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pharmocology-chapters 21-22

Produces a loss ofsensation, which also may be general, systemic, or localized ansthesia
Name the 4 stages of anesthesia: 1. Analgesia, 2. Delirum, 3. Surgical anesthesia, 4. Medullary Depression
Derivatives of barbituric acid and act by depressing the respiratory rate,blood pressure,and temperatureas well as the CNS barbiturates
The condition where larger and larger doses are needed to produce the desired effect tolerance
Habitual dependence on a substance that is beyond voluntary control addiction
Drugs derived from opium are known as: opiates
Drugs with action similar to those of opium, but not derived from opium are called: opioids
Name the 4 types of seizures: 1. tonic-clonic (grand-mal), 2. absence seizures (petit-mal), 3. complex partial seizures, 4. epileptic equivalents
A condition in which the patient requires continued use of a drug for proper functioning, and would experience withdrawl physical dependence
A syndrome that occurs when a drug dependent person discontinues the drug suddenly withdrawl
This stage of anesthesia begins when the anesthetic is administered and lasts until loss of consciousness: analgesia
This stage of anesthesia begins with loss of consciousness and extends to the beginning of surgical anesthesia; may be excitement and involuntary muscle activity: delirium
This stage of anesthesia lasts until spontaneous respiration ceases: surgical anesthesia
This stage of anesthesia begins with cessation of respiration and ends with circulatory collapse; the pupils are fixed and dilated: medullary depression
These seizures are often preceded by an aura and are characterized by a cry, loss of consciousness, and tonic-clonic movements; attacks last 2-5 min, may be followed by deep sleep; most severe: tonic-clonic (grand-mal)
These seizures are characterized by a quick loss of consciousness for only 1-30 seconds; may not be noticeable by others: absence seizres (petit-mal)
These seizures are characterized by by a brief loss of contact with the enviornment or by repetitive motions: complex partial seizures
These are episodes that resemble seizures may be caused by hypoglycemia, tetanus, poisoning, fluid overload, anaphylaxis, tremors, or drug withdrawl: epileptic equivalents
Created by: kduvall20
Popular Pharmacology sets




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