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Ana - Ch 9

chapter 9

There are about ______ different muscles making up the human body. 600
Muscles make up ____ to ____ of the body's weight 40% to 50%
Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal muscles are all derived from ________ mesoderm Embryonic
The individual muscle cell is often referred to as a ________ fiber Muscle
Our muscles are not actively undergoing ____ until we die, They reproduce for only a short time after _____ Mitosis - Birth
The process ofl osing muscle tissue and replacing it with connective tissue is called Atrophy
The most abundant type of muscle in the body is_______ muscle Skeletal
_____ is the energy molecule used to provide power for muscle contractions ATP
______ muscle has rapid, short term contractions. Skeletal
Characteristics of smooth or visceral muscle Involuntary - contracts slowly & maintains a long period of contraction - Each muscle cell does not have to be individually stimulated
Skeletal muscle tissue is characterized as being Striated - Voluntary - and contain many nuclei
_______ electrically insulates muscle fibers from each other. Endomysium
______ is a source of glucose for cellular respiration in mucsle cells Glycogen
Energy for muscle contraction is directly supplied by ATP
______ is where the cross bridge flexes, pulling the filament inward toward the center of the sarcomere Powerstroke
The correct sequence of structures starting with the outside moving inward is Whole muscle - Fascicles - Muscle fiber - myofibril - myofilament
_________ is the most immediately available source of energy for rebuliding ATP within muscle cells Creatine-phosphate
The connective tissue which immediatley surrounds a muscle is ________ Epimysium
The connective tissue ______ divides the muscle into fascicles. Perimysium
Bundles of muscle cells within the muscle are Fascicles
Our entire skeletal muscle is covered with connective tissue called Epimysium
The more fixed end of attachment of muscle to bone is the Origin
The striations seen in skeletal muscles are formed by overlapping _____ and ____ filaments Actin - Myosin
Each muscle cell has a cell membrane called the Sarcolemma
The form of hemiglobin in muscle cells is Myoglobin
Hundreds of thousands of ____ make up a single muscle fiber Myofibrils
The region of the myofibril between the two z lines that is the contractile unit of a muscle cell is called a Sacromere
The thin contractile protein in a myofibril is Actin
______ attach muscle to bone Tendons
The movement of the myofilaments in a muscle is what actaully produces the muscle ___ Contraction
Each end of a _____ is marked with a Z disc Saromere
The bands within a muscle fiber which contain only actin filaments are the ___ bands I
The bright red color of skeletal muscle is due to ______ Myoglobin
The plasma membrane if a muscle is the ______ Sarcolemma
The regions of a sarcomere where actin and myosin overlap is the ___ band A
The tail is the part of the myosin molecule that has a hinge which allows vertical movement so that the cross bridge can bind to____ Actin
The two kinds of myofilaments foudn within a muscle cell are _____ and _____ Actin - Myosin
_____ does NOT allow the tropomyosin to move over, exposing the myosin binding sites on actin ATP
_____ has binding sites that myosin can attach too Actin
ATP is required in muscle contractions to transport _____ back to the terminal Ca++
During contraction of skeletal muscle fibers, Ca++ binds to the protein called Troponin
After the vesicles of Kuhne rupture, the correct sequence of events is - 1.Ach pours out - 2.ACh bonds to receptor sites on the sarcolemma 3. the sarcolemma begins to depolarize
The movement of sodium ions causes _______ of the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber after neural stimulation at the myoneural junction. Depolarization
binding sites for ATP and _____ are the two important binding sites found on the cross bridge of myosin Actin
______ is NOT a part of the thin filament Myosin
The two main types of protein found within the muscle fiber which are responsible for contraction are Actin - Myosin
Characteristics of myosin Thick filaments - composed of proteins - attaches to actin
Characteristics of Actin Thin Filaments - composed of protein - attaches with myosin to cause muscle contraction and relaxation
Actin and Myosin are normally inhibited from bonding to each other by Troponin/tropomyosin
The 2 heads are part of the Myosin molecule that is called the Cross bridge
The _______ is the part of the myosin molecule that provides the power stroke for muscle contraction Cross bridge
_____ covers the cross bridge binding sites on actin Tropomyosin
Contraction and relaxation of a muscle will continue as long as the concentration of ____ remains high enough to inhibit troponin,troposin from rejoining actin, and ATP is available Calcium
_____ is responsible for uncovering the cross bridge binding sites on the actin molecule when Ca++ is present Troponin
When Ca++ binds to _____ and attaches to tropomyosin it causes the tropomyosin molecule to expose the actin binding sites Troponin
The action potential is carried deep within the muscle fiber by way of the T-tubule
The bonding of actin to myosin activates an enzyme called ATpase
The space between a nerve and muscle tissue it is innervating is called the _____ junction Neuromyscular/myoneural
The specific place where a motor neuron stimulates a muscle cell is a _____ junction Neuromusclar
The sarcoplasmic veticulum is made of specific parts called terminal cisternae and Longitudinal portion
A group of one T-tubule lying between adjacent terminal cisternae forms a Triad
Invaginations of the sarcolemma that project deep in the cell are T- tubules
The theory of how muscle actaully contract is known as the _________ theory Sliding filament
Sac-like regions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that contain calcium ions are Terminal cisternae
The interconnecting tubules of endoplasmic reticulum that surrounds each myofibril are Sarcoplasmic reticulum
When action potential is sent down the sarcolemma and it is carried wihin the muscle fiber, it causes_______ to leave the pores of sarcolemma and move inward Ca - Calcium
The ______________ is the specific site where a nerve fiber makes contact with a muscle cell Neuromuscular junction
The expanded, sac-ike portions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum where most of the calcium is stored are known as the ______ or _________ Ternimal Cisternae / Lateral Sac
During the contraction of skeletal muscle __ discs move closer together Z
The loss of muscle mass from disuse is Atrophy
The two main structures that are abundanat at the terminal end of a axon are _______ and vesicles of _______ Mitrochondria - Kuhne
We get the majority of our energy molecules from Aerobic resperation
In order for a muscle to relax calcium must be absorbed and _____ must be available ATP
The charge on the outer side of our muscle cell membrance is is not always______ Positive
The specific event that causes the motor end plate to becomedepolarized and an action potentail to be initiated on the sarcolemma is _______ binds to receptor sites on the motor end plate Acetylocholine
Skeletal muscle cells are _______ cells with _____ and have multiple ______ around the periphery of the cell unbranched - striations - nuclei
When an action potential is propagated down the sarcolemma it causes the muscle fiber to Deploarize
If a posion inhibits the activity of acetylcholinesterase, a muscle may be unable to Relax
It is impossible to get muscle to contract again if the same stimulus is applied while the muscle is in the ________ phase Refractory
The resting membrane potential is a nerve due mainly to the outward diffusion of K+ - potassium
After the synaptic vesicles repture this is the correct sequence of events - 1. ACH pours out 2. ACH bonds to receptor sites on the sarcolemme 3.The sarcolemma begins to depolarize
Thin filaments slide past the thick filaments and the sarcomere shortens. This is called the Sliding filament theory
All of the following are effects of exercise 1. increased respiration - 2. increased ciculation 3. increased body temperature
The region within a sarcomere where actin from adjacent sarcomeres connect is the ___ line Z
The cell membrane pores of our excitable tissues are lined with positively charged _____ ions Calcium
The specific event that causes calcium ions to be released from the terminal cisternae is ____ potentail arrives at the muscle cell Action
The specific event that causes acetylcholine to be released into the synaptic cleft is ________ of synaptic vesicles Exocytosis
The specific event that stimulates the synaptic vesicles to fuse the axon membrane is the ______ ion influx into the ____ terminal Calcium - Axon
The events of muscle contraction are 1.Calcium ions are released from terminal cysternae - 2.cALCIUM IONS BIND TO TROPONIN - 3. Tropomyosin moves away from the muosin binding
The events of muscle contraction in the correct order - 1. Action potential arrives at the axon terminal. 2. The motor end plate becomes deplorized. 3. Synaptic vesicles fuse to the membrane of axon terminal 4. Acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft.
continued 5. Action potential is initiated on the sarcolemma. 6. Action potential propagates along the sarcolemma and down the T-tubules
As long as ACH remains on the sarcolemma depolarization cannot occur (FALSE) FALSE
The charge on our cell membrane is created maily by the distribution of all the followinf EXCEPT Sodium
A stimulus that is less than what is needed to cause contraction is Sub threshold
Most ______ muscles work in pairs Skeletal
After a muscle fiber has exhausted its store of ATP and creatine phosphate it switched to_________ as a form of energy Anaerobic
Your _____ muscle is composed of many motor units Biceps
Our_____ muscle does not respond to the principal all or none Biceps
A group of muscle cells innervated by a single neuron is called a Motor unit
A ______ unit is a one nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers innervated by it/ Motor
A _____ units responds to the prinicpal all or none Motor
All motor units do not have the same Threshold
Calcium ions are actively transported back into terminal cisternae during the phase of muscle twitch called _______ period Relaxation
The specific meurotransmitter that is released from the terminal end of an axon is Acetylcholine - ACH
An oxygen debt is created when the body carries out ________ respiration Anaerobic
The strength of a muscle contraction is determined by the _______ of motor units stimulated, the ______ of the stimulus, and the _______ of the stimulus Number - strength - frequency
During the ______ perios of muscle twitch the sarcolemma and t- tubules depolarize Latent
During the ______ period of muscle twitch the myosin cross bridge cycling causes sarcomeres to shorten Contractile
During the _____ period of muscle twitch the muscle returns to its original length Relaxation
_______________ is usually the result of anaerobic respiration resulting in the build up of lactic acid Muscle fatigue
Characteristics of fast twitch fibers in Skeletal muscle Higher fatigability - fewer mitrochondria - fewer capillary content
Myosin and actin filaments do not _____ during muscle contraction Shorten
In _____ the muscle relaxes totally between stimulations Treppe
When muscle stays contracted with no apparent relaxation it is Complete tetanus
Tiny impulses coming from the spinal column. whinch constantly stumulate a few of our muscles creates _________ Muscle tone
The type of muscle contraction in which the tension remains the same but the length of the muscle changes which allows work to be done is Isotonic
In ______ the strength of contractions decreases with eah stimulation Fatigue
___________ is the energy production pathway that is the most important in the activity of warming up Cratine Phosphate
When a 2nd stimulus of the same intensity is applied to a muscle before the completion of the relaxation period of the 1st stimulus resulting in increased muscle tension it is called Tempral Summation
Aerobic respiration yields ____ atp molecules 36
When there is not enough oxygen to create ATP by aerobic respiration a muscle fiber can produce ATP by borrowing phosphate groups from Creatine Phosphate
Anaerobic muscle cell respiration produces _______ from pyruvic acide when oxygen is unavailable for aerobic respiratory use Lactic acid
The _____ cycle and oxidative phosphorylation occur in the _____ of muscle cells Krebs - mitrochondria
The end product of the glycolytic pathway is 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid
The _____ cycle and _____ phosphorylation are capable of generating the greatest quanity of ATP Krebs - Oxidative
The Krebs cycle and Oxidative phosphorylation are the energy production pathways most imoirtant in the activity of jogging for a long distance
_______ capillaries are characteristics of slow twitch muscle fibers Many
_____ quanities of myoglobin are characteristics of slow twitch muscle fibers Large
White fibers are also called Fast twitch muscle fibers
Red fibers are also called Slow twitch muscle fibers
________ are capable of prolonged activity Slow twitch muscle fibers
ATP, mainly from glycolysis is the primary energy source in Fast twitch muscle fibers
Groups of muscle cells innervated by one motor neuron are Motor units
The ____ cycle and oxidative phosphorylation are the enegy production pathways most important in the activity of postural muscle tone Krebs
The inability to maintain tension in a muscle even when all the motor units are firing is Muscle fatigue
A common cause od muscle fatigue is the accumulation of Lactic acid
_______ is the energy production pathway that is most important in the activity of very fast sprinting for a short distance Glycolysis
The stimluation of additional motor units for increased strength of contraction is Recruitment
The function of asynchronous muacle contraction is to maintain Muscle tone
A muscle would become ______if all the motor neurons to that muscle are cut Flaccid
A weak spot in the msucle wall that allow the unerlying viscera to protrude through is referred to as a Hernia
An involuntary continous contraction without relaxation is a Muscle Cramp
Muscle A contains 15,000 muscle cells and 50 motor neurons -- how many muscle cells are in each motor unit 300 - 15,0000 / 50
Muscle A has 15,0000 muscle cells and 50 motor neurons - Muscle B has 3,000 cells and 300 motor neurons - Which would be expected to contract with precise control as eye movement B
Created by: Pam7209



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