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Mental Health

Catatonia immobility or rigidity
Stereotypy repetition of fixed patterns of movement and speech
psychomotor agitation excessive motor and cognitive activity, nonproductive
hyperactivity restless, agressive, destructive activity
psychomotor retardation slowed motor and cognitive activity
akathisia state of restlessness, urgent need for movement
ataxia irregularity or failure of muscle coordination upon movement
circumstantiality speech that is delayed in reaching the point, excessive and irrelevant details
tangentiality abrupt changing of focus to a loosely associated topic
perseveration persistent focus on a previous topic after a new topic of bejavior has been introduced
flight of ideas rapid shifts in thought
thought blocking interruption of a thought process before it is carried through to completion
loosening of associations disorder of logical progression of thoughts where unrelated and unconnected ideas shift from one subject to another
delusions false beliefs about external reality without an appropriate stimulus that cannot be explained by intelligence or cultre
compulsions need to act on specific impulses to relieve anxiety
obsessessions constitute persistent thought or feeling that cannot be eliminated by logical thought
concrete thinking characterized by actual things, events and immediate experience, inability to think abstractly
pressured speech rapdi and increased in amount, difficult to understand or interrupt
poverty of speech limited in amount, one word answers
nonspontaneous speech responses only when spoken to directly
expressive aphasia brocas, disturbance in which the individuals knows what he wants to say but cannot say it
receptive aphasia wernickes, loss of individuals ability to comprehend what has been said
nominal aphasia inability to name objects
global aphasia all forms of aphasia
hallucinations false sensory perceptions that are not inresponse to an external stimulus
illusions misperceptions or misinterpretations of real sensory events
agnosia inability to understand and interpret the significance of sensory input
visual agnosia inability to recognize people or objects
astereognosis inability to identify objects through touch
apraxia inability to carry out motor tasks in absence of sensory or motor impairment
adiadochokinesia inability to perform rapidly alternating movements
depersonalization subjective sensation of unreality about oneself or the environment
derealization subjective sense that environment is unreal
fugue state of serious depersonalization often involving travel or relocation and taking on a new identity
dissociation separation of group of mental or behavioral processes from the rest of the persons psychic activity
schizophrenia criterion A 2 or more, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms
schizophrenia criterion B disturbance in 1+ areas of function
schizophrenia criterion C continous signs for 6 months with 1 month that meet criterion A
positive symptoms excesses or distortions of normal function, disorganized or catatonic behavior
negative symptoms loss or absence of function restricted emotion (affect) difficulty in experiencing pleasure (anhedonia) decreased thought and speech (alogia) lack of energy and intiative inability to relate to others
schizphrenia paranoid preoccupation with one or more delusions auditory hallucinations fewer negative symptoms
schizophrenia disorganized marked regression-- primitive disinhibited and disorganized behavior
schizophrenia catatonic severe disturbances in motor behavior, stupor, negativism, rigidity, excitement, posturing
schizophrenia undifferentiated those who dont fit in another category
schizophreniform disorder meets criteria for schizophrenia, episode lasts more than 1 month but less than 6 months
schizoaffective disorder uninterrupted period of illness with depression, manic, or mized with concurrent symptoms of criterion A
delusional disorder non bizarre delusions with absence of other criterion A symptoms
brief psychotic disorder at least 1 day but less than 1 month of criterion A symptoms
Bipolar 1 disorder one or more manic episodes
Bipolar 2 disorder one or more major depressive episodes must be at least 1 hypomanic episode
dysthymia 2 years of depressed mood, not severe enough to meet symptoms for major depressive
cyclothymic 2 years with numerous periods of hypomanic and depressive symptoms that dont meeet criteria
Manic episode distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting at least 1 week
Manic symptoms inflated self esteem, dec need for sleep, more talkative than usual, flight of ideas, distractibility, inc in goal directed activity, psychomotor agitation, excessive involvement in pleasurable activity, dress, gambling, promiscuity, irritable, suicidal
Major depressive episode 2 week period of depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure
Major depressive symptoms depressed mood most of day diminished interest weight loss or gain insomnia or hypersomnia psychomotor retardation/agitation fatigue feeling of guilt/unworthy decreased ability to concentrate suicidal thoughts
substance dependence tolerance and withdrawal
panic attacks accelerated heart rate sweating trembling/shaking SOB feeling of choking chest pain/discomfort nausea dizzy, unsterady, lightheaded, faint derealization/depersonalization fear of losing control fear of dying paresthesias chills or hot flashes
Cluster A personality paranoid, schoizoid, schizotypal odd and eccentric
Cluster B personality antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic dramatic, emotional, and erratic
Cluster C personality avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive, NOS anxious and fearful
paranoid personality suspicous and distrust of others hostile, irritable, angry
schizoid personality social withdrawal, discomfort with interaction, eccentric, isolated, lonely
schizotypal personality odd or strange in thinking and behavior magical thinking, peculiar ideas, ideas of reference, illusions, and derealization
antisocial personality antisocial or criminal acts, inability to conform to social norms, no regard for safety or feelings of others, lack remorse
borderline personality unstable affect, mood, behavior, relationships, and self-image fear of real or imagined abandonment lead to frantic efforts to avoid it self-destructive or self-mutilating history of trauma
histrionic personality colorful, dramatic, extroverted inability to maintain deep long lasting attachments flamboyant presentation
narcissistc personality heightened sense of self-importance and grandiose feelings
avoidant personality extreme sensitivity to rejection great desire for companionship but think they are unworthy need strong and repeated guarantees of uncritical acceptance
dependent personality discomfort when alone lack self-confidence
obsessive compulsive personality orderly, perseverance, stubborn, indecisive perfectionist and inflexible
dementia disturbance of memory and cognitive aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, executive function
oppositional defiant disorder negativistc, hostile, defiant behaviors
conduct disorder desregard for rights of others leading to aggression and violent acts
autism impaired social interaction-- difficulty communicating-- stereotyped behaviors--
Social interaction symptoms for autism nonverbal, relating to others, lack of spontaneous social seeking behaviors, lack of social reciprocation
Communication symptoms for autism initiating having convo, lack of initiation, steretyped echolalia, lack of play
Repetitive stereotyped behaviors for autism nonfunctional routines repetitive motor actions restrictive fixation on parts of a whole rigid observance of nonfunctional routines or behavioral patterns
Aspergers difficulty with social interaction, restricted interest and behaviors, clumsiness, adequate language and the level of social interaction differs from autism
rett's syndrome deterioration of language, recpetive and expressive, social skills plateau at 6 month to 1 year level motor deterioration--loss of purposeful hand movements, hand wringing, licking, biting, slapping fingers muscle tone--hypotonic progresses to spastic
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