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Common Tested Words
Commonly Tested Words
Question | Answer |
abaft | adv. on or toward the rear of a ship |
abdicate | v. to reject, denounce, or abandon |
abjure | v. to renounce upon oath |
abnegation | n. a denial |
abscond | v. to go away hastily or secretly often with the intention to hide |
abstemious | adj. sparing in diet, sparingly used |
abysmal | adj. bottomless, extraordinarily bad |
acerbity | n. harshness or bitterness |
acrimony | n. sharpness |
addle | adj. confused |
adjure | v. to entreat earnestly and solemnly |
adulation | n. praise in excess |
adulterate | v. to corrupt, debase, or make impure |
agrarian | adj. relating to land and the equal divisions of land |
alchemy | n. any imaginary power of transmitting one thing into another |
allegory | n. symbolic narration or description |
anachronism | n. representation of something existing at other than its proper time |
annihilate | v. to reduce to nothing |
apocalyptic | adj. pertaining to revelation or prophecy |
arrogate | v. to claim or demand unduly |
artifice | n. skill, ingenuity, craft, deception, trickery |
askance | adv. sideways, with suspicion |
assay | n. the determination of any quantity of metal in an ore or alloy |
attenuate | v. to make thin or slender, to lessen or weaken |
avarice | n. inordinate desire of gaining and possessing wealth |
batten | v. to grow fat; to thrive |
beholden | adj. obliged; indebted |
bellicose | adj. warlike; disposed to quarrel or fight |
besmirch | v. to soil or discolor |
bestial | adj. having the qualities of a beast |
betroth | v. to promise or pledge in marriage |
blighted | adj. destroyed, frustrated |
bode | v. to foreshadow something |
boorish | adj. rude; ill-mannered |
brindled | adj. streaked or spotted with a darker color |
broach | v. to pierce, to introduce into conversation |
bucolic | adj. pastoral |
burlesque | v. to imitate comically |
cadaver | n. a dead body |
caliber | n. the diameter of a bullet or shell, quality |
callow | adj. immature |
calumny | n. false and malicious accusation, misinterpretation, slander |
canard | n. a false statement or rumor |
candid | adj. open; frank; honest |
captious | adj. disposed to find fault |
carnage | n. slaughter |
carte blanche | n. unlimited power to decide |
castigate | v. to chastise |
cataclysm | n. an overflowing of water, an extraordinary change |
catharsis | n. purgation |
cavil | v. to find fault without good reason |
celibate | adj. unmarried, single and chaste |
cessation | n. a ceasing, a stop |
chafe | v. to rage, to fret |
chaffing | n. banter, teasing |
chaste | adj. virtuous, free from obscenity |
choleric | adj. easily irritated; angry |
circumvent | v. to go around |
clandestine | adj. secret, private, hidden |
cogent | adj. urgent, compelling, convincing |
cohort | n. a group, a band |
collusion | n. secret agreement for a fraudulent or illegal purpose |
comport | v. to agree, to accord |
conclave | n. any private meeting or closed assembly |
connivance | v. passive cooperation |
consort | n. a companion, v. to be in harmony or agreement |
contravene | v. to go against, to oppose |
contusion | n. a bruise; an injury where the skin is not broken |
copious | adj. abundant; in great quantities |
covenant | n. a binding and solemn agreement |
coy | adj. modest, bashful; pretending shyness to attract |
crass | adj. gross, think, course |
cursory | adj. hasty, slight |
dally | v. to delay or put off |
dauntless | adj. fearless, not discouraged |
debonair | adj. having an affable manner, courteous, suave, urbane |
decadence | n. a decline in force for quality; moral decay |
deciduous | adj. falling off at a particular season or stage of growth |
decry | v. to denounce or condemn openly |
defunct | adj. no longer living or exiting |
deliquesce | v. to melt away |
delusion | n. act or process of deception |
deposition | n. a removal from a position or power; a testimony |
desultory | adj. without order or natural connection |
dexterous | adj. having or showing skill of hands, body or mind |
diffidence | n. lack of self confidence; distrust |
dilapidated | n. falling to pieces or into disrepair |
dilettante | n. an admirer of the fine arts; a dabbler |
dint | n. a blow; a stroke |
disarray | n. disorder; confusion; incomplete or disorderly attire |
divulge | v. to make known |
dormant | adj. as if asleep |
doting | adj. excessively fond |
doughty | adj. brave; valiant |
dregs | n. waste or worthless manner |
ecclesiastic | adj. pertaining or relating to a church |
edify | v. to build or establish; to instruct and improve the mind |
efface | v. to erase; to remove from the mind |
effrontery | n. impudence; assurance |
effusive | adj. pouring out or forth; overflowing |
egregious | adj. remarkably bad, outrageous |
egress | v. to depart; to go out |
elegy | n. a poem or lament and praise for the dead |
elucidate | v. to make clear or manifest; to explain |
emanate | v. to send forth; to emit |
embellish | v. to improve the appearance of |
enamored | adj. filled with love and desire |
encroach | v. to trespass or intrude |
encumber | v. to hold back; to hinder |
endue | v. to provide with some quality or trait |
enrapture | v. to fill with pleasure |
epilogue | n. closing section of a play or novel providing further comment. |
epiphany | n. an appearance of a supernatural being |
epitaph | n. an inscription on a monument, in honor or memory of a dead person |
epitome | n. a part that is typical of the whole |
equinox | n. precise time when the day and night everywhere is of equal length |
equivocate | v. to be purposely ambiguous |
eschew | v. to escape from, to avoid |
estranged | adj. kept at a distance; alienated |
ethereal | adj. very light, airy; heavenly; not earthly |
euphemism | n. the use of a word or phrase in place of one that is distasteful |
euphoria | n. a feeling of well-being |
exhume | v. to unearth; to reveal |
expunge | v. to blot out; to delete |
exude | v. to flow slowly or ooze in drops |
faction | n. a number of people in an organization having a common end view |
fallible | adj. liable to be mistaken or erroneous |
fathom | v. to reach or penetrate with the mind |
fatuous | adj. silly; inane; unreal |
fealty | n. fidelity; loyalty |
feign | v. to invent or imagine |
ferment | v. to excite or agitate |
fervid | adj. very hot; burning; intensely fervent or zealous |
fester | v. t become more and more virulent and fixed |
fetish | n. an object to which one gives excessive devotion or blind adoration |
fidelity | n. faithfulness; honesty |
fissure | n. a dividing or breaking into parts |
flaccid | adj. hanging in loose folds or wrinkles; lacking force; weak |
flamboyant | adj. ornate; too showy |
foible | n. a slight frailty in character |
foist | v. to put in slyly or stealthily; to pass off as genuine or valuable |
foray | v. to raid for spoils, plunder |
fortitude | n. firm courage; strength |
fractious | adj. rebellious; apt to quarrel |
fraught | adj. loaded; charged |
froward | adj. not willing to yield or comply with what is reasonable |
fulminate | v. to explode with sudden violence, to issue thunderous verbal attack or denunciation |
galvanize | v. to stimulate as if by electric shock; startle; excite |
gamut | n. a complete range; any complete musical scale |
garish | adj. gaudy; showy |
gauche | adj. awkward; lacking grace |
gauntlet | n. a long glove with a flaring cuff covering the lower part of the arm |
germane | adj. closely related; pertinent |
glib | adj. smooth and slippery; speaking or spoken in a smooth manner |
gnarled | adj. full of knots |
gourmand | n. a greedy or ravenous eater; glutton |
gregarious | adj. fond of the company of others |
gristly | adj. frightful; horrible |
guffaw | n a loud, course burst of laughter |
guise | n. customary behavior; manner of dress; false appearance |
halcyon | adj. calm; quiet; peaceful |
hapless | adj. unlucky; unfortunate |
harangue | v. to speak in an impassioned and forcible manner |
heretic | n. one who holds opinion contrary to that which is generally accepted |
hiatus | n. an opening or gap; slight pause |
hoary | adj. very aged; ancient; gray or white with age |
homily | n. discourse or sermon read to an audience |
hybrid | n. anything of mixed origin |
idiosyncrasy | n. any personal peculiarity, mannerism, etc. |
igneous | adj. having the nature of fire |
ignominious | adj. contemptible; degrading |
immaculate | adj. perfectly clean; perfectly correct; pure |
imminent | adj. appearing as if about to happen |
impasse | n. a situation that has no solution or escape |
impenitent | adj. without regret, shame or remorse |
impiety | n. irreverence toward God; lack of respect |
impolitic | adj. unwise; imprudent |
imprecate | v. to pray for evil; to invoke a curse |
imputation | n. attribution |
incarcerate | v. to imprison or confine |
incommodious | adj. uncomfortable; troublesome |
incorporeal | adj. not consisting of matter |
incorrigible | adj. not capable of correction or improvement |
incubate | v. to sit on and hatch (eggs) |
inculcate | v. to impress upon the mind by frequent repetition or urging |
indemnify | v. to protect against or keep free from loss |
indigenous | adj. innate; inherent; inborn |
indomitable | adj. not easily discouraged or defeated |
indubitably | adv. unquestionably; surely |
inimical | adj. unfriendly; adverse |
iniquitous | adj. unjust; wicked |
inordinate | adj. not regulated; excessive |
intrepid | adj. fearless; brave |
inured | adj. accustomed |
irascible | adj. easily provoked or inflamed to anger |
irreparable | adj. cannot be repaired or regained |
jettison | n a throwing overboard of goods to lighten a vehicle in an emergency |
jocund | adj. merry; gay; cheerful |
lacerate | v. to tear or mangle, to wound or hurt |
lambent | adj. giving off a soft radiance |
lassitude | n. a state or feeling of being tired or weak |
lewd | adj. lustful; wicked |
libertine | n. one who indulges his desires without restraint |
licentious | adj. disregarding accepted rules and standards |
lithe | adj. easily bent; pliable; marked by effortless grace |
loquacious | adj. talkative |
lucent | adj. shining; translucent |
lugubrious | adj. mournful; very sad |
lurid | adj. ghastly pale; gloomy |
magnate | n. a very influential person in any field of activity |
malefactor | n. one who commits a crime |
malign | v. to defame; speak evil of |
marauder | n. a rover in search of booty or plunder |
maudlin | adj. foolishly and tearfully sentimental |
mendacious | adj. addicted to deception |
mercurial | adj. quick, volatile; changeable |
meretricious | adj. alluring by false, showy charms; fleshy |
mettle | n. high quality of character |
mien | n. manner; external appearance |
misanthropy | n. hatred of mankind |
mite | n. very small sum of money; very small creature |
modulate | v. to regulate or adjust; to vary the pitch of the voice |
mollify | v. to soften; to make less intense |
moot | adj. debatable; purely academic, deprived of practical significance |
mordant | adj. biting, cutting, or caustic |
mutinous | adj. inclined to revolt |
nefarious | adj. very wicked; abominable |
nemesis | n. just punishment; retribution; one that inflicts relentless vengeance |
nexus | n. a connection |
nostrum | n. a questionable remedy or scheme, a quack medicine |
noxious | adj. harmful to health or morals |
nugatory | adj. trifling; futile; insignificant |
obeisance | n. a gesture of respect or reverence |
obfuscate | v. to darken; to confuse |
objurgate | v. to chide vehemently |
obloquy | n. verbal abuse of a person or thing |
obtrude | v. to thrust forward; to eject |
odious | adj. hateful; disgusting |
oligarchy | n form of government in which the supreme power is placed in the hands of a small exclusive group |
opalescent | adj. iridescent |
opprobrious | adj. reproachful or contemptuous |
palatial | adj. large and ornate, like a palace |
palindrome | n. a word, verse or sentence that is the same when read backward or forward |
paltry | adj. worthless; trifling |
pandemonium | n. a place of wild disorder, noise, or confusion |
parapet | n. a wall or railing to protect people from falling |
pariah | n. an outcast; someone despised by others |
parity | n. state of being the same in power, value or rank |
parley | v. to speak with another; to discourse |
parry | v. to ward off; to avoid |
parsimonious | adj. miserly; stingy |
paucity | n. scarcity; small number |
peculate | v. to embezzle |
pecuniary | adj. relating to money |
pellucid | adj. transparent |
penury | n. lack of money or property |
perdition | n. complete and irreparable loss |
peremptory | adj. barring future action; that cannot be denied, changed, etc. |
perfidious | adj. violating good faith or vows |
perquisite | n. a fee, profit, etc. in addition to the stated income of one's employment |
peruse | v. to read carefully and thoroughly |
pied | adj. spotted |
pinioned | adj. having wings, having wings or arms bound or confined |
platonic | adj. idealistic or impractical; not opprobrious or sensual |
plenary | adj. full; entire; complete |
plethora | n. the state of being too full; excess |
pommel | n. the rounded, upward-projecting front of a saddle |
portend | v. to foreshadow |
potable | adj. drinkable |
prate | v. to talk much and foolishly |
precept | n. a rule or direction of moral conduct |
precocious | adj. developed or matured earlier than usual |
prefatory | adj. introductory |
preponderate | v. to outweigh |
prerogative | n. a prior or exclusive right or privilege |
prevaricate | v. to evade the truth |
prognosis | n. a forecast, especially in medicine |
prolific | adj. fruitful |
propagate | v. to reproduce or multiply |
propitiate | v. to win the good will of |
protocol | n. an original draft or record of a document |
provident | adj. prudent; economical |
proviso | n. conditional stipulation to an agreement |
pseudonym | n. a borrowed or fictitious name |
puerile | adj. childish; immature |
purloin | v. to steal |
purview | n. the range of control, activity or understanding |
quaff | v. to drink or swallow in large quantities |
quagmire | n. a difficult position, as if on shaky ground |
qualm | n. sudden feeling of uneasiness or doubt |
quintessence | n. . the ultimate substance; the pure essence of anything |
quixotic | adj. extravagantly chivalrous; not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic |
quizzical | adj. odd, comical, suggesting puzzlement; questioning |
ramification | n. the arrangement of branches; consequence |
rampant | adj. violent or uncontrollable action |
rancor | n. a continuing and bitter hate or ill will |
raze | v. to scrape or shave off |
recalcitrant | adj. refusing to obey authority |
recidivism | n. habitual or chronic relapse |
recumbent | adj. leaning or reclining |
recusant | adj. disobedient of authority |
redolent | adj. sweet smelling; fragrant |
reminiscence | n. a remembering |
remonstrate | v. to exhibit strong reasons against an act |
rendition | n. a performance or interpretation |
repertoire | n. stock of plays which can be readily performed by a company |
reprehend | v. to reprimand; to find fault with |
reprieve | v. to give temporary relief |
resonant | adj. resounding; re-echoing |
resplendent | adj. dazzling; splendid |
resurgent | adj. rising or tending to rise again |
revile | v. to be abusive in speech |
risible | adj. able or inclined to laugh |
roseate | adj. bright, cheerful, or optimistic |
rote | n. a fixed, mechanical way of doing something |
rotundity | n. condition of being rounded out or plump |
rudimentary | adj. elementary |
ruminate | v. to muse on |
salutary | adj. of or containing greetings |
sapid | adj. having a pleasant taste |
sardonic | adj. bitterly ironic |
savant | n. a learned person |
schism | n. a division in an organized group |
scourge | v. to whip severely |
scurrilous | adj. using low and indecent language |
sedentary | adj. characterized by sitting; remaining in one locality |
serendipity | n. an apparent aptitude for making fortunate discoveries accidentally |
shoal | n. a great quantity |
sloth | n. disinclination to action or labor |
slovenly | adv. careless in habits, behavior; untidy |
sordid | adj. filthy; foul |
specious | adj. appearing just and fair without really being so |
spelunker | n. one who explores caves |
splenetic | adj. bad-tempered; irritable |
staid | adj. sober; sedate |
stanch | v. to stop or check the flow of blood |
stigmatize | v. to characterize or brand as disgraceful |
stoic | adj. a person who is seemingly indifferent to joy, grief, pleasure or pain |
stolid | adj. unexcitable; dull |
striated | adj. marked with fine parallel lines |
strident | adj. creaking; harsh; grating |
stymie | n. to hinder or obstruct; golf - opponent's ball lies in a direct line between the player's ball and the hole |
succor | n. aid; assistance |
sumptuous | adj. involving great expense |
sundry | adj. various; misc; separate; distinct |
supplant | v. to take the place of |
suppliant | adj. asking earnestly and submissively |
surfeit | v. to feed or supply in excess |
swathe | v. to wrap around something; envelop |
tawdry | adj. gaudy or cheap |
teem | v. to be stocked to overflowing, to pour out, to empty |
tenet | n. any principle, doctrine, etc. which a person, school, etc. believes or maintains |
termagant | n. a boisterous, scolding woman; a shrew |
terrestrial | adj. pertaining to the earth |
tether | n. the range or limit of one's abilities |
thrall | n. a slave |
throe | n. a violent pang or spasm |
timorous | adj. fearful |
tortuous | adj. pertaining to or involving excruciating pain |
traduce | v. to exhibit; to slander |
transmute | v. to transform |
travail | v. to harass; to torment |
trenchant | adj. keen; penetrating; clear cut; distinct |
tribunal | n. the seat of judge |
troth | n. belief; faith; fidelity |
turbid | adj. think, dense, confused, perplexed |
tutelage | n. the condition of being under a guardian or a tutor |
umbrage | n. shade; shadow |
uncouth | adj. uncultured; crude |
unfeigned | adj. genuine; real; sincere |
untrowable | adj. incredible |
uxoricide | n. the murder of a wife by her husband |
vagary | n. an odd action or idea; a wandering |
vantage | advantage; gain; profit |
vaunt | v. to brag or boast |
venal | adj. that can be readily bribed or corrupted |
veneer | n. a thin surface layer |
verbiage | n. wordiness |
verity | n. truthfulness |
vertigo | n. a sensation of dizziness |
vestige | n. a trace of something that no longer exists |
vicarious | adj. taking the place of another person or thing |
vicissitude | n. changes or variation occurring irregularly in the course of something |
vigilance | n. watchfulness |
visage | n. appearance |
vitriolic | adj. extremely biting or caustic |
vociferous | adj. making a loud outcry |
volition | n. the act of willing |
voracious | adj. greedy in eating |
vouchsafe | v. to be gracious enough to grant; to guarantee as safe |
wan | adj. pale; pallid |
wily | adj. cunning; sly |
wizened | adj. withered; shrunken |
wreak | v. to give vent or free play |
wrest | v. to turn or twist; usurp; to distort or change the meaning of |
abash | to embarass |
abate | decrease, reduce |
aberration | something different from the usual |
abet | to adi; act as accomplice |
abridge | to condense, shorten |
accede | to express approval; agree to |
accretion | growth in size or increase in amount |
accrue | to accumulate, grow by additions |
alacrity | cheerful readiness, promptness in response |
ameliorate | to make better, improve |
anachronistic | outdated |
anathema | ban, curse; something shunned or disliked |
acillary | accessory; subordinate; helping |
antedeluvian | prehistoric, ancient beyond measure |
antipathy | dislike,hostility; extreme opposition or aversion |
aphorism | old saying or short, pithy statement |
apocryphal | not genuine; fictional |
apostate | one who renounces a religious faith |
arable | suitable for cultivation |
archipelago | large group of islands |
ascetic | self-denying, abstinent, austere |
aspersion | false rumor, damaging report, slander |
assiduous | diligent, persistent, hard-working |
assonance | resemblance insound, especially in vowel sounds, partial rhyme |
augury | prophecy, prediction of events |
auspicious | having favorable prospects, promising |
blandish | to coax with flattery |
blithe | joyful, cheerful or without appropriate thought |
bovine | cow-like; relating to cows |
contumacious | stubbornly disobedient |
contumelious | sinsolently abusive and himiliating |
corpulence | obesity, fatness, bulkiness |
cudgel | a short heavy club |
deleterious | harmful often in a suble or unexpected way |
despot | tyrannical leader |
diaphanous | allowing light to show thorugh; delicate |
diatribe | bitter verbal attack |
ephemeral | momentary, transient, fleeting |
equine | relating to horses |
etiolate | to bleach and alter the natural development of a green plant by excluding sunlight |
exculpate | to clear of blame or fault, vindicate |
exigent | urgent; excessively demanding |
expurgate | to censor |
facile | very easy, poised, assured |
fathom (v) | to measure the depth of, guage |
feckless | ineffective, careless, irresponsible |
fecund | fertile, fruitful, productive |
fluvial | of, relating to or living in a stream or river |
hegemony | leadership, domination, usually by country |
heretical | opposed to an established religious orthodoxy |
iconoclast | one who attacks traditional beliefs |
immutable | unchangeable, invariable |
impecunious | poor, having no money |
imprecation | curse |
incontrovertible | unquestionable, beyond dispute |
insipid | bland, lacking flavor; lacking excitement |
intransigent | uncompromising, refusing to e reconciled |
invidious | envioius; obnoxioius |
inveterate | confirmed, long-standing, deeply rooted |
jingoism | belligerent support of one's country |
kinetic | relating to motion, movement |
lachrymose | tearful |
maladroit | clumsy, tactless |
mendicant | beggar |
myopic | near sighted |
nascent | starting to develop, coming into existence |
noisome | stinking, putrid |
obdurate | stubborn |
obsequious | overly submissive, brownnosing |
obviate | to make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent |
officious | overly helpful, meddlesome |
ornithologist | scientist who studies birds |
palliate | to make less serious, ease |
panegyric | elaborate praise, formal hymn of praise |
phlegmatic | calm in termperament; sluggish |
polymath | a person of encyclopedic learning |
primordial | original, exiting from the beginning |
prodigal adj. | wasteful, extravagant, lavish |
progenitor | originator, forefather, ancestor in a direct line |
salubrious | healthful |
scimitar | a type of sword; a saber with a curved blade with the edge on the convex side |
seminal | relating to the beginning or seeds of something |
seraphic | angelic, pure, sublime |
sinecure | well paying job or office that requires little or no work |
sojourn | visit, stay |
sodden | thoroughly soaked; saturated |
soporific | sleepy or tending to cause sleep |
subterfuge | trick or tactic used to avoid something |
sybarite | person devoted to pleasure and luxury |
taciturn | uncommunicative, not inclined to speak much |
tome | book, usually large and academic |
torpid | lethargic; unable to move; dormant |
truncheon | a shattered spear or lance |
turpitude | inherent vileness, foulness, depravity |
unctuous | greasy, oily, smug and falsely earnest |
usury | practice of lending money at exorbitant rates |
uxorial | of, relating to or characteristic of a wife |
xenophobia | fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers |
zephyr | gentle breeze |