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Verb List I

to accompany accompagner
to help aider
to add ajouter
to light/turn on allumer
to bring apporter
to stop/arrest arrêter
to pull off/tear off/rip off/tear out/pull up arracher
to catch (literally & figuratively) attraper
to bathe baigner
to lower baisser
to chatter bavarder
to blame blâmer
to wound/hurt blesser
to shine briller
to break/smash briser
to brush brosser
to burn/be on fire brûler
to hide cacher
to break casser
to chat causer
to stop/cease (not arrêter) cesser
to sing chanter
to hunt/chase chasser
to warm/heat chauffer
to look for chercher
to command/order commander
to count/intend compter
to advise conseiller
to cut couper
to cost coûter
to shout crier
to dance danser
to tear déchirer
to breakfast/lunch déjeuner
to ask (for) demander
to live demeurer
to spend (money) dépenser
to wish/want (not vouloir) désirer
to draw dessiner
to divide diviser
to doubt douter
to last durer
to fail échouer
to burst éclater
to listen (to) écouter
to kiss embrasser
to prevent empêcher
to delight enchanter
to teach enseigner
to surround entourer
to wrap envelopper
to marry épouser
to sneeze éternuer
to astonish étonner
to study étudier
to wake (up) éveiller
to avoid éviter
to explain expliquer
to express/show/reveal exprimer
to manufacture fabriquer
to congratulate féliciter
to strike/knock frapper
to rub frotter
to smoke fumer
to earn/win gagner
to keep garder
to waste (sth, e.g. paper, water, food) gaspiller
to spoil/indulge (e.g. a child or pet) gâter
to slip/slide glisser
to taste goûter
to tell off/scold/reprimand (also to rumble, e.g. like thunder) gronder
to live in habiter
to hesitate hésiter
to not know/be unaware of ignorer
to interest intéresser
to swear jurer
to leave/let laisser
to praise/hire/rent louer
to lack/miss manquer
to walk/go marcher
to mix with (sb) mêler
to deserve mériter
to go up/climb/ascend monter
to show montrer
to name nommer
to order (both to command and to put in order) ordonner
to dare/have sufficient courage oser
to remove/get rid of (e.g. a stain) ôter
to forget oublier
to forgive pardonner
to speak/talk parler
to spoil/ruin (e.g. fun or a holiday or an opportunity) gâcher
to score (points/goals) marquer
Created by: Gwidion
Popular French sets




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