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All Chpt 7 Vocab
All vocabulary from Expresate 7.1 and 7.2 combined
Spanish | English |
acabar de | to just have done something |
acostarse | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
antes de | before |
bañarse | to bathe |
la boca | mouth |
el brazo | arm |
la cara | face |
el cepillo de dientes | toothbrush |
despertarse | to wake up |
los dientes | teeth |
encontrar | to find |
entrenarse | to work out |
la espalda | back |
estar listo | to be ready |
estirarse | to stretch |
los hombros | shoulders |
el jabón | soap |
lavarse | to wash |
levantarse | to get up |
levantar pesas | to lift weights |
el maquillaje | makeup |
maquillarse | to put on makeup |
la nariz | nose |
la navaja | razor |
la pantorrilla | calf |
la pasta de dientes | toothpaste |
el pecho | chest |
peinarse | to comb your hair |
el peine | comb |
la pierna | leg |
el piyama | pajamas |
ponerse | to put on |
prepararse | to get ready |
¿Qué te falta hacer? | What do you still have to do? |
quitarse | to take off |
la secadora de pelo | hair dryer |
secarse | to dry |
la toalla | towel |
vestirse | to get dressed |
mantenerse en forma | to stay in shape |
¿Qué haces para relajarte? | What do you do to relax? |
¿Estás listo? ¿Qué te falta hacer? | Are you ready? What do you still have to do? |
¡Ay, no! Acabo de levantarme. Tengo que lavarme la cara antes de desayunar. | Oh, no! I just got up. I have to wash my face before I eat breakfast. |
¿Qué tienes que hacer para prepararte? | What do you have to do to get ready? |
Tengo que secarme el pelo, pero no encuentro la secadora de pelo. | I have to dry my hair, but I can't find the hair dryer. |
¿Cómo te mantienes en forma? | How do you stay in shape? |
Corro y levanto pesas. Me entreno las piernas y los brazos. | I run and lift weights. I work out my legs and my arms. |
Me entreno. También duermo la siesta o escucho música. | I work out. I also take a nap or listen to music. |
bajar de peso | to lose weight |
buscar un pasatiempo | to find a hobby |
la cabeza | head |
caminar | to walk |
el cuello | neck |
los dedos | fingers |
dejar de fumar | to stop smoking |
doler (ue) | to hurt |
enojarse | to get angry |
Es que | It's because/just that |
estar aburrido(a) | to be bored |
estar cansado(a) | to be tired |
estar contento(a) | to be happy |
estar enfermo(a) | to be sick |
estar nervioso(a) | to be nervous |
estar triste | to be sad |
el estómago | stomach |
la garganta | throat |
hacer yoga | to do yoga |
Le duele(n) | His (Her) ...hurt(s) |
las manos | hands |
Me duele(n) | My ...hurt(s) |
el oído | inner ear |
los pies | feet |
¿Qué te pasa? | What's wrong with you? |
¿Qué tiene ...? | What's the matter with ...? |
seguir(i) una dieta sana | to eat a balanced diet |
sentirse (ie) | to feel |
subir de peso | to gain weight |
¿Te duele algo? | Does something hurt? |
Te veo mal | You don't look well |
tener catarro | to have a cold |
demasiado(a) | too much |
dormir lo suficiente | to get enough sleep |
ni | neither |
no debes | you shouldn't |
Para cuidarte la salud debes... | To take care of your health, you should |
Para cuidarte mejor ... | To take better care of yourself |
tanta grasa | so much fat |
tanto(a) | so much, so many |
tanto dulce | so many sweets |
tener frío | to be cold |
tener calor | to be hot |
tener miedo | to be afraid |
tener sueño | to be sleepy |
tener _ años | to be _ years old |
tener hambre | to be hungry |
tener cuidado | to be careful |
¿Sabes qué? | You know what? |
Comes muy mal. No debes comer tanto dulce ni grasa. | You eat very badly. You shouldn't eat so many sweets nor so much fat. |
Para cuidarte mejor, debes dormir lo suficiente. | To take better care of yourself, you should get enough sleep. |
¿Por qué no te acuestas más temprano? | Why don't you go to bed earlier? |
No debes ver demasiada televisión. | You shouldn't watch too much television. |