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Where, Why, and What

Veterinary Medical Terminology Chapter 2

plane imaginary lines that are used descriptively to divide the body into sections
positional terms describe body locations and relationships of one body structure to another
caudal toward the tail
ventral refers to the belly or underside of a body or body part
palmar the caudal surface of the manus (front paw) including the carpus
lateral away from the midline
proximal nearest the midline or nearest to the beginning of a structure
plantar the caudal surface of the pes (rear paw) including the tarsus
deep away from the surface
medial toward the midline
cephalic pertaining to the head
distal farthest from the midline or farthest from the beginning of a structure
superficial near the surface
rostral nose end of the head
cranial toward the head
dorsal refers to the back
midsaggital plane plane that divides the body into equal right and left halves
sagittal plane plane that divides the body into unequal right and left parts
dorsal plane plane that divides the body into dorsal and ventral parts
transverse plane plane that divides the body into cranial and caudal parts
hyster/o uterus
metr/o uterus
uter/o uterus
metri/o uterus
oophor/o ovaries
ovari/o ovaries
dermat/o skin
cutane/o skin
derm/o skin
optic/o sight
ot/o ears
aud/i ears
aur/i external ear
aur/o external ear
coust/o sound
acous/o sound
adren/o adrenals
orch/o testes
orchi/o testes
testicul/o testes
gonad/o gonads
pineal/o pineal
pituit/o pituitary
thyroid/o thryoid
thyr/o thyroid
neur/o nerves
neur/i nerves
ocul/o eyes
opti/i eyes
opt/o eyes
myel/o spinal cord
encephal/o brain
endocrine glands groups of cells that secrete their chemical substances directly in to the bloodstream which transports them throughout the body
exocrine glands groups of cells that secrete their chemical substances into ducts that lead out of the body or to another organ
organ part of the body that performs a special function or functions
hist/o combining form for tissue
tissue group of specialized cells that is similar in structure and function
histology the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissue
genetic disorder any inherited disease or condition caused by defective genes
congenital denotes something that is present at birth
anomaly deviation from what is regarded as normal
dorsal recumbency lying on the back
ventral recumbency lying on the belly
left lateral recumbency lying on the left side
right lateral recumbency lying on the right side
cytology study of cells
retroperitoneal superficial to the peritoneum
adduction movement toward the midline
abduction movement away from the midline
cyt/o cell
peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum
mesentery layer of the pertoneum that suspends parts of the intestine in the abdominal cavity
anaplasia change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
aplasia lack of development of an organ or a tissue or a cell
-plasia suffix used to describe formation, development, and growth in the number of cells in an organ or tissue
-trophy suffix that means formation, development, and growth in the size of an organ or a tissue or individual cells.
dysplasia abnormal growth or development of an organ or a tissue or a cell
hyperplasia abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in an organ or a tissue
hypoplasia incomplete or less than normal development of an organ or a tissue ora a cell
neoplasia abnormal new growth of tissue in which multiplication of cells is uncontrolled, more rapid than normal, and progressive
benign not recurring
malignant tending to spread and be life threatening
-oma tumor or neoplasm
atrophy decrease in size or complete wasting of an organ or tissue or cell
dystrophy defective growth in the size of an organ or tissue or cell
hypertrophy increase in the size of an organ or tissue or cell
adip/o combining form for fat
epithelial tissue or epithelium covers internal and external body surfaces and is made up of tightly packed cells in a variety of arrangements
body cavity hole or hollow space in the bdoy that contains and protects internal organs
cranial cavity hollow space that contains the brain in the skull
spinal cavity hollow space that contains the spinal cord within the spinal column
peritoneal cavity hollow space within the abdominal cavity between the parietal peritoneum and visceral pertoneum
abdominal cavity hollow space that contains the major organs of digestion located between the diaphragm and pelvic cavity
thoracic cavity hollow space that contains the heart and lungs within the ribs between the neck and diaphragm
pelvic cavity hollow space that contains the reproductive and some excretory systems organs bounded by the pelvic bones
dental arcade how teeth are arranged in the mouth
physi/o combining form meaning nature
path/o combining form meaning disease
eti/o combining form meaning to cause
-logist specialist
card/o combining form for heart
lingual surface aspect of the tooth that faces the tongue
palatal surface the tooth surface of the maxilla that faces the tongue
buccal surface aspect of the tooth that faces the cheek
occlusal surfaces aspects of the teeth that meet when the animal chews
labial surface tooth surface facing the lips
contact surface aspects of the tooth that touch other teeth
mesial contact surface one closest to to the midline of the dental arcade arch
distal contact surface one furthest from the midline of the dental arcade
anatomy study of body structure
Created by: spoitevint
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