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Mandi GRE vocab 1

40+ random GRE vocab words

Aggrandize To increase in power, influence, and reputation
Ameliorate To make better; to improve
Antipathy Extreme dislike
Ardor Intense and passionate feeling
Assuage To make something unpleasant, less severe
Attenuate To reduce in force or degree; to weaken
Audacious Fearless and daring
Austere severe or stern in appearance; undecorated
Banal Predictable, cliched, boring
Bombastic Pompous in speech and manner
Candid Impartial and honest in speech
Capricious Changing one's mind quickly and often
Castigate To punish or criticize harshly
Caustic Biting in wit; sarcastic
Chicanery Deception by means of craft or guile
Cogent Convincing and well reasoned
Condone To overlook, pardon or disregard
Deference Respect, courtesy
Deride To speak of or treat with contempt; to mock
Desiccate To dry out thoroughly
Desultory Jumping from one thing to another; disconnected
Diffident Lacking self-confidence
Dilatory Intended to delay
Dilettante Someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic
Disabuse To set right; to free from error
Dissemble To present a false appearance; to disguise one's real intentions or character
Dissonance A harsh and disagreeable combination, often of sounds
Enervate To reduce in strength, weaken
Engender To produce, cause, or bring about
Ephemeral Lasting a short time
Equivocate To use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead
Erudite Learned, scholarly, bookish
Esoteric Known or understood by only a few
Estimable Admirable; able to be esteemed
Euphemism Use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
Exculpate To clear from blame; prove innocent
Exigent Urgent, requiring immediate action
Fawn To grovel
Fervid Intensely emotional; feverish
Foment To arouse or incite
Garrulous Tending to talk a lot; loquacious
Gregarious Outgoing, sociable
Guile Deceit or trickery
Iconoclast One who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions
Impetuous Quick to act without thinking; impulsive
Implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
Inchoate Not fully formed, disorganized
Ingenuous Showing innocence or childlike simplicity
Inimical Hostile, unfriendly
Insipid Lacking interest or flavor
Intransigent Uncompromising; refusing to be reconciled
Irascible Easily made angry;
Laconic Using few words
Loquacious Talkative
Misanthrope A person who dislikes others
Mitigate To soften, lessen
Obdurate Hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion
Obsequious Overly submissive and eager to please
Obstinate Stubborn, unyielding
Obviate To prevent; to make unnecessary
Onerous Troublesome and oppressive; burdensom
Opprobrium Public disgrace
Ostentation Excessive showiness
Paragon Model of excellence or perfection
Pedant Someone who shows off learning
Perfidious Willing to betray one's trust
Perfunctory Done in a routine way; indifferent
Plethora Excess
Pragmatic Practical as opposed to idealistic
Precipitate To throw violently or bring about abruptly; lacking deliberation
Prevaricate To talk in a way that is not truthful but avoids being honest
Propitiate To conciliate; to appease
Quiescent Motionless
Rarefy To make thinner or sparser
Repudiate To reject the validity of
Reticent Reserved, silent
Soporific Causing sleep or lethargy
Specious Deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious
Stolid Unemotional; lacking sensitivity
Sublime Lofty or grand
Tacit Done without using words
Taciturn Silent, not talkative
Torpor Extreme mental and physical sluggishness
Venerate To respect deeply
Veracity Filled with truth and accuracy
Veracious Honest, truthful
Zeal Passion, excitement
Created by: turnfam3
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