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Unit 4 Mujer Presa
Question | Answer |
absurdo | absurd |
aconseja | advises |
afortunado | lucky |
antiguo | antique |
apuesta (apostar) | bets |
atiende a uno | helps someone |
castigar | to punish |
crece | grows |
cuyo | whose |
de esa manera | in that way |
de todos modos | anyways |
disfrazado | disguised |
distinto | different |
el barrio | neighborhood |
el juez | judge |
el payaso | clown |
en lugar de | instead of |
está desilusionado | is disappointed |
fingir (yo finjo) | pretend |
fracasar | to fail |
grandote | huge |
hallar | to find |
la autoridad | authority |
la guardia | the guard |
la juventud | youth |
la linterna | flashlight |
la niñez | childhood |
le falta | lacks/needs |
le quedan | has left over |
librarse | to get free |
los detalles | details |
los muebles | furniture |
lujoso | luxurious |
maldito | darn |
meditar | meditate |
merece | deserves |
meterse a (ladrón) | to become a (thief ) |
no le conviene | that isn’t good for him |
no obstante | however |
para que + subj | in order to |
para que | in order that |
peligroso | dangerous |
pillar | to catch in act |
planear | to plan |
por lo tanto | therefore |
preso | imprisoned |
se cansa de | gets tired of |
se equivoca | makes a mistake |
se fija en | notices |
se le cae el pelo | loses his hair |
se muda | moves |
se quedó calvo | became bald |
un cómplice | accomplice |
un hoyo | hole |
un taladro | drill |
una carrera | a race |
una gorra | ball cap |
una herencia | inheritance |