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Chapter 14 Test-LA

A system designed to ensure that state jobs went to people on the basis of their experience or qualifications for the job, rather than on the basis of political patronage. Civil service system
A tax paid on the purchase of goods and services, which is collected by the seller. Sales tax
Following without interruption, as with a term in office. Consecutive
Materials or money paid by a country losing a war to the winners to make up for damages done in the war. reparations
People who want to avoid international political and economic relations and instead focus energies and resources on solving a country’s own economic problems. Isolationists
A large-scale armed forces training exercise. Maneuvers
Limiting the consumption of scarce resources or supplies, such as during a war. Rationing
A garden planted by residents of cities in their yards or on nearby lots to grow their own food during World War II. Victory garden
Equipment and supplies used by soldiers. War matériel
A 1944 federal law that made an educational scholarship available to anyone who had served in uniform during the war; officially called the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act. GI Bill
A protest in which people refuse to buy certain goods or use certain services until specific conditions are met. Boycott
A case decided in the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954 that was specifically focused on the desegregation of public schools but also overturned “separate-but-equal” provisions of the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson case. Brown v. Board of Education
An act requiring that people be given equal access to public facilities throughout the nation regardless of their race; it also outlawed discrimination in employment, forcing most public agencies to integrate their workforces after 1964. Civil Rights Act of 1964
Legislation that required southern states to allow African Americans to return to the voting rolls and that outlawed poll taxes. Voting Rights Act of 1965
Which Louisiana governor started the civil service system? Sam Jones
Which Louisiana governor was the youngest mayor in the United States? Robert Kennon
Which Long era programs did Sam Jones promise to continue? free schoolbooks and infrastructure
How would the establishment of the civil service system affect party supporters? There would be fewer government jobs available.
Which of Louisiana’s governors is credited with bringing dignity and stability back to the office? Sam Jones
Which Louisiana governor was known as the Singing Cowboy? Jimmie Davis
Which of Davis’ songs became a State Song? “You Are My Sunshine”
Which explains why Earl Long repealed patronage legislation? He wanted to reestablish absolute control of the state government.
Which caused Louisiana’s sales tax to double during Earl Long’s first elected term as governor? Long continued and expanded the social programs voters expected.
Which explains why Earl Long put African Americans back on voting rolls? Long believed it would create a similar effect to patronage.
Which did Jimmie Davis pledge to do during his second term as governor? protect segregation
How did the reality of McKeithen’s term as governor differ from what he had promised to do? He helped the state transition peacefully to racial integration.
What started World War II? Invasion of Poland and the Far East by Germany and Japan.
How did the United States’ decision to join the Allied Powers in World War II impact Louisiana? Louisiana became an essential location for training and equipment production.
Who was the leader of Germany during World War II? Adolf Hitler
Which best explains the idea known as Fortress America? The belief that our nation’s distance from Europe made us an unlikely target for attack.
Which prompted the United States to join the Allied forces during World War II? the attack on Pearl Harbor
What is shown in the map? Louisiana Maneuvers
Which conclusion can be drawn about the military’s reason for choosing Louisiana as its training grounds? They needed an area with varied terrain to train men and test equipment.
Which wartime practice does this poster promote? victory gardens
Approximately how many soldiers were trained in the Louisiana Maneuvers? 750,000
What happened as rubber became increasingly scarce during the war? Only two pairs of shoes could be purchased each year.
Which groups were needed to fill manufacturing positions in New Orleans during the war? women and African Americans
Which conclusion can be drawn about the economic impact of World War II? War industries provided much needed economic relief following the Great Depression.
Which was the first to be racially desegregated? military
Which event ended segregation in the military? Executive Order 9981
Who was a prominent leader of the NAACP in Louisiana? A.P. Tureaud
What did African Americans boycott in Baton Rouge in 1953? buses
What happened as a result of the Baton Rouge bus boycott? African Americans were given more access to seats on buses.
Which conclusion can be drawn from the map? Racial segregation was most common in former slave states.
Which case resulted in school desegregation? Brown v. Board of Education
How long after Brown v. Board of Education did Louisiana began integrating its public schools? 6 years
Who helped parents who opposed integration remove their children from schools in Orleans Parish? Leander Perez
What did groups formed by those who believed strongly that integration was wrong call themselves? White Citizens’ Councils
Which legislation outlawed discrimination in employment? Civil Rights Act
Which legislation outlawed poll taxes? Voting Rights Act
With what country did the US engage in the Cold War? Soviet Union
Using this source, which statement best explains how World War II influenced the economy of Louisiana? It helped create a manufacturing industry in the state, by making the boats that were used in the invasion.
The plans shown are for which type of boat? landing craft
Based on the texts, which conclusion can be drawn about Andrew Higgins’ impact on Louisiana’s economy? Higgins’ businesses contributed millions of dollars and thousands of jobs to the state for many years.
Which of the following contributed much of Louisiana’s population migrating from rural areas to urban areas in the mid-20th century? I and IV
Which of the following represent major civil rights legislation during the Civil Rights Movement? IV and V
The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court decision Brown v Board of Education. Read the excerpt and determine which of the following statements best summarizes its meaning. Even given equal facilities, separation by race limits educational opportunities.
What best represents the subject of the cartoon? Change is a long, slow process.
Created by: Colleen Frazier
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