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ECE1 Learning Target

ECE1 Learning Targets

StandardLearning Target
ET-ECE-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry. 1. I am actively demonstrating the skills I will need to be employed in business, such as communication, problem solving, and professional image.
1.1 Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonal abilities. 1.1 I can communicate professionally in many modes: face to face, in writing, online, in interactions with others, and when expressing myself.
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with multiple approaches to ask challenging questions resulting in innovative procedures, methods, and products. 1.2 I ask questions when I need clarification, and I creatively solve problems using various processes, methods, and products.
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills to locate, analyze, and apply information in career planning and employment situations. 1.3
1.4 Model work readiness traits required for success in the workplace including integrity, honesty, accountability, punctuality, time management, and respect for diversity.
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to be productive in a changing, technological, and diverse workplace to be able to work independently, interpret data, and apply team work skills.
1.6 Present a professional image through appearance, behavior, and language.
ET-ECE-2 Examine how related student organizations are integral parts of career and technology education courses through leadership development, school and community service projects, and competitive events. 2. I will examine how Student Organizations like FCCLA are important parts of Career Technical courses through leadership development.
2.1 Research the history of FCCLA and/or FEA.
2.2 Discuss the mission, purpose, motto, colors, official dress and other distinguishing characteristics of FCCLA
2.3 Explain how participation FCCLA and/or FEA can promote lifelong responsibility for community service and professional growth and development.
2.4 Create a personal leadership plan to participate in programs, conferences, community service and competitive events on the local, state, and national level that align with the competencies, skills and knowledge of this course.
ET-ECE-3 Analyze career paths within early childhood education and care. 3. I can analyze career paths within and related to Early Childhood Education and Care.
3.1 Describe career opportunities in early childhood care and education.
3.2 Explore opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors. Examine a variety of early childhood care and education settings.
3.3 Review the CDA Resource file requirements and begin assembly of a portfolio for this pathway.
ET-ECE-4 Identify the role of professionalism in early childhood care and guidance. 4. I will identify the role of Professionalism in Early Childhood Care and Guidance.
4.1 Identify personal characteristics required of an early childhood professional.
4.2 Summarize professional codes of ethical conduct.
4.3 Recognize skills and dispositions necessary to communicate and work in a team environment.
4.4 Analyze strategies to build rapport with families to provide support and aid in solving problems.
4.5 Examine early childhood care and education professional organizations.
ET-ECE-5 Examine the Theories of Human Development. 5. I will examine and explore the Theories of Human Development
5.1 Describe how major theories of human development provide a basis for planning an environment and activities that are developmentally appropriate.
5.2 Research and explain human development theories: cognitive, psychosocial, psychoanalytical, and behaviorist.
5.3 Analyze the impact of heredity and environment on the developing child.
5.4 Investigate major child development theorist and theory contributions to the field of early childhood education.
5.5 Discuss the impact of human development theories on the evolution of early childhood care and learning.
ET-ECE-6 Explore prenatal development and the growth, development, and care of the infant. 6. I can explore Prenatal Development and the Growth, Development and care of the Infant.
6.1 Discuss the importance of prenatal care and proper nutrition for mother and child.
6.2 Examine the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco on the unborn child.
6.3 Identify environmental hazards and their effect on mother and child.
6.4 Discuss genetics and common genetic disorders.
6.5 Analyze the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of the infant.
6.6 Determine strategies that promote the health and safety of an infant.
6.7 Analyze recent research in brain development.
ET-ECE-7 Explore the growth, development, and care of the toddler. 7. I can explore the Growth, Development and Care of the Toddler
7.1 Analyze the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of the toddler.
7.2 Determine strategies that promote the health and safety of toddler, including those with special needs.
ET-ECE-8 Explore the growth, development, and care of the preschool child. 8. I will explore the Growth, Development and Care of the Preschool Child.
8.1 Analyze the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of the preschool child.
8.2 Determine strategies that promote the health and safety of the preschool child, including those with special needs.
ET-ECE-9 Survey the growth and development of the school age child, 6-12 years of age. 9. I can survey the Growth and Development of the School Aged Child, 6-12 years of age.
9.1 Analyze the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of the school age child.
9.2 Discuss strategies that promote the health and safety of the school age child, including those with special needs.
ET-ECE-10 Identify techniques for positive collaborative relationships with children. 10. I can identify techniques for positive collaborative relationships with children.
10.1 Explain the components of effective communication with children. I can explain the components of effective communication with children.
10.2 Examine guidance approaches that include modeling, behavior modification, and cognitive and psychoanalytic approaches.
10.3 Determine developmentally appropriate practices that promote self-discipline.
10.4 Distinguish guidance strategies, including direct and indirect, that promote positive behavior in children.
10.5 Determine the impact of physical punishment, threats and other negative guidance on children.
10.6 Examine the impact of supervision on children’s learning.
10.7 Discuss principles for working with children displaying negative behavior.
ET-ECE-11 Determine components of a well-organized, developmentally appropriate learning environment.
11.1 Identify ways that the activity/interest centers and learning stations enhance the development of children.
11.2 Describe and set up activity/interest centers and learning stations within the environment.
11.3 Describe the role of play as a basis for learning in infant, toddler, preschool, and elementary age children.
11.4 Examine the teacher’s role in play environments.
11.5 Evaluate appropriate indoor and outdoor play environments for various age groups.
11.6 Design an early childhood classroom that promotes a healthy and safe physical and psychological environment that promotes development and learning.
11.7 Evaluate strategies to adapt the learning environment for children with special needs.
ET-ECE-12 Examine program management and curriculum in early childhood education and care.
12.1 Demonstrate the ability to identify children’s needs, interests, and abilities.
12.2 Research and compare ways to develop program philosophies, goals, and objectives.
12.3 Examine a variety of curriculum and instructional models.
12.4 Research criteria for creating an age appropriate curriculum.
12.5 Identify the components of a lesson plan.
12.6 Examine formats for monthly, weekly, and daily lesson plans.
12.7 Critique evaluation criteria for the lesson.
12.8 Describe essentials of effective record keeping.
ET-ECE-13 Incorporate diversity throughout early childhood education and care.
13.1 Examine practices that include, but are not limited to, multicultural and linguistic diversity in early childhood care and education.
13.2 Examine practices to include learning diversities in early childhood care and education.
13.3 Investigate developmentally appropriate materials, lessons, and activities that promote children’s respect for diversity.
Created by: lisa.bates
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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