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WVM ELA Stems 7

Stems and meanings

hyper over
equi equal
auto self
potent power
log word or reason
surg rise
hum earth
octa eight
bon good
struct build
syn, sym together
con, com together
contra against
chlor green
clud close
inter between
post after
dorm sleep
meso middle
milli thousandth
mater, matri mother
pater, patri father
omni all
mot move
mem remember
gress step
som body
labor work
myo muscle
spor seed
astro star
chron time
semi half
hydro water
aqua water
helio sun
homo man, same
hetero different
neo new
sub under
dict say
dis apart
in, im not
thermo heat
lin line
cred believe
flu, flux to flow
quin five
kilo thousand
reg rule
tri three
photo light
phone sound
graph write
geo earth
ambi both
ethno race, culture
fic make
ante before
audi hear
Created by: pnmeador
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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