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Thedanniest GRE 3

inadvertently adv. Carelessly; unintentionally
incarnate adj. having bodily form
inchoate adj. imperfectly formed or formulated
incongruity n. state of not fitting
inconsequential adj. insignificant; unimportant
incorporate v. combine; introduce something into another thing already in existence
incursion n. sudden invasion
indeterminate adj. uncertain; indefinite
indigence n. poverty; ~impecunious
indolent adj. habitually lazy; idle
ineluctable adj. inevitable; not to be avoided or escaped
inert adj. unable to move; sluggish
ingenuous adj. naïve and trusting; lacking sophistication
inherent adj. firmly established by nature or habit
innocuous adj. harmless
insensible adj. unresponsive; unconscious
insinuate v. to imply; suggest; say indirectly
insipid adj. lacking in flavor; dull
insouciant adj. indifferent; lacking concern or care
insularity n. narrow-mindedness; isolation
insuperable adj. unconquerable; insurmountable
intangible adj. not material
interdict v. to prohibit; forbit; to confront and halt the activities, advance, or entry of
internecine adj. deadly to both sides
interpolate v. to insert; change by adding new materials or words
interregnum n. gap in continuity; interval between reigns
intimate adj. friendly / v. to make known indirectly and subtly
intractable adj. not easily managed
intransigence n. stubborness; refusal to compromise
introspective adj. contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings
inundate v. to cover with water; overwhelm
inured v. hardened; accustomed; used to
invective n. verbal abuse
inveigh v. to protest vehemently (strongly); disapprove
inveigle v. to win over by flattery or coaxing
inveterate adj. long-standing; comfirmed; deeply rooted
invidious adj. likely to provoke ill will; offensive
irascible adj. easily angered
irresolute adj. weak; unsure of how to act
itinerant adj. wandering from place to place; unsettled
itenerary n. route of a traveler's journey
jaundiced adj. having a yellowish discoloration of the skin; affected by envy, resentment, or hostility
jibe v. to be in agreement (eg. The auditor checked the account books to make sure that they jibed with the tax return..)
jocose adj. fond of joking; kocular; playful
jaggernaut n. hugh force destroying everything in its path
junta n. group of people united in political intrigue
juxtapose v. place side by side
kudos n. fame; glory; honor
labile adj. likely to change
laconic adj. using few words
lambaste v. to trash verbally or physically; censure severely or angrily
lascivious adj. lustful
lassitude n. lethargy; sluggishness
latent adj. present but hidden; potential
laud v. to praise
lethargic adj. inactive; unergetic
levee n. an embankment that prevents a river from overflowing
levity n. light manner or attitude (lack of seriousness)
liberal adj. tolerant; broad-minded; generous; lavish
libertine n. one without moral restraint
libido n. sexual desire
lilliputian adj. extremely small
limn v. to draw; describe
limpid adj. clear; transparent
linguistic adj. pertaining to language
litany n. lengthy recitation; repetitive chant
literati n. scholarly or learned persons
litigation n. legal proceedings
log n. record of a voyage; record of daily activities
loquacious adj. talkative
lucid adj. bright clear; intelligible
lucre n. money or profits
luminous adj. bright; brilliant; glowing
lustrous adj. shining
Machiavellian adj. crafty; double-dealing
machinations n. plots or schemes
maelstrom n. whirlpool; turmoil (violent disturbance)
magnanimity n. generousity; nobility
malign v. to speak evil of
malinger v. to feign (make decieve) illness to escape duty
malleable adj. impressionable; capable of being shaped by pounding
maverick n. dissenter (person who has a difference of opinion from some established policy)
megalomania n. delusions of power or importance
menagerie n. a variety of animals kept together
mendacious adj. dishonest
medicant n. beggar
meretricious adj. gaudy; specious; plausible but false; deceptively pleased
mesmerize v. to hynotize
metamorphosis n. change; transformation
metaphysics n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality
meteorological adj. concerned with the weather
metriculous adj. punctilious; very careful; fastidious (giving careful attention to detail); ~scrupulous
mettle n. courage; endurance
mettlesome adj. full of courage and fortitude (strength of mind); spirited
microcosm n. a small system having analogies to a larger system; small world
militate v. to work against
minatory adj. menacing; threatening
minuscule adj. very small
minutia n. petty details
misanthrope n. one who hates humanity
miscellany n. mixture of writings on various subjects; collection contain a variety of sorts things
miscreant n. villain; criminal
misogynist n. one who hates women
mitigate v. alleviate; to cause to become less harsh, severe
nmemonic adj. related to memory; assisting memory
modicum n. limited quantity
mollify v. to soothe
monolithic adj. constituting a single, unified whole; solid and uniform
morose adj. ill-humored; sullen
motley adj. many colored; made up by many parts
multifarious adj. diverse
mundane adj. worldly (not ideal or heavenly); concerned with the ordinary
necromancy n. black magic
negate v. to cancel out; nullify
neologism n. new word or expression
neophyte n. novice; beginner
nexus n. a center; a means of connection; a connected group or series
nonplussed adj. bewildered
nostalgia n. longing for sth. in the past; sentimental longing for a past time
nostrum n. medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness; supposed (doubtful) cure
nugatory adj. trifling; invalid
obdurate adj. stubborn
obsequious adj. overly submissive; fawning
obsequy n. funeral ceremony (often used in the plural, obsequies)
obvaite v. to make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent
occlude v. to shut; block
occult adj. relating to practices connected with supernatural phenomena
odyssey n. a long, adventurous voyage; a quest
officious adj. too helpful; meddlesome
olfactory adj. concerning the sense of smell
oligarchy n. form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders
onerous adj. burdensome
onomatopoeia n. formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the action
opprobrium n. disgrace; contempt
ornithologist n. scientist who studies birds
oscillate v. to move back and forth
ostentatious adj. showy; trying to attract attention; pretentious
overweening adj. arrogant; presumptuous; overbearing
paean n. hymn of praise; song of joy or triumph; a fervent expression of joy
paleontology n. study of fossil remains to learn past geological eras
pallid adj. lacking color or liveliness
panegyric n. formal hymn of praise; elaborate (with complexities and details) praise
paragon n. model of excellence or perfection
partisan adj. one-sided; committed to a party, group; prejudiced (discriminatory)
pathological adj. aberrant; departing from normal condition (mental / health)
patois n. jargon (argot; cant); a regional dialect (argot); nonstandard speech
paucity n. scarcity; dearth
pedantic adj. academic; scholarly; marked by a narrow focus on learning in trivial aspects
pellucid adj. easily understood; transparent; translucent
penchant n. inclination; preference
penury n. extreme poverty
peregrination n. a wandering from place to place
peremptory adj. imperative (unavoidable obligation(sth. to be done)); leaving no choice
perennial adj. present trhoughout the years; persistent
perfidious adj. faithless; disloyal; untrustworthy
perfunctory adj. superficial (concern with only what is on surface); performed really as a duty
perigee n. opposite to apogee; cloeset point in a orbit to the center
permeable adj. penetrable
perturb v. to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious
pervasive adj. spread throughout every part
petulant adj. rude; peevish (easily annoyed)
phlegmatic adj. calm in temperament (mood); sluggish
phoenix n. mythical, immortal bird; anything that is restored after suffering great destruction
physiognomy n. facial features
piety n. devoutness; deeply religious; earnest
piquant adj. appealingly stimulating; pleasantly pungent; attractive
pique n. fleeting feeling of hurting pride / v. stimulate; provoke; arouse
placate v. to lessen another's anger; appease; to pacify; [make s.n opposite to implacable]
placid adj. calm; quite
plaintive adj. melancholy; mournful
plasticity n. condition of being able to be shaped or formed; pliablility
platitude n. stale, overused expression
platonic adj. passionless; without sensual desire; spiritual
plethora n. excess; overabundance
plumb v. to determine the depth; to examine deeply
plummet v. to fall; plunge
plutocracy n. society ruled by the wealthy
porous adj. full of holes; permeable to liquids
poseur n. person who attempt to impress others
pragmatic adj. practical
prate v. to talk idly; chatter
prattle n. meaningless, foolish talk
preamble n. preliminary statement
precarious adj. uncertain
precept n. concept; law; principle
precipitate v. to cause to happen / adj. hasty; sudden; rash
precipitous adj. hasty; quickly with too little caution
precursor n. forerunner; predecessor
preempt v. supplant; to replace; supersede; appropriate for oneself
prehensile adj. capable of grasping (hold firmly)
premonition n. forewarning; presentiment (sense that Is about to occur)
presage v. to foretell; indicate in advance
presumptuous adj. ~effrontery; ~audacious; rude; improperly bold
preternatural adj. beyond the normal course of nature; supernatural
prevaricate v. to quibble; evade the truth
primordial adj. original; existing from the beginning
pristine adj. untouched; uncorrupted
probity n. honesty; high-mindness; integrity (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code)
problematic adj. posing a problem; doubtful; unsetted
prodigal adj. wasteful; extravagant; lavish; (n. = prodigality)
Created by: thedanniest
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