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WR--Judaism 1
DSST World Religions
Question | Answer |
Judaism's place of origin, "between the rivers" | Mesopotamia |
He is considered to be the father of Judaism and had a promise with God | Abraham |
This man had twelve sons for whom the twelve tribes of Israel were named | Jacob |
The Hebrews were enslaved by him and were later led out of captivity in Egypt. | Pharoah |
Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt in what is known as this. | Exodus |
The Israelites wandered in the desert for this many years before entering the Promised Land | 40 |
During his reign, he was instructed by God to build a temple after which the Land of Israel developed into a great center of commerce. | King Solomon |
Of the two kingdoms, this northern kingdom consisted of ten tribes. | Kingdom of Israel |
Of the two kingdoms, this southern kingdom consisted of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. | Kingdom of Judah |
The "ten lost tribes of Israel" were scattered across the empire by which conquering people. | Assyrians |
Judah was conquered under King Nebuchadnezzar and taken into captivity here. | Babylon |
This scattering of the Jewish people occurred when Judah was conquered by the Babylonians in 586 BC and the First Temple was destroyed. | Diaspora |
In 538 BC Babylon was overthrown by the Persian empire. After 70 years in captivity, this Persian leader allowed the Jews to return to Judea. | Cyrus the Great |
The God who revealed himself to Moses and became the God of the Israelites. Also called Elohim, El Shaddai, Adonai, etc. | YHWH (Yahweh) |
This belief in one god was uncommon during the time of Ancient Israel. | Monotheism |
A day of rest and worship at a synagogue which is observed each Saturday. | Sabbath |
A minor holiday which has become more prominent in the last century for Jews who live in areas that celebrate Christmas. | Hanukkah |
The most conservative branch of Judaism which retains nearly all traditional rituals and practices. | Orthodox Judaism |
The least conservative branch of Judaism, founded by Moses Mendelssohn, takes a liberal approach to many Jewish beliefs and practices. | Reform Judaism |
This branch of Judaism takes a moderate approach in application of Judaism to the modern world. | Conservative Judaism |
Founded by Israel ben Eliezere this branch of Judaism is more mystical and includes beliefs in prophetic dreams,miracles, and spiritual healing. | Hasidic Judaism |
A modern American-based Jewish movement founded by Mordecai Kaplan views Judaism as progressively evolving in a modern culture. | Reconstruction Judaism |
First used as a symbol of Jewish identity in the 1300s. | Star of David |
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are called this. | Torah |
A second temple was rebuilt, but they destroyed it in 70 AD | the Romans |
A collection of writings on the interpretation of the law contained in the Torah debated and written down by rabbis. | Talmud |
Under Adolf Hitler, this mass execution of millions of Jews by the Nazis during World War II | Holocaust |
Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt, later received God's Ten Commandments at this location. | Mount Sinai |
A candlestick with seven branches was first used in the Tabernacle in the desert. | Menorah |
In 1948, this state was formed as a homeland for the Jews. | Israel |
When this Roman Emperor made Christianity the state religion in 313 AD, persecution of the Jewish people became commonplace. | Constantine |
In Spain during the 900s and 1000s, known as Spain's Golden Age, these two religions shared each other's ideas and lived together in harmony. | Judaism and Islam |
An urban area occupied by those rejected by a society, such as quarters for Jews in some European cities. | Ghetto |
These Jews of Spain and the Mediterranean spoke in a mixture of old Spanish and Hebrew known as Ladino. | Sephardi Jews |
The Ashkenazi Jews settled in central Europe and Germany and spoke in this mixture of German and Hebrew | Yiddish |
In Judaism, the shrine containing God’s commandments to Moses | Ark of the Covenant |
a binding agreement between god and the Israelites | Covenant |
The "anointed," the expected king and deliverer of the Jews; a term later applied by Christians to Jesus | Messiah |
Historically, a Jewish teacher; at present, the ordained spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation | Rabbi |