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Japan vocab

Japan vocab giselle tellezp.5

Indicate To show something that exists or is likely yo be true.
Survive To live or meek a living;continue to live despite danger.
Conflict Disagreement or argument.
Principle Belief or idea on which something is based.
Accumulate To gradually get more of something.
Decline Gradual decrease in the quality or importance of something.
Rebel Someone who opposes or fights an authority.
Prohibit To forbid or make illegal.
Proximity Closeness in space.
Archipelago Chain of islands.
Mainland The major land area of a continent.
Kami Gods and spirits.
Prince Shotoku A young leader who took power in Japan in 593.
Regent Someone who governs a country in the name of a ruler who is too young or otherwise unable to rule.
Constitution Plan of the government.
Minamoto Yoritomo The winner of his final battle.He also became the most powerful man in Japan.
Shogun Supreme military commander.
Daimyo Local land-owning lords.
Feudalism Aol social system in which lords grant people land or other rewards in exchange for military service.
Samurai Highly trained worriors.
Bushido This was a strict code of conduct that guided the behavior of Samurai.
Armada Large fleet of ships.
Typhoon Violent tropical storm.
Oda Nobunaga The first person who worked all his life to bring Japan "under a single sword".
Toyotomi Hideyoshi The second great leader who unified Japan in 1590.
Tokugawa Leyasu The third leader who united the country one more in 1600.
Created by: gisellet2
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