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Ortho - Hip

Hip biomechanics

Anterior/posterior tilt of the pelvis occurs in which plane and around which axis? sagittal plane, frontal axis
Lateral pelvic tilt occurs in which plane and around which axis? frontal plane, A-P axis
Anterior/posterior tilt results in what motions? flexion/extension
Lateral pelvic tilt results in which motions? abduction/adduction
Pelvic rotation occurs in which plane and around which axis? transverse, vertical axis
Pelvic rotation results in which hip motions? internal/external rotation
Coordinated hip/pelvis/spine motion is called what? The lumbopelvic rhythm
Toe touch requires ___ degrees of hip flexion and ___ degrees of lumbar flexion? 90, 45
What kind of joint is the hip? diarthrodial tri-axial ball and socket joint
What is the closed packed position of the hip? combined extension, internal rotation, and abduction
What is the open packed position of the hip? 30 degrees of flexion, 30 degrees of abduction, and slight ER
A capsular pattern in the hip results in gross limitation of what motions? flexion, IR, and some abduction
The acetabulum is made up of what three bones? ilium, ischium, and pubis
What direction does the acetabulum face? laterally, anteriorly, and inferiorly
What % of the head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum? 70
What is normal forward angulation? 12-15 degrees
Coxa vara is defined as? angulation < 120
Coxa Valga is defined as? angulation > 135
What is the angle of inclination? angle between the shaft and the neck of the femur
What is the normal angle of inclination? 125 degrees
What does coxa vara lead to? Genu Valgum
What does coxa valga lead to? Genu Varum
What condition lengthens the limb, reduces the effectiveness of the abductors, increases the load on the femoral head and reduces the load on the femoral neck? Coxa Valga
What condition shortens the limb, increases the effectiveness of the abductors, reduces the load on the femoral head and increases the load on the femoral neck? Coxa Vara
What is the angle of torsion? Relationship between femoral head and femoral condyles
What is the normal angle of torsion? 15 degrees
a decreased angle of torsion is called what? retroversion
An increased angle of torsion is called what? anteversion
Retroversion can lead to what? toe out(duck feet)
Anteversion can lead to what? toe in(pigeon toes)
Is the femoral neck inside or outside of the joint capsule? inside(intracapsular)
The iliofemoral ligament runs from the base of the ____ to the _________ _________. AIIS, Intertrochanteric Line
What is the strongedt ligament in the hip? Iliofemoral ligament
What does the iliofemoral ligament prevent? hyperextension in standing position
What ligament runs from anterior pubic ramus to anterior surface of the intertrochanteric fossa? Pubofemoral ligament
The pubofemoral ligament reinforces the fibrous capsule where? inferiorly and anteriorly
What ligament limits abduction and hyperextension? pubofemoral ligament
What ligament originates on the ischial portion of the acetabulum and spirals to the neck of the femur and base of the greater trochanter? Ischiofemoral ligament
What motion does the ishiofemoral ligament prevent? hyperextension of the hip
What motions does the ishiofemoral ligament resist? adduction and internal rotation
What ligament attaches to the acetabular notch and the transverse acetabular ligament to the pit in the head of the femur? Ligamentum teres
What ligament provides blood supply to the head of the femur(primarily in younger populaiton)? ligamentum teres
Normal hip flexion ROM is? 0-120
Normal hip extension is? 0-30
Normal hip internal and external rotation is? 0-45
Normal hip adduction is? 0-30
Normal hip abduciton is? 0-45
What are the primary movers in hip flexion? iliopsoas, sartorius, rectus femoris
What are the primary movers for hip extension? glut max, hamstrings
What are the primary movers for hip abduction? glut med and min
What are the primary movers for hip adduction? adductor longus/magnus/brevis
Created by: txst sum 2009
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