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CCNA 3-4 Concepts

Set STP Bridge ID spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096
Set STP Bridge ID to default spanning-tree vlan 1 priority
"Display STP root ID Bridge ID
Display STP Summary show spanning-tree summary
Display STP Root Bridge status and config show spanning-tree rooot
Display STP Detail sh spanning-tree detail
Display STP interface stats and config sh spanning-tree interface
Display STP blocked ports sh spanning-tree blockedports
Create a VLAN (config) vlan 456
Name a VLAN name vlan for engineering
Assign a port to a VLAN switchport access vlan 456
Assign a range of ports to a VLAN interface range fa0/(start) - (end)
Display a list of VLANs sh vlan
Display a brief list of VLANs sh vlan brief
Display a specific VLAN by number sh vlan id 456
Display a specific VLAN by name sh vlan name engineering
Delete a VLAN (config) no vlan 456
Disassociate a port from a specific VLAN (config-if) no switchport access vlan 456
Configure a port as trunk (config-if) switchport mode trunk
Configure a trunk port encapsulation "(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q (isl
Configure a port as access (config-if) switchport mode access
Configure a port automatically for trunk/access (config-if) switchport mode dynamic (desirable/auto)
Assign native VLAN ID to a trunk (config-if) dot1q native vlan 456
OSPF Config Mode router ospf 1
OSPF Network Command network x.x.x.x w.w.w.w area 0
Standard ACL access-list [num] permit host h.h.h.h
Extended ACL access-list [num] deny tcp h.h.h.h w.w.w.w d.d.d.d w.w.w.w eq telnet
ACL with Remark access-list [num] remark TEXT STRING
List ACLs sh access-lists [num]
List ACLs on interfaces sh ip interface
Creating a NACL ip access-list extended SALES-ONLY
Add an ACL to a VTY line access-class [num] in
ACL for established traffic access-list 101 permit tcp any any established
logging ACL [ACL STATEMENT] log
Specifying a syslog server logging
set time zone clock timezone CST -6
set clock clock set 10:25:00 Sep 10 2007
Static NAT step 1 ip nat pool public_access netmask
Static NAT step 2 access-list 1 permit
Static NAT step 3 ip nat inside source list 1 pool public_access
Static NAT step 4 assign inside and outside NATs to interfaces
Static NAT map ip nat inside source static
Floating Static Route ip route 200
Turn off routing updates on a interface (conf-if) passive-interface
turn on RIP debugging debug ip rip
set up EIGRP (config) router eigrp 1
Displays successors and feasible in EIGRP sh ip eigrp toplogy
Displays number of EIGRP packets sh ip eigrp traffic
Displays feasible successor activity debug eigrp fsm
Summarize EIGRP network ip summary-address eigrp 75
Turn on PPP (config-if) encapsulation ppp
Turn on PPP Compression (config-if) compress [predictor | stac]
Turn on PPP load balancing (config-if) ppp multilink
HDLC PPP state of interfaces show controllers
HDLC PPP keep alive packets debug serial interface
PPP process debug debug ppp
VTP Setup #1 (config) vtp domain domain_name
VTP Setup #2 (config) vtp mode {server | client | transparent}
VTP Setup #3 (config) vtp password password
RIPv2 propagate default route (config-router) redistribute static
Created by: Zipposan
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