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SAT 7/21/09

3rd week

culinary of or related to kitchen or food
reputed supposedly known
reputable respectable
orgy over indulgence in pleasure seeking
extravagant wasteful
lavish wasteful
prodigal wasteful
profligate wasteful
spendthrift wasteful
sumptuous costly looking ; wasteful
dissipating wasteful
frugal careful in spending
sparing careful in spending
thrifty careful in spending
miserly stingy
niggardly stingy
tightfisted stingy
closefisted stingy
parsimonious stingy
penurious stingy
miser stingy person
niggard stingy person
tightwad stingy person
skinflint stingy person
spare to save
spare thin; skinny
sparing frugal
husband to spare/ save/ farm/ manage household
husbandman farmer
husbandry frugality/farming
waspish ill-tempered
penurious needy;poor;stingy
penurious poor
indigent poor
destitute poor
impecunious poor
impoverished poor
penury poverty
indigence poverty
destitution poverty
impecuniousness poverty
impoverishment poverty
privation poverty
eleemosynary depending on alms; charitable; given as charity
alms $ or things given to poor; charity
pauper poor person who depends on welfare
destitute lacking in necessities of life; poor
impecunious moneyless; poor
mercenary of or for money ; money - oriented; hired soldier who fights for salary
privation lack of necessities of life ; destitution
escapade reckless adventure
conventional traditional
adept skillful
adroit skillful
dexterous skillful
inept not skillful
maladroit not skillful
ineptitude unskillfulness
adept skillful/ an expert
tyro beginner
neophyte beginner
greenhorn beginner
fledgling beginner
novice beginner
inductee beginner
newcomer beginner
ABCdarian beginner
adept expert
maestro expert
virtuoso expert
veteran expert
guru expert
connoisseur expert
verdant inexperienced ; fresh & green
verdancy being inexperienced
callow young and inexperienced
fallow [land] not cultivated or utilized; idle; not fertile
fledge to begin / [bird] to cover body w/ feather
fledgling beginner / young bird just about to fly
virtuoso great expert in art, music, etc
virtuosity great skill
finesse great skill
guru a great teacher / religious leader in Hinduism
adroit (right hand) skillful
gauche (left hand) clumsy
gaucherie socially awkward behavior
ungainly clumsy; awkward
wooden clumsy; awkward
dexterous (right) skillful
sinister (left) evil
ambidextrous able to use both hands as right & left - handed
infallible always certain w/ o error
certitude certainty
inerrancy being w/o error
err to make error
errant mistaken
erroneous false
lapse slight error
blunder to make foolish mistakes / foolish mistake
abstruse difficult to understand
divulge to make known
debunk to make known falseness of myth, etc
betray to make known; to show
intimate close; familiar / to show, suggest, indicate
reveal to make known
lay bare to make known
paucity smallness in number
iota a small number
modicum small amount
snippet small piece or amount
myriad great amount / a great many
plather great amount
precocious having developed certain faculties earlier than is normal ; premature
precocity prematureness
preciosity over-refinement in language / expression such as extreme subtleties
vituperate to curse
revile to curse
imprecate to curse
anathematize to curse
anathema curse / object of hatred
solemn serious/ religious
revere to respect
venerate to respect
defer to respect/ to postpone duty / responsibility
esteem to respect
reverence respect
veneration respect
deference respect
esteem respect
homage respect
deferment postponement
respectable deserving respect
reputable deserving respect
venerable deserving respect
reverent deserving respect
estimable deserving respect
respectful showing respect
deferential showing respect
reverential showing respect
flippant showing no respect
impertinent showing no respect
flippancy lack of respect
impertinent not related / showing no deserved respect
pertinent related
relevant related
cognate related
germane related
impertinent not related
extraneous not related
tangential not related
peripheral not related
catharsis strong outlet for emotion
lugubrious very serious and sad
woeful sad
mournful sorrowful
wistful longing for ; sad
doleful sad
lamentable sad
glum sad
gloomy sad
plaintive sorrowful
plaintiff one who sues
dismal sad
melancholy sad
elegiac sad
elegy sad music or lit
dolorious sad
lachrymose tearful; in habit of weeping; sad
lachrymal of tears
somber dark color; sad
murky dark / grum
overcast darkened by cloud; sad
pathetic sad
morose sad
frivolity lack of seriousness
levity lack of seriousness
frivolous lacking in seriousness
levity lack of seriousness
levitate to rise and float in defiance of gravity
gravity seriousness; pulling force
gravitate to attract
gravitas weight; importance
fatalism belief that all events are predetermined by the fate and hence, inevitable
congruous harmonious
compatible harmonious
consonant harmonious
accordant harmonious
incongruous not harmonious
incompatible not harmonious
dissonant not harmonious
discordant not harmonious
candid frank; innocent/ saying freely what one thinks or feels
candid opp reticent
candor innocence
deter to hinder/block [ discourage]
impede to hinder/block [ discourage]
occlude to hinder/block [ discourage]
stymie to hinder/block [ discourage]
inhibit to hinder/block [ discourage]
restrain to hinder/block [ discourage]
obstruct to hinder/block [ discourage]
thwart to hinder/block [ discourage]
hamper to hinder/block [ discourage]
stunt to hinder/block [ discourage]
blight to hinder/block [ discourage]
deterrence hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
impediment hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
occlusion hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
stymie hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
inhibition hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
restraint hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
obstruction hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
obstacle hindrance ; something that blocks [ discourages]
engender to be the cause of ; to cause
brandish to threaten
browbeat to threaten
cow to threaten
menace to threaten
intimidate to threaten
racketeer to threaten
lily-livered cowardly
craven cowardly
dastard coward
racketeer to make money in illegal way ; threaten
profiteer to make huge profits in times of need, shortage, etc
recur to happen again
concur to happen same time / agree
consent agree
assent to agree
flout to oppose
flaunt to show off
deprecate to regard as not important; depreciate; disapprove
alleviate to calm
assuage to calm
appease to calm
allay to calm
lull to calm ; a break/ rest during debate
compse to calm
propitiate to calm
palliate to calm
salve to calm
sooth to calm
mollify to calm
sedate to calm
abate to calm
pacify to calm
tranquilize to calm
placate to calm
relent to calm
mitigate to calm
composure calmness of mind
equanimity calmness of mind
equanimous calm; peaceful
halcyon calm; quiet
serene calm
pacific quiet; peaceful
tranquil calm
placid calm
implacable that cannot be calmed ; revengeful
propitiate to calm the anger of
palliate to make pain less
palliative painkiller
to salve to soothe
sedate calm
sedation calmness
sedative medicine to calm
relent to make less severe
mitigate to make less severe
paregoric painkiller
analgesic painkiller
abate to calm / to cancel a law
abrogate to cancel
rescind to cancel
revoke to cancel
countermand to cancel
abolish to cancel
repeal to cancel
Created by: 711366213
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