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Thedanniest GRE 1

abate v. to decrease; reduce
abdicate v. to give up a position, right, or power
aberrant adj. deviating from what is normal
abeyance n. temporary suppression or suspension
abject adj. miserable; pitiful
abjure v. to reject; abandon formally
abscission n. the act of cutting; the natural sepraration of a leaf or others part of a plant
abscond v. to depart secretly
abstemious adj. moderate in appetite
abstinence n. the giving up of certain pleasures
abysmal adj. very bad
accretion n. growth in size or increase in amount
accure v. to accumulate; grow by additions
adamant adj. uncompromising; unyielding
adjunct n. something added, attached, or joined
admonish v. to caution or reprimand
adulterate v. to corrupt or make impure
aesthetic adj. relating to beauty or art
affected adj. pretentious, phony
affinity n. fondness; liking; similarity
aggrandize v. to make larger or greater
aggregate adj. amounting to a whole; total
alacrity n. cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed
alchemy n. medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold
allay v. to lessen; ease; soothe
alleviate v. to relieve; improve partially
alloy n. a combinationl; a mixture of two or more metals
allure n./v. the power to entice by charm
amalgamate v. to combine into a unified whole
ambiguous adj. unclear or doubtful in meaning
ambivalence n. the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes
ambrosia n. something delicious; the food of the gods
ameliorate v. to improve
ameanable adj. agreeable; cooperative; suited
amenity n. something that increases comfort
amulet n. ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
anachronism n. something out of the propertime
analgesic n. medication that reduces or eliminates pain
analogous adj. comparable
anarchy n. absence of government; state of disorder
anodyne n. something that calms or soothes pain
anomalous adj. irregular; deviating from the norm
antecedent n. something that comes before
antediluvian adj. prehistoric
antipathy n. dislike; hostility
apathy n. indifference
apex n. the highest point
apogee n. the point on an orbit most distant from the body being orbitted; the highest point
apothegm n. a terse, witty saying
appease v. to calm; pacify; placate
appellation n. name
apposite adj. strikingly appropriate and relevant
apprise v. to inform
approbation n. praise; approval
appropriate v. to take possession for one's own use; confiscate
apropos adj. relevant
arabesque n. ornate design; a ballet position
archeology n. the study of material evidence of past human life
ardor n. great emotion or passion
arduous adj. extremely difficult; laborious
argot n. a specialized vocabulary used by a group
arrest v. to stop; to seize
artifact n. item made by human craft
artless adj. guileless; natural
ascetic n. one who practices self-denial
asperity n. severity; harshness; irritability
aspersion n. slander; false rumor
assiduous adj. diligent; hard-working
assuage v. to make less severe
astringent adj. harsh; severe
asylum n. place of refuge or shelter
atavism n. return o a trait after a period of absence
attenuate v. to weaken
audacious adj. bold; daring; fearless
austere adj. sternl unadorned; non-decorated
autonomous adj. self-governing; independent
avarice n. greed
aver v. to affirm; declare to be true
avocation n. secondary occupation
avuncular adj. like an uncle, benevolent and tolerent
axiomatic adj. taken for granted; accept without question
bacchanalian adj. pertaining to loose or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry
banal adj. commonplace; trite
banter n. playful conversation
bard n. poet
bawdy adj. obsence; vulgar; lewd
beatify v. to sanctify; to bless
bedizen v. to dress in a vulgar; showy manner
behemoth n. huge creature; anything very large and powerful
belie v. to contradict; misrepresent; give a false impression
benificient adj. kindly; doing good
bifurcate v. to divide into two parts
blandishment n. flattery
blasé adj. bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned
bolster v. to give a boost to; prop up; support
bombastic adj. pompous; using inflated language
boorish adj. rude; insensitive
bovine adj. cowlike
brazen adj. bold; shameless (-)
broach v. to mention for the first time
bucolic adj. characteristic of the countryside; rustic; pastoral
burgeon v. to flourish
burnish v. to polish
buttress v. to reinforce; support (eg. Buttress their case)
cacophonous adj. unpleasant or harsh-sounding
cadge v. to beg; sponge
callous adj. insensitive; thick-skinned
calumny n. false and malicious accusation; slander
canard n. false, deliberately misleading story
canon n. an established principle; a basis or standard for judgment; a group of literary works
cant n. insincere talk; language of a particular group
cantankerous adj. irritable; ill-humored
capricious adj. fickle; likely to change; not constant
captious adj. faultfinding; intended to entrap
cardinal adj. of foremost importance
carnal adj. of the flesh or body; related to physical appetites
carping v. to find fault; complain
cartography n. science of making maps
caste n. any of the hereditary(passing) social classes of Hindu society
castigation n. punishment; chastisement; criticism
cataclysm n. a violent upheaval that causes great destruction and change
catalyst n. something causing change
categorical adj. absolute; without exception
caucus n. a smaller group within an organization
causal adj. involving a cause
caustic adj. sarcastically biting; burning
celestial adj. concerning the sky or heavens; sublime
centrifugal adj. moving away from a center
centripetal adj. moving or directed toward a center
champion v. to defend or support
chasten v. to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue
chicanery n. trickery; fraud
chivalry n. the qualities idealized by knighthood
churlish adj. rude; boorish (insensitive)
circuitous adj. roundabout
clairvoyant n. one who can predict the future; psychic
clamor n. noisy outcry
clique n. a small, exclusive group
cloister v. to confine; seclude (shut away from the world)
coagulate v. thicken; congeal (eg. Blood or egg white)
coalesce v. to cause to become one
coda n. concluding part; something that summarizes or concludes
codify v. to systematize
cognizant adj. conscious; aware; informed
collage n. an art technique; an assemblage of diverse elements
commensurate adj. proportional
compendium n. brief, comprehensive summary
complacent adj. self-satisfied (-)
complaisant adj. overly polite; willing to please; obliging
complement n. something that completes or makes up a whole
compliant adj. yielding
compunction n. uneasiness caused by guilt
concave adj. curving inward
conciliatory adj. overcoming distrust or hostility
concoct v. to invent
concomitant n. existing concurrently (at the same time)
condone v. forgive; to overlook voluntarily
confound v. to baffle; perplex; mix up (confusing)
congenial adj. friendly; suited to; similar in testes and habits
conjugal adj. pertaining(concern) to marriage agreement
connoisseur n. a person possessing expert knowledge or trainning
conscript n. person compulsorily enrolled for military service
consecrate v. to declare sacred
contend v. to assert
contentious adj. quarrelsome; causing quarrels
contiguous adj. neighboring; touching; connecting
continence n. self-control; abstention from sexual activity
contrite adj. very sorrowful for a wrong
contumacious adj. disobedient; rebellious
conundrum n. riddle; puzzle with no solution; brain-teaser
convention n. pratice widely observed in a group; custom; accepted technique or device
converge v. to approach; come together; tend to meet
convex adj. curved outward
convivial adj. sociable
convoluted adj. twisted; complicated
copious adj. abundant; plentiful
coquette n. woman who flirts
cornucopia n. horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance
cosmology n. theory of origin and structure of the universe; study of universe as a totality
covert adj. hidden; secret
covetous adj. desiring something owned by another
cozen v. to mislead by trick or fraud; deceive
craven adj. cowardly
credence n. acceptance or something as true
credo n. statement of belief or principle; creed
daunt v. to discourage;intimidate; dishearten
dearth n. scarcity
debauchery n. corruption
decorum n. proper behaviour
defame v. to harm someone's reputation
default v. to fail to act
deference n. respect; regard for another's wish (v. defer: the wishes of another due to respect/recognition)
defunct adj. no longer existing
delineate v. to represent or depict
demographic adj. related to population balance
demotic adj. pertaining (relating) to people
demur v. to express doubt
denigrate v. to slur someone's reputation
denizen n. an inhabitant; a regular visitor; ~citizen
denouement n. outcome; unraveling of the plot of a play or work of literature
Created by: thedanniest
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