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Buen Viaje 3 Ch 6

el cultivo cultivate
el huracán hurricane
castigar to punish
el cacique chief
la cadena shackles
el/la ciudadano(a) citizen
el galeón ship
la toma the capture
apartado(a) distant
desfecto(a) hostile
dedicarse to devote oneself
emprender to undertake
hundirse to sink
rebosar to overflow
reposar to rest on
someterse to surrender
por poco almost
el arroz con frijoles rice with beans
el coco coconut
el casco de guayaba guava shell
el churrasco bbq
el/la dueño(a) owner
el queso blanco white cheese
descortés impolite
bien hecho(a) well done
lento(a) slow
listo(a) intelligent
quemado(a) well done
evitar to avoid
por colmo to make matters worse
el campeonato championship
el clavado dive(water)
la mira purpose
el/la nadador(a) swimmer
la natación swimming
la rutina libre freestyle
el torneo tournament
mundial worldwide
remozado(a) rejuvenated
zurdo(a) left-handed
encabezar to lead
integrar to integrate
realizar to realize
ubicarse to be located
ojalá i hope
el/la analfabeto(a) illiterate person
la cárcel prison
el conocimiento knowledge
la marginalidad marginality
la pizarra chalkboard
el recluso inmate
el sacapuntas pencil sharpener
conductual with regard to conduct
imprescindible indispensible
mediante by means of
proclive with tendency
requerible necessary
manejar to drive
Created by: apruhlljay
Popular Spanish sets




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