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VP2*** Set 9

Importunate Troublesomely urgent; extremely persistent in request or demand
Imprecation A curse
Impute To lay the responsibility or blame for, often unjustly
Incarnadine Red, especially blood red
Inchoate Being only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
Insensate Lacking sensibility and understanding, foolish
Interlocutor Ones who takes part in conversation
Internecine (ihn tuhr NEHS een) Equally devastating to both sides
Interregnum A temporary halting of the usual operations of government or control
Irascible Easily angered, hot-tempered
Largess Generous giving (as of money) to others who may seem inferior
Lexicon A dictionary; a stock of terms pertaining to a particular subject or vocabulary
Licentious Immoral; unrestrained by society
Macrocosm The whole universe; a large-scale reflection of a part of the great world
Malapropism The accidental, often comical, use of a word which resembles the one intended, but has a different, often contradictory meaning
Malfeasance Wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official
Mawkish Sickeningly sentimental
Mellifluous (muh LIHF loo uhs) Having a smooth, rich flow
Milieu (mihl YOO) The physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops, environment
Mordant Biting and caustic in manner and style
Mores Fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
Mote A small particle, speck
Neonate A newborn child
Obfuscate To confuse, make obscure
Opprobrious Disgraceful, shameful
Ossify To change into bone; to become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern
Palimpsest An object or place having diverse layers or aspects beneath the surface
Panegyric Elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise
Peculate To embezzle
Pecuniary Relating to money
Pellucid Transparently clear in style or meaning, easy to understand
Penury An oppressive lack of resources (as money) severe poverty
Peregrinate To travel on foot
Philology The study of ancient texts and languages
Polyglot A speaker of many languages
Potentate A ruler; one who wields great power
Prestidigitation A cleverly executed trick or deception; sleight of hand
Promulgate To make known by open declaration, proclaim
Proscribe To condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful
Puissant Powerful
Punctilious Concerned with precise details or about codes or conventions
Created by: maomao93
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