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SAT week 4
Question | Answer |
vulnerable | weak; that can be easily attacked |
impregnable | that cannot be taken by force ; strong |
invincible | too strong to be defeated |
unassailable | unattackable |
tenable | defendable; that can be successfully defended (behavior) |
lucid | clear |
limpid | clear |
diaphanous | clear |
perspicuous | clear |
explicit | clear |
vague | unclear |
ambiguous | unclear |
ambivalent | unclear |
nebulous | unclear |
implicit | unclear |
equivocal | unclear |
turbid | unclear |
foggy | unclear |
cloudy | unclear |
pellucid | very clear and easy to understand |
elucidate | to make clear for better understanding |
diaphanous | transparent |
opaque | 1. not allowing light to pass through 2. hard to perceive or understand |
opacity | noun for opaque |
perspicuous | clear |
perspicuity | clearness |
perspicacious | [person] quick in judging and understanding |
perspicacity | ability to judge and understand quickly |
conspicuous | 1. easily seen or distinguished 2. showy; intended to show off (conspicuous consumption) |
ambivalent | 1. having too opposite or contrary meanings, feelings, etc 2. unclear |
sanction | 1. to punish / punishment 2. to approve/ approval |
nebula | galaxy |
nebulous | cloudy; unclear; hard to understand |
equivocate | to use an equivocal language |
turbid | 1. thick; muddy 2. unclear |
torpid | dull and slow |
torpor | dullness; slowness |
turgid | swollen |
turgidity | swollenness |
bloated | swollen |
distended | swollen |
inflated | swollen |
eradicate | to eliminate completely |
extirpate | to eliminate completely |
uproot | to eliminate completely |
enroot | 1. to implant 2. to establish firmly |
entrench | to establish firmly (entrenched beliefs) |
contest | to argue |
altercate | to argue |
polemicize | to argue |
content | to argue |
dispute | to argue |
rebut | to argue |
refute | to argue |
altercate | to argue |
alternative | other option |
alternate | every other |
alter | to change |
altercation | a noisy quarrel or argument |
fracas | a noisy quarrel or argument |
polemic | dispute; argument |
polemics | study of argumentation |
polemicist | one who disputes or argues |
polemical | fond of arguing or disputing |
contentious | fond of arguing or fighting |
contention | argument;fight |
content | to please; satisfy |
contented | pleased |
contentment | satisfaction |
malcontent | dissatisfaction |
discontent | dissatisfaction |
continent | able to control oneself, esp sexually; moral |
continence | self-control |
polemical | fond of arguing |
disputatious | fond of arguing |
pugnacious | fond of arguing |
pugilism | boxing |
pugilist | boxer |
impugn | to challenge by arguing |
elate | to stimulate; to encourage |
acquiesce | agree passively w/o protest but not enthusiastically |
disdain | to dislike; to hate |
detest | to dislike; to hate |
despise | to dislike; to hate |
abhor | to dislike; to hate |
abominate | to dislike; to hate |
execrate | to dislike; to hate |
loathe | to dislike; to hate |
disdain | dislike; hatred |
detest | dislike; hatred |
despise | dislike; hatred |
abhorrence | dislike; hatred |
abominate | dislike; hatred |
execration | dislike; hatred |
rancor | dislike; hatred |
venom | dislike; hatred |
enmity | dislike; hatred |
animosity | dislike; hatred |
odium | dislike; hatred |
abominable | causing or deserving hatred |
loath | unwilling; reluctant |
grudging | unwilling; reluctant |
amity | friendship |
amiable | friendly; lovable |
amicable | friendly; lovable |
affable | friendly; lovable |
affability | friendliness |
odious | deserving or causing hatred; wicked |
paradox | contradiction |
infamy | wickedness |
iniquity | wickedness |
turpitude | wickedness |
enormity | wickedness |
inequity | lack of justice; unfairness |
enormity | wickedness |
enormousness | hugeness |
infamous | wicked |
iniquitous | wicked |
diabolic | wicked |
fiendish | wicked |
flagrant | wicked |
mendacious | wicked |
heinous | wicked |
horrendous | wicked |
nefarious | wicked |
ferocious | wicked |
vile | wicked |
odious | wicked |
atrocious | wicked |
cherub | angel |
cherubic | angelic |
seraph | angel |
seraphic | angelic |
flagrant | openly wicked ; done in open manner |
mendacious | wicked; unlawful |
novel | new; fresh |
novelty | newness |
bucolic | of farm or country |
rustic | of farm or country |
pastoral | of farm or country |
treacherous | disloyal; unfaithful |
treasonous | disloyal; unfaithful |
infidel | disloyal; unfaithful |
perfidious | disloyal; unfaithful |
traitorous | disloyal; unfaithful |
disaffected | disloyal; unfaithful |
falsehearted | disloyal; unfaithful |
treachery | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
treason | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
infidelity | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
perfidy | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
traitorousness | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
disaffection | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
falseheartedness | disloyalty; unfaithfulness |
infidel | 1. unfaithful 2. an unbeliever |
fidelity | faithfulness |
fealty | faithfulness |
constant | loyal |
steadfast | loyal |
perfidious | betraying |
perfidy | betrayal |
traitor | conspirator; betrayer |
collude | to agree or side w/ enemy |
collusion | conspiracy |
disaffect | 1. to cause to lose affection to * 2. to be disloyal, esp to govt |
falsehearted | 1. unfaithful 2. deceitful |
knavish | deceitful; cunning |
insidious | deceitful; cunning |
duplicitous | deceitful; cunning |
sly | deceitful; cunning |
wily | deceitful; cunning |
crafty | deceitful; cunning |
artful | deceitful; cunning |
guile | deceitful; cunning |
knave | a dishonest, dishonorable person |
ignominious | dishonest; dishonorable |
base | dishonest; dishonorable |
knavish | dishonest; dishonorable |
scurvy | dishonest; dishonorable |
ignominy | dishonor; dishonesty |
baseness | dishonor; dishonesty |
duplicity | deception |
guile | deceitful; cunning |
guileless | not deceitful; not cunning |
beguile | to deceive |
delude | to cheat; deceive; trick |
subterfuge | to cheat; deceive; trick (to get out of trouble) |
inveigle | to cheat; deceive; trick |
bilk | to cheat; deceive; trick (money) |
swindle | to cheat; deceive; trick (money) |
dupe | to cheat; deceive; trick a gulliable person |
gull | to cheat; deceive; trick |
jockey | to cheat; deceive; trick |
delusive | to trick someone by using deception, flattery, etc |
manipulate | to manage shrewdly (neg) or skillfully (pos) |
blithe | cheerful; merry; gay |
effervescent | cheerful; merry; gay |
buoyant | cheerful; merry; gay |
exultant | cheerful; merry; gay |
jocose | cheerful; merry; gay |
jocund | cheerful; merry; gay |
jovial | cheerful; merry; gay |
jaunty | cheerful; merry; gay |
convivial | cheerful; merry; gay |
effervesce | 1. to be gay 2. to give off bubble/ gas |
exult | to rejoice greatly |
rejoice | to be joyful |
rejoin | to respond; answer |
enjoin | to command; to order |
exalt | to praise highly |
convivial | fond of drinking and chatting |
gaiety | cheerfulness; merriment |
mirth | cheerfulness; merriment |
revelry | cheerfulness; merriment (noisy) |
jollity | cheerfulness; merriment |
revel | to be merry |
reverie | daydream |
distort | to twist; misrepresent |
convolute | to twist; to make complicated [theory, pattern] |
warp | to twist |
squirm | to twist |
writhe | to twist |
gnarl | to twist |
sinuous | complicated winding (휘는) |
intricate | complicated |
circuitous | complicated |
complex | complicated |
labyrinthine | complicated |
extricate | to free from difficulty, complexity, etc |
labyrinth | 1. maze 2. confusion |
tabulate | to put or arrange into table |