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Mandi GRE Vocab 2

40 + random GRE vocab words

abeyance suspended action
abrogate repeal or annul by authority
abstruse difficult to comprehend; obscure
alacrity eager and cheerful readiness
aplomb self-confidence
arrant in the highest degree
ascetic practicing self-denial; austere; stark
aspersion slander
augury omen; sign
baleful harmful; ominous; causing evil
bedizen to adorn, especially in a cheap, showy manner
bellicose belligerent; pugnacious; warlike
benefactor person who has given help or benefit
blithe cheerful; casual; carefree
brook to tolerate; endure
cabal a scheme or plot; a group of plotters
cajole use flattery or deceit to persuade
cant insincere talk/jargon
chary cautious; wary
cloture closing device; to end a debate by voting
coda passage that completes a piece of music
coeval of the same period; coexisting
commodius having plenty of space for what is needed
concilliatory reconciling; soothing; comforting; mollifying
connotation suggestion; in addition to
consequential pompous; self-important
constrain compel
contentious argumentative; pugnacious; combative; quarrelsome
contiguous touching; neighboring; near
convoluted complicate; coiled; twisted
corporeal physical; of or for the body
countervail counterbalance
crass very great (especially stupidity)
craven cowardly
curmudgeon bad-tempered person
daunt intimidate; make fearful
decry disapprove of
demur to hesitate; raise objections
deprecate protect against; express disapproval of
descry catch sight of; see something in the distance
diaphanous transparent; gauzy
disconcert upset the self-possession of; embarrass
disparate essentially different
divestiture taking off; getting rid of; giving up
droll jesting
ecumenical representing the whole christian world
egress way out; exit
emote stir up; excite
enmity hatred; being an enemy
ensign flag/badge
epistle letter
expedient likely to be useful for a purpose
extant still in existance
extirpate to destroy; exterminate; cut out; exscind
facile easily done
fecund furtile
feint pretend
finical too fussy about food, clothing, etc.
foppish like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes
foreswear renounce; disallow; repudiate
fulmination bitter protest
gainsay to deny; to oppose
garrulity talkativeness
gossimer soft, light, delicate material
grandiloquent using pompous words
halcyon calm and peaceful
harbinger something or somebody that foretells what is to come
harrow to distress; create stress; torment
hemetic sealed by fusion
hubrus arrogant pride
idyll a carefree episode or experience
immutable that cannot be changed
impecunious having little or no money
incorrigibility cannot cured or corrected
indolence laziness
insouciant unconcerned; carefree
inured accustomed to; adapted
Created by: turnfam3
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