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Head / Neck / Ab
Acupuncture Point Location
Question | Answer |
Shishencong | 4 pts at the vertex of the head, each 1 cun anterior, posterior and lateral to DU20 |
Yintang | Midway between the medial ends of eyebrows, @ inferior border of glabella |
Yuyao | Directly above pupil, at midpoint of eyebrow, in a depression in the frontal bone on supraorbital ridge |
Taiyang | In depression about 1 cun posterior to the midpont between outer canthus and lateral end of eyebrow |
Erjian | on the Apex of ear |
Bitong | @ top of nasolabial groove |
Biyan | Lateral to midline of the nose, between bone and cartilage at top of triangle |
Jin Jin (L) Yuye (R) | On the vein on both sides of frenulum of the tongue, JinJin (left) Yuye (right) |
Bailao | 2 cun above @ 1 cun lateral to GV14 |
Anmian | Midway between SJ17 and GB20 |
Liniao | On AML, halfway between umbilicus and upper border of pubis symphysis |
Dingchuan | .5 cun lateral to GV14 on Huatuo line |
UB1 | .1 cun medial and superior to the inner canthus of the eye |
UB2 | Superior to UB1, in a depression near the medial end of the eyebrow |
UB3 | directly abve UB2, .5 cun w/i hairline, level with DU24 |
UB4 | .5cun w/i hairline 1.5 lateral to DU24, 1/3 the dist btween Du24 and ST8 |
UB9 | 1.3 cun lateral to DU17 (1.5 above DU16) |
UB10 | 1.3 cun lateral to DU16 (level with BSP C1) |
GB1 | On lateral side of orbit, .5 lateral to outer canthus |
GB2 | In hollow btwn intertragic notch (post) and condyloid process (ant) |
GB3 | In hollow above Zygomatice arch, directly above ST7 |
GB8 | In slight depression 1 cun directly above apex of ear |
GB12 | In depression just posterior to mastoid process |
GB20 | midway between DU16 and the mastoid process |
GB24 | Directly below nipple in 7th ICS |
Ren 4 | 3 cun below umbilicus on AML |
REN6 | 1.5 below the umbilicus on AML |
REN8 | in the center of the umbilicus |
REN 12 | 4 cun above umbilicus on AML |
REN17 | AML, level with 4th ICS |
REN23 | on AML, in depression superior to the hyoid bone |
DU15 | On PML, level with BSP C1, .5 cun below DU16 |
DU16 | .5 cun superior to DU15, in a depression below the EOP |
DU20 | 7 cun superior to PHL and 5 cun posterior to AHL, on midline |
ST1 | Directly below pupil btween eyeball and infraorbital ridge |
ST2 | 1 cun below pupil, in a depression @ infraorbital foramen |
ST3 | Below ST2 level with border of Ala NAsi, lateral side of groove |
ST4 | LAteral corner of mouth, directly below ST3 |
ST5 | Anterior to angle of the mandible, ant border of the Masseter, in a depression |
ST6 | 1 fingerbreadth anterior/ superior to lower angle of mandible, teeth clenched, part sticks out most |
ST7 | Lower border of Zygomatic arch, depression anterior to condyloid process with mouth closed |
ST8 | .5 cun w/i AHL, corner of forehead, 4.5 cun from GV24 |
ST9 | Level with laryngeal prominence, just over the artery, anterior border of SCM |
ST10 | Midway between ST9 and ST11, anterior border of SCM |
ST11 | Superior border of sternal end of clavicle , between heads of SCM |
ST12 | Midpoint of supraclavicular fossa, 4 cun from midline |
ST18 | 5th ICS, 4 cun from midline |
ST21 | 4 cun above navel, 2 cun from CV12 |
ST25 | 2 cun lateral to navel (REN8) |
ST28 | 3 cun below navel, 2 cun from REN4 |
ST30 | 5 cun below navel, 2 cun from REN2 |
SJ16 | Post/ Inf to mastoid process, posterior border of SCM |
SJ17 | Post to earlobe, depression btwn mandible and mastoid |
SJ18 | Center of mastoid process, junc of middle and lower third of curve btwn SJ17 and SJ20, behind helix of ear |
SJ19 | Post to ear, junc of up/mid third of curve btwn SJ17 ad SJ20, behind helix |
SJ20 | Directly above ear apex, within hairline |
SJ21 | dep. ant to supratragic notch, slightly superior to condyloid process, mouth open |
SJ22 | Ant/ Sup to SJ21, level with root of auricle, post. border of hairline of temple |
SJ23 | Depression at lateral extremity of eyebrow |
SI16 | Neck, post. border of SCM, sup/post to LI18 |
SI17 | Post. to angle of mandible, in depression on Ant. border of SCM |
SI18 | Below outer canthus, depression on lower border of Zygoma |
LI17 | Lateral side of neck, posterior border of SCM, lateral to adam's applem @ midpoint on line between LI18 and ST12 |
LI18 | Level with Adam's apple, between heads of SCM |
LI19 | On upper lip right below lateral margin of nostril, level with DU26 |
LI20 | In nasolabial groove, level w/ mid point of ala nasi |
LV13 | LAt. side of abdomen, below free end of 11th rib |
LV14 | Directly below nipple, in 6th ICS |
KD16 | .5 cun lateral to navel |
KD25 | 2nd ICS, 2 cun from CV19 (AML) |
SP15 | 4 cun lateral to center of navel |
SP21 | On midaxillary line, 6 cun below axilla, at free end of 11th rib, in 6th or 7th ICS |
PHL to GV14 | 3 Cun |
PHL to GV20 | 7 Cun |
GV20 to AHL | 5 Cun |
PHL to AHL | 12 Cun |
AHL to Glabella | 3 cun |
Center of umbilicus (CV8) to Upper border of Pubis symphasis (CV2) | 5 Cun |
Center of umbilicus (CV8) to subcostal angle | 8 cun |
AML to LU2 | 6 cun |
AML to mamillary line | 4 cun |
PC1 | 4th ICS, 5 cun from midline |
GB26 | Directly below free end of 11th rib, where LV13 is located, at level of umbilicus |
Sanjiaojiu | Measure the person's smile, form equilateral triangle with umbilicus as apex |
Tituo | 4 cun lateral to REN4 |
Zigonxue | 4 cun below umbilicus, 3 cun lateral to midline |