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sadlieroxford levelf

level f unit 9-15

abate to make less in amount, to subside, to nullify,to deduct.
adulation praise or flattery that is excessive
anathema an object of intense dislike, a curse or strong denunciation
astute shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom
avarice a greedy desire, particularly for wealth
culpable deserving blame, worthy of condemnation
dilatory tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt, intended to delay or postpone
egregious conspicious, standing out from the mass( used particularly in an unfavorable sense)
equivocate to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation, to be deliberatly vague or ambigous
evanescent vanishing, soon passing away, light and airy
irresolute unable to make up ones mind, hesitating
nebulous cloudlike, resembling a cloud, cloudy in color, not transparent, vague, confused, indistinct
novice one who is just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience
penury extreme poverty, barenness, insufficiency
pretentious done for show, striving to make a big impression, claiming merit or position unjustifiably, making demands on ones skill or abilities, ambitious
recapitulate to review a series of facts, to sum up
resuscitate to revive, bring back to consciousness or existence
slovenly untidy, dirty, careless
suppposition something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence
torpid inactive, sluggish, dull
accrue to grow or accumulate over time, to happen as a natural result
annotation a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work
bedlam a state or scene of uproar and confusion
covert hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret
debonair pleasant, courteous, lighthearted, smooth and polished in manner and appearance
dun to deman insistently, especially in payment of a debt, a creditor, dark, dull,drab,dingy
effacious effective, producing results
equanimity calmness,compusre,refusal to panic
fortuitous accidental, occurring by a happy chance
gist the essential part or main point or essence
gratuitous freely given, not called for by circumstances, unwarranted
imperious overbearing, arrogant, seeking to dominate, pressing, compelling
invective a strong denuciation or condemnation , abusive language, abusive, vituperative
motley showing great variety, composed of different elements or many colors
munificient extremly generous, lavish
procrastinate to delay, put off untill later
provocative tending to produce a strong feeling or response, acrousing desire or appetite, irritating, annoying
recondite exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding
reprobate a depraved vicious or unprincipled person,scoundrel, wicked, corrupt, or unprincipled, to disapprove of , condemn
sedentary characterized by or calling for continued sitting, remaining in one place
abstemious moderate, sparing(as in eating or drinking), characterized by abstinence and self-discipline
censurable deserving of blame or correction
contingent likely but not certain to happen, possible, dependent on uncertain events or conditions, happening by chance, a representative group forming part of a larger body
corroborate to confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify
denizen an inhabitant, resident, one who freguents a place
discursive passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling, roving, nomadic
disseminate to scatter or spread widely
dowdy poorly dressed , shabby, lacking smartness and good taste
florid highly colored, reddish, excessively ornate, showy
foist to impose by fraud, to pass off as worthy or genuine, to bring about by stealth , dishonesty or coercion
gauche awkward, lacking in social grace, tactless, clumsy
heresy an opinion different from accepted belief, the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred
inculcate to impress on the mind by repitition, teach persistently and earnestly
palpable capable of being touched or felt, easily seen, heard or recognized
perceptive having sympathetic insight or understanding, capable of keen appreciation
pernicious extremly harmful deadly fatal
salient leaping, jumping, or springing forth, prominent, standing out, conspicious, a projection or bulge , a land form that projects upward or outward
satiate to satisfy completly, to fill to excess,full
sear to make or become dry and withered, to char or scorch the surface of, to harden, unfeeling, singe
specious deceptive, apparantly good or valid but lacking real merit
absolve to clear from blame, responsibility or guil
caricature a representation especially a drwaing in which the subjeects feautres are exaggerated
clangor a loud ringing sound
contigous side by side touching near, adjacent in time
cupidity an eager desire for something, greed
deleterious harmful, injurious
enhance to raise to a higher degree, to increase the value or desirability of
enthrall to captivate, charm, hold spellbound, to enslave, to imprison
extenuate to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses
implicit implied or understood through unexpressed, without doubts or reservations, unquestioning
incisive sharp keen penetrating
ostentatious marked by conspicious or pretentious display, showy
paragon a model of excellence or perfection
paraphrase to restate in other words, a statement that presents a given idea in new language
politic prudent, shrewdly concieved and developed, artful
prosaic dull, lacking in distinction and originality
redundant extra, excess, more than is needed, wordy , repetitive
sanctimenious making a show of virtue or righteousness, moralistic, self righteous
scintillating sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant
winsome charming, attractive, pleasing ( often suggesting a childlike charm and innocence)
abet to encourage, assist, aid , support ( usually in something wrong)
aver to affirm, declare
blatant noisty , obvious
broach to bring up a subject, introduce
buttress to support or prop up, to strengthen
carousal noisy reverly or merrmaking
collate to compare critically in order to note differences , similarities
connoiseur an expert
disconsolate deeply unhappy or dejected, without hope
encumber to weigh down or burden, to fill up, block
foment to promote trouble or rebellion
grisly frightful, horrible, ghastly
herculean relating to herculese
impassive showing no feeling or emotion
inauspicious unfavorable, unlucky
incontrovertible unquestionalbe, beyond dispute
nonplussed puzzled, not knowing what to do , at a loss
opportune suitable or convenient for a particular purpose
prolific abundantly productive
rejoinder a reply to a reply
amenable willing to follow advice or authority
berate to scold sharply
carnage a large scale slaughter
credulous too ready to believe
criterion a rule, test, standard for evaluation
deplete to use up as a result of spending or consumption
expatiate to expand on, write or talk at length or in detail
extraneous coming from the outside, foreign
inception beginning, start, earliest stage
infirmity weakness or ailment
jejune lacking in nutritive value, interest, juvenile, immature
obdurate stubborn
potpourri a collection of diverse or msicellenous items
precocious early development
sadistic delighting in cruelty
sententious self righteous, moral
supplicate to beg earnestly
surfeit an excess or overindulgence(such in eating or drinking0
tortous winding, twisted, crooked, complex
turgid swollen, bloated
adamant firm in purpose or opinion
brouhaha a confused hodgepodge of sounds, an uproar, commotion
bulwark strong defense or protection
choleric easily made angry , bad tempered
cloy to spoil or destroy an appetite by too much indulgence
curtail to cut short , to bring to a halt or end sooner than expected
deference courteous , yeilding to the wishes of another
definitive conclusive, final
demeanor the way a person behaves
enigmatic puzzling, perplexing
impromptu without preparation, suddenly
mawkish excessivly sentimental
molify to soften, make gentle, pacify, to calm
onus something that is heavy or burdensome
presentiment a vague sense of approaching misfortune
profligate recklessly extravagant
remit to send or hand in , to cancel, to forgive, to pardon, to lessen, to diminsih, to put off
requisite needed , necessary, regared as essention
sartorial having to do with clothes
thwart oppose succesfully, prevent, frustrate
Created by: li24
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