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Set 18

Public opinion polls scientific surveys aimed at gauging public preference of candidates and issues.
Simpson-Marzzoli Act (1987) act that resulted in more than 2 million illegal aliens who were living in this country since 1982 being allowed to apply for legal status.
Solid South dominance by the Democratic Party in the South following the Civil War. The Republicans made strong inroads when Ronald Reagan was elected President in 1980 and after the Republicans gained control of the Congress in 1994.
Sound bites 30- or 60-second statements by politicians aired on the evening news shows or Sunday morning talk shows.
Suffrage the right to vote guaranteed to African Americans in the Fourteenth Amendment and women in the Nineteenth Amendment.
Information superhighway a linked conglomerate of computer-generated information also known as the Internet.
Talking heads politicians who use sound bites or other means to present a superficial look at a policy position rather than an in-depth approach in explaining their views.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 made the Fifteenth Amendment a reality. As a result of this act, any state not eliminating the poll tax and literacy requirements would be directed to do so by the federal government. It also resulted in the establishment of racially gerrymandered congres
Campaign finance reform legislation aimed at placing limits on political candidates accepting money and gifts from individuals and special interest groups.
Elite and Class theory a group theory that revolves around an economic strata of society controlling the policy agenda.
Freedom of Information Act (1974) act that incorporates sunshine laws; opened up the government's meetings of record to the public and media.
Hyperpluralism is a group theory characterized by many interest groups vying for control resulting in a government that is tied up in gridlock (Hyperdemocracy).
Interest group a public or private organization, affiliation, or committee that has as its goal the dissemination of its membership's viewpoint.
Lobbyists the primary instruments of fostering a special interests group's goals to the policy makers. The term comes from people who literally wait in the lobbies of legislative bodies for senators and representatives to go to and from the floor of the legislature
Created by: tyjuang123
Popular American Government sets




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