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PT Care test

Active exercise without any manual or mechanical assistance
Active resistive exercise against any maanual or mechanical resistance
Capsular patterrn indictes that a problem exists within that joint
Eccentric contraction lengthenin of a muscle as i develops tension and contracts to control motion-decelerates movement
Hypertrophy an incease in in cross-sectional size of a fiber cell
isokinetic exercise a form of active resistive exercise
passive exercise exerciseperformed on a person by manual or mechanical means; no voluntary muscle contraction occurs
PNF treatment that uses varous stimuli to affect the muscle or joint proprioceptors to facilltate or alter movement responses
Soft tissues tissues that lack bony or skeletal components; muscle, ligament, joint capsle, tendon,skin, and fascia
passive exercise preserves and maintins rangeof motion; minimizes contracture formation; minimizes adhesion formation; maintains mechanical elasticity of muscle; promotes and maintains loca circulation; promotes awareness of joint motion; evaluates joint integrity and mot
factors associated with selection of a wheelchair tpe and components disability;age,size, stature and weight;expected use;permanence;mental; prognosis
wheelchair type for hemiplegic seat is lowered 2"
wheelchair type for amputee rear wheel axles are positioned approximately 2 inches posterior (increase BOS)
seat height measur from heel to popliteal fold add 2" for clearance of foot rest
seat depth measure post buttock to popliteal fold subtract 2 inches - void pressure from edge of seat
seat width measure widest aspect of butts, hips, or thighs and add 2"
back height measure from seat of chair to floor of axila shouler flexed to 90 degrees, subtracht 4" ensure seat cushion is in place
armrest height measure from seat to the chair to the olecranon process with user elbow flexed to 90 degrees, add 1". use seat cushion
value of proper body mechanics coserve energy,redusce strain on soft tissue,balance,efficient respiratory
mechanical advantage length of force arm is increased - resistance is decreased
Restraint (drug) medication used to control behavior
Restrain (physical) method - manual - physical - echanical that restricts freedom of movement
supine prominences occiput, spine of scapula, inferior angle of scapula, spinous process, posterior illiac crest, sacrum, medial epicondyle of humerus;heel,g. trocanter,head of fibula, ankles,
prone forehead,ear,acromion,sternum,iliac spine,humeral head,patella,tibia ridge,foot dorsum
side-lye ear,ribs,acromion,humerus,m. epicondyle hum,g. trocant,m. lat femur e. condyles, ankle of fib and tib
supine contractures hip and knee flexors, ankle plantar flexors, should extensors,add,and int rotators,hip ext rotators
prone contractures ankle plantar flexors, shoulder INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ROT, extensors,adductors, neck rotators,
side lying hip and knee flexors, hip adductors and internal rotators, shoulder adductors iand internal rotators
sitting contractures hip and knee flexors, hip adductors and internal rotators, shoulder adductors, extensors, and internal rotators
precautions for pt positioning folds beneath pt,skin color,pressure,support,mental status
Transfermoral amputation avoid hip ab,recomend hip extention, periodic prone position
transtibial amputation avoid elevation of RL, maintain knee in ext
hemiplegia position avoid shoulder add,int rot;,elb flex,forearm sup or pron, wrist,finger or thumb flex, and thumb add
hemiplegia position upper extremity shoud be positioned in varying amounts of shoulder abduct,ext,ext rot,
draping modesty,body temp,access,protect clothing
autolysis disintegration of cells or tissues by the enzymes of the body
chest physical therapy (CPT) gravity-assisted bronchial drainage
debridement removal of devitalized tissues from or adjacent to a traumatic or infected lesion to expose healthy tissue.
epithelialization healing by the growth of epithelium over a denuded surface
erythema redness of skin caused by congestion of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin
eschar dry scab;devitalized tissue
exudate fluid with a high composition of protein and cellular debris that has escaped from bllod vessels and is deposited in tissues or on tissue surface
granulation any granular material on the surface of a tissue, membrane, or organ
induration quality of being hard; abnormal firmness of tissue with a definite margin
lymphedema functional overload of the lymphatic system in which lymph volume exceeds transport capabilities resulting in obstructed lymph flow
maceration softening of a solid or tissue by soaking
necrosis cell death
slough mass of dead tissu, cast out from living tissue
sterile aseptic, no microorganisms
ulcer proudced by sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue
Goal of wound care and management protect from trauma,reduce strain,reduce pathogeic microrg,expedite healing,decrease scar tissue
Wound mgment stage 1 red does not blanch when pressure is appliedrelieve pressure,keep clean,avoid shear forces
Wound mgment stage II,III granulation/nondraining - maintain moist wound bed - exudate at stage III
Wound mgment stage II,III granulation/drainingexudate at stage III
Wound mgment stage IV Necrotic/nondraining - remove dead tissue
Wound magment stage IV Necrotic/draining - remove dead tissue
Wound mgment II III V stages Infected wound,protect surrounding tissue, absorb exudate; contain infection
Debridement Mechanically, chemically, or autolysis
Created by: donald_dino
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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