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VB 01
Aspects of a Business Plan
Term | Definition |
Delegating | type of management that trusts employees’ work ability, has a high workload and is confident |
Participating | type of management that involves the group and facilitates teamwork |
Telling | type of management that is a micromanager, a teacher and a facilitator |
Autocratic | type of leadership driven by authority; tells others what to do, limits discussions, new ideas and group teamwork |
Democratic | type of leadership that involves the group and promotes a sense of teamwork |
Laissez Faire | type of leadership that gives little or no direction; gives opinions only upon request and has no “in charge” position |
Internal Communication | occurs within an organization |
External Communication | occurs between one organization and an outside party |
Encoding | when a sender selects and organizes message to be sent |
Decoding | when the receiver breaks down the message received and interprets the message received |
Feedback | the response the receiver provides to the sender’s message, can be verbal or nonverbal |
Executive Summary | first section of a business plan; highlights proposed business and financial data; should convince the audience to read the rest of the plan |
Business Description and Analysis | second section of a business plan; includes details such as business type, business philosophy, product description, self-analysis, trading area analysis, market segment analysis, and analysis of potential location |
Organization and Marketing Plan | third section of a business plan; includes details concerning proposed organization, proposed product, and proposed marketing plan |
Financial Plan | fourth section of a business plan; includes sources of capital and projected income and expenses |
Supporting Documents | fifth and last section of a business plan; includes business communication documents, marketing documents, and legal and miscellaneous documents |