
Reparations the idea that the families of former slave owners should give money to the families of former slaves as a way to right the wrongs of slavery ; SEE definition of "war reparations" also
Rural areas outside of cities, country, small towns
Secession the act of withdrawing from a political entity.
Secondary Source a source that has been written after the event using many primary sources. Encyclopedia, biography, textbook, atlas
Sectionalism the division of an area into smaller sections. A person is usually loyal to only their section and not to the others, can bring conflict between different sections
Separation of Powers the division of power between the three branches of government. Ensures that one branch does not become too powerful
Slum a run-down area of a city where people live in poor conditions. In history immigrants frequently live in them
Social Contract the idea that citizens agree to be governed by their government. People typically give up some freedoms to bring order and safety
Source a person or document that is providing information being used in an essay, speech, ect.
Stereotype a widely held but fixed/ oversimplified image OR idea of a particular type of person OR thing. i.e., the view that the woman as the carer OR the city is too easily viewed as an industrial wasteland.
Stocks a small portion of ownership in a company in exchange for money that business can then invest
Suburbanization when people move out of the city to the surrounding areas creating suburbs
Suffrage the right to vote in political elections; i.e., women's right to vote (19th Amendment)
Supply the amount of a product that is available to buy in the market.
Support provide evidence to support a claim
Tariff Tax on imports and exports. Discourages international trade to protect domestic industries
Taxes a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer. Money is used to build roads, parks, run bus systems, etc.
Theocracy a government run by religious officials and governed according to the religion
Theory a guess about why something is a certain way
Thesis the subject of an essay, paper, or extended response
Topography the features of the top of the earth, mountains, hills, rivers, etc.
Trace typically refers to putting events in the order that they happened, chronological order
Traditional Economy economic system based on tradition, typically only farming enough to live on
Truman Doctrine the pledge by the USA that we would help any nation who was trying to resist the spread of Communism, first used with Greece and Turkey
Trust a large business, usually a monopoly
Triple Entente also known as the Allied Powers. See Allied Powers for definition.
Union the Northern states during the Civil War; Included states of Ohio, Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, Illinois, , Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, California ...
United Nations organization where representatives from various countries gather to help prevent conflict. Founded in 1945
Wages compensation for labor, usually money
World War I World War One was fought between the "Central Powers" and the "Triple Entente", which later also known as the Allied Powers. July 1914 – November 11, 1918
World War II Hitler invaded Poland; France & Britain declare war on Germany, beginning World War II between Axis Powers (Germany, Italy & Japan) and Allied “Allies” Powers (Britain, France, Australia Canada, New Zealand, India, Soviet Union, China & US) 1939–1945
Zimmerman Note telegram from Germany to Mexico suggesting that they join the Central powers in the event that the USA entered WWI
19th Amendment Women Right to Vote; Women's Suffrage
1st Amendment Freedom of Press, Religion, Petition, Assembly & Speech
13th Amendment Abolished Slavery
14th Amendment Citizenship to everyone born in the U.S.
15th Amendment Right to vote to ALL adult males
17th Amendment Direct Election of Senators (Progressive Reform)
24th Amendment Outlaws literacy test & poll taxes as requirements for voting
26th Amendment Lowers voting age to 18
War Reparations Money a country is forced to pay after losing a war supposedly for wrongs they committed
Created by: pj johnson
Popular History sets




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