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GRE Roots


a/an Not, without
ab off, away from, apart, down
able/ible Capable of, worthy of
ac/acr sharp, bitter, sour
act/ag to do, to drive, to force, to lead
acou hearing
ad to, toward, near
al/ali/alter other, another
am love
ambi/amphi both, on both sides, around
ambl/ambul to go, to walk
anim of the life, mind, soul, breath
annui/enni Year
ant/ante before
anthro/andro man, human
anti against, opposite
apo away
aqua/aque water
arch/archi/archy chief, principal, ruler
ard to burn
auto self
be about, to make comment to surround, to affect
bel/bell beautiful
bell war
ben/bene good
bi/bin two
bon/boun good, generous
brev/brid short, small
burs purse, money
cad/cid to fall, to happen by chance
cant/cent/chant to sing
cap/capit/cipit head, headlong
cap/cip/cept to take to get
card/cord/cour heart
carn flesh
cast/chast to cut
caus/caut to burn
ced/ceed/cess to go, to yield to stop
celler speed
cent hundred, hundredth
centr Center
cern/cert/cret/crim/crit two separate, to judge, to distinguish, to decide
chrom color
chron time
circu/circum around
cis to cut
cla/clo/clu to shut, to close
claim/clam to shout, to cry out
cli to lean toward
co/col/com/con with, together
cogn/conn to know
contra/contro/counter Against
corp/cors body
cosm order, universe, world
cour/cur running, a course
cre/cresc/cret to grow
cred to believe, to trust
crypt hidden
cub/cumb to lie down
culp fault, blame
dac/doc to teach
de away, off, down, completely, reversal
dele to erase
dem people
dext right hand, right side, deft
di day
di/dia through in two across
di/dif/dis away from, part, reversal, not
dic/dict/dit to say, to tell, to use words
dign worth
dog/dox opinion
dol to suffer, to pain, to grieve
don/dot/dow to give
dorm to sleep
dors back
dub doubt
duc/duct to lead
dulc sweet
dur hard, lasting
dys faulty, abnormal
e/ex out, out of, from, former, completely
ego self
em/en in, into
epi upon
equ equal, even
err to wander
esce becoming
eu good, well
extra outside, beyond
fab/fam to speak
fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy To do, to make
fal to err, to deceive
fatu foolish
fer to bring, to carry, to bear
ferv to boil, two bubble
fi/fid faith, trust
fin end
flagr/flam to burn
flect/flex to bend, to turn
flu/flux to flow
fore before
fort chance
fort strength
fra/frac/frag/fring to break
fug to flee, to fly
fulg to shine
fum smoke
fus to pour
gen birth, creation, race, kind
gn/gno to know
grad/gress to step
gram/graph to write, to draw
grat pleasing
greg flock
hap by chance
hemi half
her/hes to stick
hetero different, other
hol whole
hom same
hum earth
hyper over, excessive
hypo under companies, less than
icon image, idol
idio one's own
in/im in, into
in/im not, without
inter between among
intra inside, within
it/iter way, journey
ject to throw, to throwdown
joc joke
join/jug/junct to meet, to join
jour day
jud judge
jur law, to swear
juv young
lang/ling language
laud praise, to honor
lav/lau/lu to wash
lax/leas/les Loose
lec/leg/lex to read, to speak
lect/leg to select, to choose
lev to lift, to raise, light weight
li/lig to time, to blind
liber free
lith stone
loc/log/loqu word, speech, thought
luc/lum/lus light brightness
lud/lus to play
macro great, long
mag/maj/max big, great
mal/male bad, ill, evil, wrong
man/manu hand
mand/mend to command, to order, to entrust
medi middle
mega large, great
micro very small
min small
min to project, to hang over
mis bad, wrong, to hate
mis/mit to send
misc mixed
mob/mom/mot/mov to move
moll soft
mon/monit to remind, to warn
mon/mono one
mor/mort death
morph shape
mult many
mut to change
nat/nas/nai/gna birth
nau/nav ship, sailor
nihil nothing, none
noc/nox harm
noct/nox night
nom rule, order
nom/nym/noun/nown name
non not
nounc/nunc to announce
nov/neo/nou new
null nothing
ob Toward, two, against, over
omni all
oner burden
oss/oste bone
pac/peac peace
palp to feel
pan/pant all, everyone
par equal
para next to, beside
pas/pat/path feeling, suffering, disease
pau/po/pov/pu few, little, poor
pec money
ped child, education
ped/pod foot
pel to drive, to push
pen/pene almost
pen/pun to pay, to compensate
pend/pens to hang, to weight, to pay
per Completely
peri around
pet/pit to go, to see, to strive
phil love
phob fear
phon sound
photo light
plac too please
ple/plen to fill, full
plex/plic/ply to fold, twist, tangle, or bend
poly many
pon/pos/pound to put, to place
port to carry
post behind, after
pot to drink
pre before, and front
prehend/prise to take, to get, to seize
pri/prim first
pro in front, before, much, for
prob to prove, to test
prop/prox near
prot/proto first
pseud/pseudo false
pug to fight
punc/pung/poign to point, to prick, to Pierce
pyr fire
quad/quar/quat four
que/quis to seek
quie/quit quiet, rest
quin,quint five
raci/radi root
rami branch
re back, again
rect straight, right
reg King, rule
retro backward
rid/ris to laugh
rog to ask
rub/rud red
rud crude
sacr/sanct holy
sag/sap/sav taste, thinking, discerning
sal salt
sal/sil/sault/sult to leap, to jump
salu health
salv to save
san healthy
sang blood
sat enough
sci to know
scribe/script to write
se apart, away
sec/sequ/sue/sui to follow
sed/sess/sid to sit, to settle
sem seed, to sow
semi half
sen old
sens/sent to feel, to be aware
sin/sinu bend, fold, curve
sol alone
sol sun
sol to loosen, to free
somn sleep
soph wisdom
sour/surg/surrect to rise
spect/spic to look, to see
spir breath
sta/sti to stand, to be in place
strict/string/stran to tighten, to bind
sua sweet, pleasing, to urge
sub/sup below, under
summ highest, total
super/sur over, above
sym/syn together
tac/tic to be silent
tact/tag/tam/tang to touch
tain/ten/tent/tin to hold
tend/tens/tent/tenu to stretch, to thin
test to bear witness
theo God
therm heat
tim fear
tor/torq/tort To twist
torp stiff, numb
tox poison
tract to drag, to pull, to draw
trans across, beyond
ult beyond, last
umbr shadow
un not
und wave
uni/un one
urb city
us/ut to use
vail/val strength, use, worth
ven/vent to come or to move toward
ver truth
verb word
verd green
vers/vent to turn
vi life
vid/vis to see
vil base, mean
viru poison
voc/vok call, word
vol wish
volu/volv to roll, to turn
vor to eat
Created by: jlahr
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