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SAT Voca
Question | Answer |
abase | to humble ,disgrace |
abandon | total lack of inhibition |
abate | decrease, reduce |
abdicate | to give up a position, right, or power |
aberration | something different from the usual |
abet | to aid; act as accomplice |
abhor | to loathe, detest |
abject | miserable, pitiful |
abolitionist | one who opposes the practice of slavery |
abortive | interrupted while incomplete |
abridge | to condense, shorten |
abrogate | to put an end to, abolish by authority |
abscond | to depart secretly |
absolve | to forgive, free from blame |
abstain | to choose not to do something |
accolade | praise, distinction |
accrue | to accumulate, grow by additions |
acerbic | bitter, sharp in taste or temper |
acme | highest point; summit |
acquiesce | to agree; comply quietly |
acrid | harsh, bitter |
acrimony | bitterness, animosity |
acuity | sharpness |
acumen | sharpness of insight |
adage | old saying or proverb |
adamant | uncompromising, unyielding |
adapt | to accommodate; adjust |
adhere | to cling or follow without deviation |
adjacent | next to |
admonish | to caution or reprimand |
adroit | skillful, accomplished, highly competent |
adulation | high praise |
adumbrate | to sketch, outline in a shadowy way |
adversarial | antagonistic, competitive |
aerie | nook or nest built high in the air |
aesthetic | pertaining to beauty or art |
affable | friendly, easy to approach |
affected | pretentious, phony |
affluent | rich, abundant |
affront | personal offense, insult |
agenda | plan, schedule |
agile | well coordinated, nimble |
agitation | commotion, excitement; uneasiness |
agrarian | relating to farming or rural matters |
alacrity | cheerful willingness, eagerness; speed |
alias | assumed name |
alienated | distanced, estranged |
allegory | symbolic representation |
alleviate | to relieve, improve partially |
allure | to entice by charm; attract |
allusion | indirect reference |
aloof | detached, indifferent |
altruism | unselfish concern for others' welfare |
ambiguous | uncertain; subject to multiple interpretations |
ambivalence | attitude of uncertainty; conflicting emotions |
ameliorate | to make better, improve |
amenable | agreeable, cooperative |
amend | to improve or correct flaws in |
amenity | pleasantness; something increasing comfort |
amiable | friendly, pleasant, likable |
amicable | friendly, agreeable |
amoral | unprincipled, unethical |
amorphous | having no definite form |
amphibian | creature equally at home on land or in water |
ample | abundant, plentiful |
amulet | ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits |
anachronistic | outdated |
anarchy | absence of government or law; chaos |
anathema | ban, curse; something shunned or disliked |
animation | enthusiasm, excitement |
animosity | hatred, hostility |
annul | to cancel, nullify, declare void, or make legally invalid |
anomaly | irregularity or deviation from the norm |
anonymity | condition of having no name or an unknown name |
antagonist | foe, opponent, adversary |
antecedent | coming before in place or time |
anthology | collection of literary works |
antipathy | dislike, hostility; extreme opposition or aversion |
antiquated | outdated, obsolete |
antiquity | ancient times; the quality of being old |
antithesis | exact opposite or direct contrast |
apathy | lack of feeling or emotion |
aphorism | old saying or short, pithy statement |
apocryphal | not genuine; fictional |
apostate | one who renounces a religious faith |
appease | to satisfy, placate, calm, pacify |
approbation | praise; official approval |
appropriate | to take possesion of |
arable | suitable for cultivation |
arbitrary | depending solely on individual will; inconsistent |
arboreal | relating to trees; living in trees |
arcane | secret, obscure, known only to a few |
archaic | antiquated, from an earlier time; outdated |
archipelago | large group of islands |
ardent | passionate, enthusiastic, fervent |
arduous | extremely difficult, laborious |
arid | extremely dry or deathly boring |
arsenal | ammunition storehouse |
articulate | well spoken, expressing oneself clearly |
artisan | craftsperson; expert |
ascend | to rise or climb |
ascetic | self-denying, abstinent, austere |
ashen | resembling ashes; deathly pale |
askew | crooked, tilted |
aspersion | false rumor, damaging report, slander |
aspire | to have great hopes; to aim at a goal |
assail | to attack, assault |
assiduous | diligent, persistent, hard-working |
assuage | to make less severe, ease, relieve |
astringent | harsh, severe, stern |
astute | having good judgment |
atone | to make amends for a wrong |
atrocious | monstrous, shockingly bad, wicked |
attain | to accomplish, gain |
attenuate | to make thin or slender; weaken |
audacious | bold, daring, fearless |
audible | capable of being heard |
augment | to expand, extend |
augury | prophecy, prediction of events |
august | dignified, awe inspiring, venerable |
auspicious | having favorable prospects, promising |
austere | stern, strict, unadorned |
authoritarian | extremely strict, bossy |
autocrat | dictator |
avarice | greed |
avenge | to retaliate, take revenge for an injury or crime |
aver | to declare to be true, affirm |
aversion | intense dislike |
avert | to turn (something) away; prevent, hinder |
aviary | large enclosure housing birds |
awry | crooked, askew, amiss |
baleful | harmful, with evil intentions |
ballad | folk song, narrative poem |
balm | soothing, healing influence |
banal | trite, overly common |
bane | something causing death, destruction, or ruin |
banter | playful conversation |
bastion | fortification, stronghold |
bay | to bark, especially in a deep prolonged way |
beguile | to deceive, mislead; charm |
behemoth | huge creature |
belabor | to insist repeatedly or harp on |
belie | to misrepresent; expose as false |
bellicose | warlike, aggressive |
belligerent | hostile, tending to fight |
benefactor | someone giving aid or money |
beneficent | kindly, charitable; doing good deeds; producing good effects |
benighted | unenlightened |
benign | kindly, gentle, or harmless |
bequeath | to give or leave through a will; to hand down |
berate | to scold harshly |
beseech | to beg, plead, implore |
bestial | beastly, animal-like |
bias | prejudice, slant |
bibliography | list of books |
bisect | to cut into two (usually equal) parts |
blanch | to pale; take the color out of |
blandish | to coax with flattery |
blasphemous | cursing, profane, irreverent |
blatant | glaring, obvious, showy |
blight | to afflict, destroy |
boisterous | rowdy, loud, unrestrained |
bombastic | using high-sounding but meaningless language |
boor | crude person, one lacking manners or taste |
botanist | scientist who studies plants |
bovine | cowlike; relating to cows |
brazen | bold, shameless, impudent; of or like brass |
broach | to mention or suggest for the first time |
burgeon | to sprout or flourish |
burnish | to polish, make smooth and bright |
buttress | to reinforce or support |
cacophony | jarring, unpleasant noise |
cajole | to flatter, coax, persuade |
callous | thick-skinned, insensitive |
callow | immature, lacking sophistication |
candor | honesty of expression |
canny | smart; founded on common sense |
capitulate | to submit completely, surrender |
capricious | impulsive, whimsical, without much thought |
caricature | exaggerated portrait, cartoon |
cartography | science or art of making maps |
castigate | to punish, chastise, criticize severely |
catalyst | something causing change without being changed |
catholic | universal; broad and comprehensive |
caucus | smaller group within an organization; a meeting of such a group |
caustic | biting, sarcastic; able to burn |
cede | to surrender possession of something |
censorious | severely critical |
cessation | temporary or complete halt |
chagrin | shame, embarrassment, humiliation |
champion | to defend or support |
chaotic | extremely disorderly |
charlatan | quack, fake |
chary | watchful, cautious, extremely shy |
chastise | to punish, discipline, scold |
chide | to scold, express disapproval |
chromatic | relating to color |
circuitous | roundabout |
circumference | boundary or distance around a circle or sphere |
circumscribe | to encircle; set limits on, confine |
circumspect | cautious, wary |
citadel | fortress or stronghold |
civil | polite; relating to citizens |
clairvoyant | having ESP, psychic |
clamor | to make a noisy outcry; a noisy outcry |
clandestine | secretive, concealed for a darker purpose |
clemency | merciful leniency |
cloister | to confine, seclude |
coalesce | to grow together or cause to unite as one |
coddle | to baby, treat indulgently |
coerce | to compel by force or intimidation |
cogent | logically forceful, compelling, convincing |
coherent | intelligible, lucid, understandable |
collateral | accompanying |
colloquial | characteristic of informal speech |
collusion | collaboration, complicity, conspiracy |
commensurate | proportional |
commodious | roomy, spacious |
communicable | transmittable |
commute | to change a penalty to a less severe one |
compensate | to repay or reimburse |
complacent | self-satisfied, smug |
complement | to complete, perfect |
compliant | submissive and yielding |
complicity | knowing partnership in wrongdoing |
compunction | feeling of uneasiness caused by guilt or regret |
concave | curving inward |
concede | to yield, admit |
conciliatory | overcoming distrust or hostility |
concur | to agree |
condone | to pardon or forgive; overlook, justify, or excuse a fault |
conduit | tube, pipe, or similar passage |
conflagration | big, destructive fire |
confound | to battle, perplex |
congeal | to become thick or solid, as a liquid freezing |
congenial | similar in tastes and habits |
conglomerate | collected group of varied things |
conjecture | speculation, prediction |
conscientious | governed by conscience; careful and thorough |
consecrate | to declare sacred; dedicate to a goal |
consensus | unanimity, agreement of opinion or attitude |
consolation | something providing comfort or solace for a loss or hardship |
consolidate | to combine, incorporate |
constrained | forced, compelled; confined, restrained |
construe | to explain or interpret |
contentious | quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent |
continence | self-control, self-restraint |
contravene | to contradict, deny, act contrary to |
contrite | deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong |
conundrum | riddle, puzzle or problem with no solution |
convalescence | gradual recovery after an illness |
convene | to meet, come together, assemble |
conventional | typical, customary, commonplace |
convex | curved outward |
convoluted | twisted, complicated, involved |
copious | abundant, plentiful |
corpulence | obesity, fatness, bulkiness |
corroborate | to confirm, verify |
cosmetic | relating to beauty; affecting the surface of something |
cosmopolitan | sophisticated, free from local prejudices |
coterie | small group of persons with a similar purpose |
coven | group of witches |
covert | hidden; secret |
covet | to desire strongly something possessed by another |
crass | crude, unrefined |
craven | cowardly |
credence | acceptance of something as true or real |
credulous | gullible, trusting |
creed | statement of belief or principle |
cryptic | puzzling |
cuisine | characteristic style of cooking |
culmination | climax, final stage |
culpable | guilty, responsible for wrong |
cupidity | greed |
curmudgeon | cranky person |
cursory | hastily done, superficial |
curt | abrupt, blunt |
curtail | to shorten |
cynic | person who distrusts the motives of others |
daunt | to discourage, intimidate |
dearth | lack, scarcity, insufficiency |
debase | to degrade or lower in quality or stature |
debauch | to corrupt, seduce from virtue or duty; indulge |
debilitate | to weaken, enfeeble |
debunk | to discredit, disprove |
deciduous | losing leaves in the fall; short-lived, temporary |
decorum | proper behavior, etiquette |
decry | to belittle, openly condemn |
deface | to mar the appearances of, vandalize |
defamatory | slanderous, injurious to the reputation |
deferential | respectful and polite in a submissive way |
deflation | decrease, depreciation |
defunct | no longer existing, dead, extinct |
delectable | appetizing, delicious |
delegate | to give powers to another |
deleterious | harmful, destructive, detrimental |
deluge | flood |
demagogue | leader, rabble-rouser, usually using appeals to emotion or prejudice |
demean | to degrade, humiliate, humble |
demographics | data relating to study of human population |
demote | to reduce to a lower grade or rank |
demur | to express doubts or objections |
denigrate | to slur or blacken someone's reputation |
deplete | to use up, exhaust |
deplore | to express or feel disapproval of; regret strongly |
deploy | to spread out strategically over an area |
depravity | sinfulness, moral corruption |
deprecate | to belittle, disparage |
depreciate | to lose value gradually |
deride | to mock, ridicule, make fun of |
derivative | copied or adapted; not original |
desiccate | to dry completely, dehydrate |
desist | to stop doing something |
despondent | feeling discouraged and dejected |
despot | tyrannical ruler |
destitute | very poor, poverty-stricken |
desultory | at random, rambling, unmethodical |
deter | to discourage; prevent from happening |
deviate | to stray, wander |
devout | deeply religious |
dexterous | skilled physically or mentally |
dialect | regional style of speaking |
diaphanous | allowing light to show through; delicate |
diatribe | bitter verbal attack |
dictum | authoritative statement; popular saying |
didactic | excessively instructive |
diffidence | shyness, lack of confidence |
diffuse | widely spread out |
digress | to turn aside; to stray from the main point |
dilapidated | in disrepair, run down, neglected |
dilate | to enlarge, swell, extend |
dilatory | slow, tending to delay |
diplomacy | discretion, tact |
dirge | funeral hymn |
disarray | clutter, disorder |
disburse | to pay out |
discern | to perceive something obscure |
disconcerting | bewildering, perplexing, slightly disturbing |
discordant | harsh-sounding, badly out of tune |
discredit | to dishonor or disgrace |
discrepancy | difference between |
disdain | to regard with scorn and contempt |
disgorge | to vomit, discharge violently |
disheveled | untidy, disarranged, unkempt |
disparage | to belittle, speak disrespectfully about |
disparate | dissimilar, different in kind |
dispassionate | free from emotion; impartial, unbiased |
dispel | to drive out or scatter |
dispense | to distribute, administer |
disperse | to break up, scatter |
dispirit | to dishearten, make dejected |
disrepute | disgrace, dishonor |
dissemble | to pretend, disguise one's motives |
disseminate | to spread far and wide |
dissipate | to scatter; to pursue pleasure to excess |
dissuade | to persuade someone to alter original intentions |
distraught | very worried and distressed |
dither | to move or act confusedly or without clear purpose |
diurnal | daily |
divine | to foretell or know by inspiration |
divisive | creating disunity or conflict |
docile | tame, willing to be taught |
doctrinaire | rigidly devoted to theories |
dogmatic | rigidly fixed in opinion, opinionated |
doleful | sad, mournful |
dormant | at rest, inactive, in suspended animation |
doting | excessively fond, loving to excess |
dour | sullen and gloomy; stern and severe |
drivel | stupid talk; slobber |
droll | amusing in a wry, subtle way |
dulcet | pleasant sounding, soothing to the ear |
dupe | to deceive, trick; a fool or pawn |
duplicity | deception, dishonesty, double-dealing |
dyspeptic | suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable |
ebb | to fade away, recede |
ebullient | exhilarated, full of enthusiasm and high spirits |
eclectic | selecting from various sources |
ecstatic | joyful |
edict | law, command, official public order |
edifice | building |
edify | to instruct morally and spiritually |
efface | to erase or make illegible |
effervescent | bubbly, lively |
effigy | stuffed doll; likeness of a person |
effrontery | impudent boldness; audacity |
effulgent | brilliantly shining |
effusive | expressing emotion without restraint |
egocentric | acting as if things are centered around oneself |
egregious | conspicuously bad |
elation | exhilaration, joy |
elegy | mournful poem, usually about the dead |
elicit | to draw out, provoke |
eloquence | fluent and effective speech |
emaciated | skinny, scrawny, gaunt, especially from hunger |
emancipate | to set free, liberate |
embellish | to ornament; make attractive with decoration or details; add details to a statement |
embezzle | to steal money in violation of a trust |
eminent | celebrated, distinguished; outstanding, towering |
emollient | having soothing qualities, especially for skin |
empathy | identification with another's feelings |
emulate | to copy, imitate |
endemic | belonging to a particular area, inherent |
enervate | to weaken, sap strength from |
engender | to produce, cause, bring about |
enigmatic | puzzling, inexplicable |
enjoin | to urge, order, command; forbid or prohibit, as by judicial order |
enmity | hostility, antagonism, ill-will |
ennui | boredom, lack of interest and energy |
enormity | state of being gigantic or terrible |
ensconce | to settle comfortably into a place |
enthrall | to captivate, enchant, enslave |
entreat | to plead, beg |
enunciate | to pronounce clearly |
ephemeral | momentary, transient, fleeting |
epicure | person with refined taste in food and wine |
epigram | short, witty saying or poem |
epilogue | concluding section of a literary work |
epitome | representative of an entire group; summary |
equanimity | calmness, composure |
equine | relating to horses |
equivocal | ambiguous, open to more than one interpretation |
equivocate | to use vague or ambiguous language intentionally |
eradicate | to erase or wipe out |
errant | straying, mistaken, roving |
erudite | learned, scholarly |
eschew | to abstain from, avoid |
esoteric | understood by only a learned few |
espouse | to support or advocate; to marry |
estrange | to alienate, keep at a distance |
ethereal | not earthly, spiritual, delicate |
eulogy | high praise, often in a public speech |
euphemism | use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one |
euphony | pleasant, harmonious sound |
euphoria | feeling of well-being or happiness |
evade | to avoid, dodge |
evanescent | momentary, transitory, short-lived |
evict | to put out or force out |
exacerbate | to aggravate, intensify the bad qualities of |
exasperation | irritation |
excerpt | selection from a book or play |
excruciating | agonizing, intensely painful |
exculpate | to clear of blame or fault, vindicate |
execrable | utterly detestable, abhorrent |
exhilaration | state of being energetic or filled with happiness |
exhort | to urge or incite by strong appeals |
exonerate | to clear of blame, absolve |
exorbitant | extravagant, greater than reasonable |
expedient | convenient, efficient, practical |
expiate | to atone for, make amends for |
explicit | clearly defined, specific; forthright in expression |
exponent | one who champions or advocates |
expound | to elaborate; to expand or increase |
expunge | to erase, eliminate completely |
expurgate | to censor |
extemporaneous | unrehearsed, on the spur of the moment |
extenuate | to lessen the seriousness |
extol | to praise |
extricate | to free from, disentangle |
extrinsic | not inherent or essential, coming from without |
exuberant | lively, happy, and full of good spirits |
exude | to give off, ooze |
exult | to rejoice |
fabricate | to make or devise; construct |
facade | face, front; mask, superficial appearance |
facile | very easy |
fallacious | wrong, unsound, illogical |
fallow | uncultivated, unused |
fanaticism | extreme devotion to a cause |
farcical | absurd, ludricrous |
fastidious | careful with details |
fathom | to measure the depth of, gauge |
fatuous | stupid; foolishly self-satisfied |
fawn | to flatter excessively, seek the favor of |
faze | to bother, upset, or disconcert |
feckless | ineffective, careless, irresponsible |
fecund | fertile, fruitful, productive |
feign | to pretend, give a false impression; to invent falsely |
felicitous | suitable, appropriate; well-spoken |
fell | to chop, cut down |
fervid | passionate, intense, zealous |
fetid | foul-smelling, putrid |
fiasco | disaster, utter failure |
fidelity | loyalty |
finicky | fussy, difficult to please |
flaccid | limp, flabby, weak |
flagrant | outrageous, shameless |
flamboyant | flashy, garish; exciting, dazzling |
flaunt | to show off |
flora | plants |
florid | gaudy, extremely ornate; ruddy, flushed |
flounder | to falter, waver; to muddle, struggle |
flout | to treat contemptuously, scorn |
fluctuate | to alternate, waver |
foible | minor weakness or character flaw |
foil | to defeat, frustrate |
foment | to arouse or incite |
ford | to cross a body of water at a shallow place |
foreboding | dark sense of evil to come |
forestall | to prevent, delay; anticipate |
forethought | anticipation, foresight |
forgo | to go without, refrain from |
forlorn | dreary, deserted; unhappy; hopeless, despairing |
foreswear | to repudiate, renounce, disclaim, reject |
forte | strong point, something a person does well |
fortuitous | happening by luck, fortunate |
foster | to nourish, cultivate, promote |
founder | to fall helplessly; sink |
fracas | noisy dispute |
fractious | unruly, rebellious |
fraudulent | deceitful, dishonest, unethical |
fraught | full of, accompanied by |
frenetic | wildly frantic, frenzied, hectic |
fulsome | sickeningly excessive; repulsive |
funereal | mournful, appropriate to a funeral |
furtive | secret, stealthy |
gargantuan | giant, tremendous |
garner | to gather and store |
garrulous | very talkative |
gaunt | thin and bony |
genre | type, class, category |
germinate | to begin to grow (as with a seed or idea) |
gestation | growth process from conception to birth |
gibe | to make heckling, taunting remarks |
girth | distance around something |
glib | fluent in an insincere manner; offhand, casual |
gluttony | eating and drinking to excess |
goad | to prod or urge |
grandiloquence | pompous talk, fancy but meaningless language |
grandiose | magnificent and imposing; exaggerated and pretentious |
gratis | free, costing nothing |
gratuitous | free, voluntary; unnecessary and unjustified |
gregarious | outgoing, sociable |
grievous | causing grief or sorrow; serious and distressing |
grimace | facial expression showing pain or disgust |
grovel | to humble oneself in a demeaning way |
guile | trickery, deception |
gullible | easily deceived |
gustatory | relating to sense of taste |
habitat | dwelling place |
hackneyed | worn out by overuse |
hapless | unfortunate, having bad luck |
harbinger | precursor, sign of something to come |
hardy | robust, vigorous |
haughty | arrogant and condescending |
hedonism | pursuit of pleasure as a goal |
hegemony | leadership, domination, usually by a country |
heinous | shocking, wicked, terrible |
hemorrhage | heavy bleeding; to bleed heavily |
heretical | opposed to an established religious orthodoxy |
heterogeneous | composed of unlike parts, different, diverse |
hew | to cut with an ax |
hiatus | break, interruption, vacation |
hoary | very old; whitish or gray from age |
homage | public honor and respect |
homogeneous | composed of identical parts |
hone | to sharpen |
husband | to farm; manage carefully and thriftily |
hutch | pen or coop for animals; shack, shanty |
hygienic | clean, sanitary |
hyperbole | purposeful exaggeration for effect |
hypochondria | unfounded belief that one is often ill |
hypocrite | person claiming beliefs or virtues he or she doesn't really possess |
hypothesis | assumption subject to proof |
iconoclast | one who attacks traditional beliefs |
idealism | pursuit of noble goals |
idiosyncrasy | peculiarity of temperament, eccentricity |
ignominous | disgraceful and dishonorable |
illicit | illegal, improper |
illusory | unreal, deceptive |
illustrious | famous, renowned |
immaculate | spotless; free from error |
immerse | to bathe, dip; to engross, preoccupy |
immune | exempt; protected from harm or disease; unresponsive to |
immutable | unchangeable, invariable |
impair | to damage, injure |
impasse | blocked path, dilemma with no solution |
impassive | showing no emotion |
impeach | to charge with misdeeds in public office; accuse |
impeccable | flawless, without fault |
impecunious | poor, having no money |
impediment | barrier, obstacle; speech disorder |
imperious | arrogantly self-assured, domineering, overbearing |
impertinent | rude |
impervious | impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected |
impetuous | quick to act without thinking |
impious | not devout in religion |
implacable | inflexible, incapable of being pleased |
implicate | to involve in a crime, incriminate |
implicit | implied, not directly expressed |
importune | to ask repeatedly, beg |
impotent | powerless, ineffective, lacking strength |
impoverish | to make poor or bankrupt |
imprecation | curse |
impregnable | totally safe from attack, able to resist defeat |
impudent | arrogant, audacious |
impugn | to call into question, attack verbally |
inane | foolish, silly, lacking significance |
inaugurate | to begin or start officially; to induct into office |
incandescent | shining brightly |
incarcerate | to put in jail; to confine |
incendiary | combustible, flammable, burning easily |
incense | to infuriate, enrage |
inception | beginning |
incessant | continuous, never ceasing |
inchoate | imperfectly formed or formulated |
incipient | beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage |
incisive | perceptive, penetrating |
incognito | in disguise, concealing one's identity |
incontrovertible | unquestionable, beyond dispute |
incorrigible | incapable of being corrected |
incredulous | skeptical, doubtful |
inculcate | to teach, impress in the mind |
indefatigable | never tired |
indelible | permanent, not erasable |
indigenous | native, occurring naturally in an area |
indigent | very poor |
indignant | angry, incensed, offended |
indolent | habitually lazy, idle |
indomitable | fearless, unconquerable |
indubitable | unquestionable |
induce | to pursuade; bring about |
inept | clumsy, awkward |
inert | unable to move, tending to inactivity |
inevitable | certain, unavoidable |
inexorable | inflexible, unyielding |
infamy | reputation for bad deeds |
infer | to conclude, deduce |
infinitesimal | extremely tiny |
infirmity | disease, ailment |
ingenious | original, clever, inventive |
ingenuous | straightforward, open; naive and unsophisticated |
ingrate | ungrateful person |
ingratiate | to bring oneself purposely into another'a good graces |
inhibit | to hold back, prevent, restrain |
inimical | hostile, unfriendly |
iniquity | sin, evil act |
injunction | command, order |
innate | natural, inborn |
innocuous | harmless; inoffensive |
innovate | to invent, modernize, revolutionize |
innuendo | indirect and subtle criticism, insinuation |
insatiable | never satisfied |
inscrutable | impossible to understand fully |
insidious | sly, treacherous, devious |
insinuate | to suggest, say indirectly, imply |
insipid | bland, lacking flavor; lacking excitement |
insolent | insulting and arrogant |
instigate | to incite, urge, agitate |
insular | isolated, detached |
insurgent | rebellious, insubordinate |
insurrection | rebellion |
integral | central, indispensable |
integrity | decency, honesty; wholeness |
intemperate | not moderate |
inter | to bury |
interloper | trespasser; meddler in others' affairs |
intermittent | starting and stopping |
interrogate | to question formally |
intimation | clue, suggestion |
intractable | not easily managed |
intransigent | uncompromising, refusing to be reconciled |
intrepid | fearless |
intrinsic | inherent, internal |
introspective | contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings |
introvert | someone given to self-analysis |
inundate | to cover with water; overwhelm |
inure | to harden; accustom; beceom used to |
invective | verbal abuse |
inveterate | confirmed, long-standing, deeply rooted |
invidious | envious; obnoxious |
invincible | invulnerable, unbeatable |
iota | very tiny amount |
irascible | easily angered |
iridescent | showing many colors |
itinerant | wandering from place to place, unsettled |
itinerary | route of a traveler's journey |
jaded | tired by excess or overuse; slightly cynical |
jargon | nonsensical talk; specialized language |
jettison | to cast off, throw cargo overboard |
jingoism | belligerent support of one's country |
jocular | jovial, playful, humorous |
juncture | point where two things are joined |
kernel | innermost, essential part; seed grain, often in a shell |
kinetic | relating to motion; characterized by movement |
knell | sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure |
kudos | fame, glory, honor |
labyrinth | maze |
lachrymose | tearful |
lackadaisical | idle, lazy; apathetic, indifferent |
laconic | using few words |
laggard | dawdler, loafer, lazy person |
lament | to deplore, grieve |
lampoon | to attack with satire, mock harshly |
languid | lacking energy,indifferent, slow |
larder | place where fod is stored |
largess | generosity; gift |
lassitude | lethargy, sluggishness |
latent | present but hidden; potential |
laudable | deserving of praise |
laxity | carelessness |
legerdemain | trickery |
legible | readable |
lenient | easygoing, permissive |
lethargy | indifferent inactivity |
levitate | to rise in the air or cause to rise |
levity | humor, frivolity, gaiety |
lexicon | dictionary, list of words |
liberal | tolerant, broad-minded; generous, lavish |
libertine | one without moral restraint |
licentious | immoral; unrestrained by society |
limpid | clear, transparent |
lionize | to treat as a celebrity |
lissome | easily flexed, limber, agile |
listless | lacking energy and enthusiasm |
literate | able to read and write; well-read and educated |
lithe | moving and bending with ease; graceful |
livid | discolored from a bruise; reddened with anger |
loiter | to stand around idly |
loquacious | talkative |
lucid | clear and easily understood |
ludicrous | laughable, ridiculous |
lugubrious | sorrowful, mournful; dismal |
lumber | to move slowly and awkwardly |
luminous | bright, brilliant, glowing |
lurid | harshly shocking, sensational; glowing |
luxuriance | elegance, lavishness |
lyrical | suitable for poetry and song; expressing feeling |
maelstrom | whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind |
magnanimous | generous, noble in spirit |
magnate | powerful or influential person |
malady | illness |
malapropism | humorous misuse of a word |
malcontent | discontented person, one who holds a grudge |
malefactor | evil-doer; culprit |
malevolent | ill-willed; causing evil or harm to others |
malice | animosity, spite, hatred |
malinger | to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill |
mandatory | necessary, required |
mannered | artificial or stilted in character |
mar | to damage, deface; spoil |
maritime | relating to the sea or sailing |
martial | warlike, pertaining to the military |
martinet | strict disciplinarian, one who rigidly follows rules |
martyr | person dying for his or her beliefs |
masochist | one who enjoys pain or humiliation |
maudlin | overly sentimental |
mawkish | sickeningly sentimental |
medieval | relating to the Middle Ages (about a |
melancholy | sadness, depression |
menagerie | various animals kept together for exhibition |
mendacious | dishonest |
mendicant | beggar |
mentor | experienced teacher and wise adviser |
mercenary | soldier for hire in foreign countries; motivated by greed |
mercurial | quick, shrewd, and unpredictable |
meretricious | gaudy, falsely attractive |
meritorious | deserving reward or praise |
metamorphosis | change, transformation |
metaphor | figure of speech comparing two different things |
meticulous | extremely careful, fastidious, painstaking |
mettle | courageousness; endurance |
militate | to operate against, work against |
misanthrope | person who hates human beings |
misconstrue | to misunderstand, fail to discover |
miserliness | extreme stinginess |
misnomer | an incorrect name or designation |
missive | note or letter |
mitigate | to soften, or make milder |
mnemonic | relating to memory; designed to assist memory |
mollify | to calm or make less severe |
molt | to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically |
monastic | extremely plain or secluded, as in a monastery |
monologue | dramatic speech performed by one actor |
montage | composite picture |
moot | debatable; purely academic, deprived of practical significance |
morbid | gruesome; relating to disease; abnormally gloomy |
moribund | dying, decaying |
morose | gloomy, sullen, or surly |
morsel | small bit of food |
mote | small particle, speck |
motley | many colored; composed of diverse parts |
mottle | to mark with spots |
mundane | worldly; commonplace |
munificent | generous |
mutability | changeability |
myriad | immense number; multitude |
nadir | lowest point |
nascent | starting to develop, coming into existence |
nebulous | vague, cloudy |
nefarious | vicious, evil |
neophyte | novice, beginner |
nettle | to irritate |
niche | recess in a wall; best position for something |
nihilism | belief that existence and all traditional values are meaningless |
nocturnal | pertaining to night; active at night |
noisome | stinking, putrid |
nomadic | moving from place to place |
nominal | existing in name only; negligible |
notoriety | unfavorable fame |
novice | apprentice, beginner |
novitiate | state of being a beginner or novice |
noxious | harmful, unwholesome |
nuance | shade of meaning |
nullify | to make legally invalid; to counteract the effect of |
obdurate | stubborn |
obfuscate | to confuse, obscure |
oblique | indirect, evasive; misleading, devious |
oblivious | unaware, inattentive |
obsequious | overly submissive, brownnosing |
obsolete | no longer in use |
obstinate | stubborn |
obstreperous | troublesome, boisterous, unruly |
obviate | to make unnecessary; to anticipate and prevent |
occlude | to shut, block |
odious | hateful, contemptible |
officious | too helpful, meddlesome |
ominous | menacing, threatening, indicating misfortune |
omniscient | having infinite knowledge, all-seeing |
onerous | burdensome |
opaque | impervious to light; difficult to understand |
opine | to express an opinion |
opportune | appropriate, fitting |
opprobrious | disgraceful, contemptuous |
opulence | wealth |
oration | lecture, formal speech |
oscillate | to move back and forth |
ossify | to turn to bone; to become rigid |
ostentatious | showy |
ostracism | exclusion, temporary banishment |
ouster | expulsion, ejection |
overwrought | agitated, overdone |
pacify | to restore calm, bring peace |
palatial | like a palace, magnificent |
palaver | idle talk |
pall | covering that darkens or obscures; coffin |
pall | to lose strength or interest |
palliate | to make less serious, ease |
pallid | lacking color or liveliness |
palpable | obvious, real, tangible |
paltry | pitifully small or worthless |
panacea | cure-all |
panache | flamboyance, verve |
pandemic | spread over a whole area or country |
panegyric | elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise |
panorama | broad view; comprehensive picture |
paradigm | ideal example, model |
paradox | contradiction, incongruity; dilemma, puzzle |
paragon | model of excellence or perfection |
paramount | supreme, dominant, primary |
paraphrase | to reword, usually in simpler terms |
parasite | person or animal that lives at another's expense |
parch | to dry or shrivel |
pariah | outcast |
parity | equality |
parochial | of limited scope or outlook, provincial |
parody | humorous imitation |
parry | to ward off or deflect |
parsimony | stinginess |
partisan | strong supporter; biased in favor of |
pastiche | piece of literature or music imitating other works |
pathos | pity, compassion |
patrician | aristocrat |
patronize | to condescend to, disparage; to buy from |
paucity | scarcity, lack |
pauper | very poor person |
peccadillo | minor sin or offense |
pedagogue | teacher |
pedant | uninspired, boring academic |
pedestrian | commonplace |
peer | contemporary, equal, match |
peerless | unequaled |
penchant | inclination |
penitent | expressing sorrow for sins or offenses, repentant |
pensive | thoughtful |
penury | extreme poverty |
perennial | present throughout the years; persistent |
perfidious | faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy |
perfunctory | done in a routine way; indifferent |
peripatetic | moving from place to place |
perjure | to tell a lie under oath |
permeable | penetrable |
pernicious | very harmful |
perpetual | endless, lasting |
pertinent | applicable, appropriate |
perusal | close examination |
pervert | to cause to change in immoral way; to misuse |
pestilence | epidemic, plague |
petulance | rudeness, peevishness |
phalanx | massed group of soldiers, people, or things |
philanderer | pursuer of casual love affairs |
philanthropy | love of humanity; generosity to worthy causes |
philistine | narrow-minded person, someone lacking appreciation for art or culture |
phlegmatic | calm in temperament; sluggish |
phobia | exaggerated, illogical fear |
piety | devoutness |
pilfer | to steal |
pinnacle | peak, highest point of development |
pious | dedicated, devout, extremely religious |
pique | fleeting feeling of hurt pride |
pithy | profound, substantial; concise, succinct, to the point |
placate | to soothe or pacify |
placid | calm |
plagiarist | one who steals words or ideas |
plaintiff | injured person in a lawsuit |
platitude | stale, overused expression |
plentitude | abundance, plenty |
plethora | excess, overabundance |
pliant | pliable, yielding |
plucky | courageous, spunky |
plummet | to fall, plunge |
ply | to use diligently; to engage; to join together |
poignant | emotionally moving |
polemic | controversy, argument; verbal attack |
polyglot | speaker of many languages |
pontificate | to speak in a pretentious manner |
pore | to study closely or meditatively |
porous | full of holes, permeable to liquids |
portent | omen |
posterity | future generations; all of a person's descendants |
potable | drinkable |
pragmatic | practical; moved by facts rather than abstract ideals |
prattle | meaningless, foolish talk |
precarious | uncertain |
precipice | edge, steep overhang |
precipitous | hasty, quickly, with too little caution |
preclude | to rule out |
precocious | unusually advanced at an early age |
precursor | forerunner, predecessor |
predilection | preference, liking |
preface | introduction to a book; introductory remarks to a speech |
premeditate | to consider, plan beforehand |
prepossessing | attractive, engaging, appealing |
preposterous | absurd, illogical |
presage | to foretell, indicate in advance |
prescient | having foresight |
presumptuous | rude, improperly bold |
pretext | excuse, pretended reason |
prevalent | widespread |
prevaricate | to lie, evade the truth |
pristine | untouched, uncorrupted |
privation | lack of usual necessities or comforts |
probity | honesty, high-mindedness |
proclivity | tendency, inclination |
procrastinator | one who continually and unjustifiably postpones |
prodigal | wasteful, extravagant, lavish |
prodigious | vast, enormous, extraordinary |
proficient | expert, skilled in a certain subject |
profligate | corrupt, degenerate |
profuse | lavish, extravagant |
progenitor | originator, forefather, ancestor in a direct line |
progeny | offspring, children |
prognosis | prediction of disease outcome; any prediction |
prolific | productive, fertile |
prologue | introductory section of a literary work or play |
promontory | piece of land or rock higher than its surroundings |
promulgate | to make known publicly |
propensity | inclination, tendency |
propitious | favorable, advantageous |
proponent | advocate, defender, supporter |
prosaic | relating to prose; dull, commonplace |
proscribe | to condemn; to forbid, outlaw |
proselytize | to convert to a particular belief or religion |
prostrate | lying face downward, lying flat on ground |
protagonist | main character in a play or story, hero |
protean | readily assuming different forms or characters |
protocol | ceremony and manners observed by diplomats |
provincial | rustic, unsophisticated, limited in scope |
prowess | bravery, skill |
proximity | nearness |
prude | one who is excessively proper or modest |
prudent | careful, cautious |
pry | to intrude into; force open |
pseudonym | pen name; fictitious or borrowed name |
puerile | childish, immature, silly |
pugnacious | quarrelsome, eager and ready to fight |
pulchritude | beauty |
punctilious | careful in observing rules of behavior or ceremony |
pungent | strong or sharp in smell or taste |
punitive | having to do with punishment |
purge | to cleanse or free from impurities |
quagmire | marsh; difficult situation |
quandary | dilemma, difficulty |
quarantine | isolation period, originally 40 days, to prevent spread of disease |
quell | to crush or subdue |
querulous | inclined to complain, irritable |
quibble | to argue about insignificant and irrelevant details |
quiescence | inactivity, stillness |
quintessence | most typical example; concentrated essence |
quixotic | overly idealistic, impractical |
quotidian | occurring daily; commonplace |
raconteur | witty, skillful storyteller |
rail | to scold with bitter or abusive language |
ramble | to roam, wander; to babble, digress |
ramification | an implication, outgrowth, or consequence |
rancor | bitter hatred |
rant | to harangue, rave, forcefully scold |
rapport | relationship of trust and respect |
rapt | deeply absorbed |
rarefy | to make thinner, purer, or more refined |
rash | careless, hasty, reckless |
raucous | harsh sounding; boisterous |
ravage | to destroy, devastate |
ravenous | extremely hungry |
raze | to tear down, demolish |
reactionary | marked by extreme conservatism, especially in politics |
rebuff | blunt rejection |
rebuke | to reprimand, scold |
rebut | to refute by evidence or argument |
recalcitrant | resisting authority or control |
recant | to retract a statement, opinion, etcetera |
reclusive | shut off from the world |
recondite | relating to obscure learning; known to only a few |
recount | to describe facts or events |
redress | relief from wrong or injury |
redundancy | unnecessary repetition |
refract | to deflect sound or light |
refuge | escape, shelter |
regimen | government rule; systematic plan |
rejoinder | response |
relinquish | to renounce or surrender something |
relish | to enjoy greatly |
remuneration | pay or reward for work, trouble, etcetera |
renascent | reborn, coming into being again |
renegade | traitor, person abandoning a cause |
renege | to go back on one's word |
renown | fame, widespread acclaim |
repast | meal or mealtime |
repeal | to revoke or formally withdraw (often a law) |
repentant | apologetic, guilty, remorseful |
replete | abundantly supplied |
repose | relaxation, leisure |
reprehensible | blameworthy, disreputable |
reproach | to find fault with; blame |
reprobate | morally unprincipled person |
reprove | to criticize or correct |
requite | to return or repay |
rescind | to repeal, cancel |
residue | remainder, leftover, remnant |
resilient | able to recover quickly after illness or bad luck; able to bounce back to shape |
resolute | determined; with a clear purpose |
respite | interval of relief |
resplendent | splendid, brilliant |
restive | impatient, uneasy, restless |
reticent | not speaking freely; reserved |
retort | cutting response |
retrospective | review of the past |
revelry | boisterous festivity |
revere | to worship, regard with awe |
revert | to backslide, regress |
revile | to criticize with harsh language, verbally abuse |
rhetoric | persuasive use of language |
ribald | humorous in vulgar way |
riddle | to make many holes in; permeate |
rife | widespread, prevalent; abundant |
risque | bordering on being inappropriate or indecent |
robust | strong and healthy; hardy |
rostrum | stage for public speaking |
rotund | round in shape; fat |
rue | to regret |
ruminate | to contemplate, reflect upon |
rustic | rural |
saccharine | excessively sweet or sentimental |
sagacious | shrewd |
salient | prominent or conspicuous |
sallow | sickly yellow in color |
salubrious | healthful |
salutation | greeting |
sanction | permission, support; law; penalty |
sanctuary | haven, retreat |
sanguine | ruddy; cheerfully optimistic |
sardonic | cynical, scornfully mocking |
satiate | to satisfy |
saunter | to amble; walk in a leisurely manner |
savant | learned person |
savory | agreeable in taste or smell |
scale | to climb to the top of |
scintilla | trace amount |
scintillate | to sparkle, flash |
scoff | to deride, ridicule |
score | notation for a musical composition |
score | to make a notch or scratch |
scrupulous | restrained; honest; careful and precise |
scrutiny | careful observation |
scurrilous | vulgar, low, indecent |
secular | not specifically pertaining to religion |
sedentary | inactive, stationary; sluggish |
seminal | relating to the beginning or seeds of something |
senescent | aging, growing old |
sentient | aware, conscious, able to perceive |
sequester | to remove or set apart; put into seclusion |
seraphic | angelic, pure, sublime |
serpentine | serpentlike; twisting, winding |
servile | submissive, obedient |
shard | piece of broken glass or pottery |
shirk | to avoid a task due to laziness or fear |
simper | to smirk, smile foolishly |
sinecure | well-paying job or office that requires little or no work |
singe | to burn slightly, scorch |
sinuous | winding; intricate, complex |
skeptical | doubtful, questioning |
skulk | to move in a stealthy or cautious manner; sneak |
slight | to treat as unimportant; insult |
sloth | sluggishness, laziness |
slough | to discard or shed |
slovenly | untidy, messy |
sobriety | seriousness |
sodden | thoroughly soaked; saturated |
sojourn | visit, stay |
solace | comfort in distress; consolation |
solicitous | concerned, attentive; eager |
soliloquy | literary or dramatic speech by one character, not addressed to others |
soluble | capable of being solved or dissolved |
somber | dark and gloomy; melancholy, dismal |
somnolent | drowsy, sleepy; inducing sleep |
sonorous | producing a full, rich sound |
sophistry | deceptive reasoning or argumentation |
sophomoric | immature and overconfident |
soporific | sleepy or tending to cause sleep |
sordid | filthy; contemptible and corrupt |
sovereign | having supreme power |
spartan | austere, severe, grave; simple, bare |
spontaneous | on the spur of the moment, impulsive |
sporadic | infrequent, irregular |
spurious | lacking authenticity; counterfeit, false |
spurn | to reject or refuse contemptuously; scorn |
squalid | filthy; morally repulsive |
squander | to waste |
staccato | marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds |
staid | self-restrained to the point of dullness |
stand | group of trees |
stark | bare, empty, vacant |
stifle | to smother or suffocate; suppress |
stipend | allowance; fixed amount of money paid regularly |
stockade | enclosed area forming defensive wall |
stoic | indifferent to or unaffected by emotions |
stolid | having or showing little emotion |
strident | loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy |
stringent | imposing severe, rigorous standards |
stupefy | to dull the senses of; stun, astonish |
stymie | to block or thwart |
suave | smoothly gracious or polite; blandly ingratiating |
subjugate | to conquer, subdue; enslave |
sublime | awe-inspiring; of high spiritual or moral value |
subliminal | subconscious; imperceptible |
subterfuge | trick or tactic used to avoid something |
subterranean | hidden, secret; underground |
subtle | hard to detect or describe; perceptive |
subvert | to undermine or corrupt |
succinct | terse, brief, concise |
succulent | juicy; full of vitality or freshness |
suffragist | one who advocates extended voting rights |
sullen | brooding, gloomy |
sully | to soil, stain, tarnish, taint |
supercilious | arrogant, haughty, overbearing, condescending |
superficial | hasty; shallow and phony |
superfluous | extra, more than necessary |
supersede | to take the place of; replace |
supplicant | one who asks humbly and earnestly |
surfeit | excessive amount |
surly | rude and bad-tempered |
surmise | to make an educated guess |
surmount | to conquer, overcome |
surreptitious | characterized by secrecy |
susceptible | vulnerable, unprotected |
sybarite | person devoted to pleasure and luxury |
sycophant | self-serving flatterer, yes-man |
syllabus | outline of a course |
symbiosis | cooperation, mutual helpfulness |
synopsis | plot summary |
synthesis | blend, combination |
tacid | silently understood or implied |
taciturn | uncommunicative, not inclined to speak much |
tactile | relating to the sense of touch |
taint | to spoil or infect; to stain honor |
talon | claw of an animal, especially a bird of prey |
tang | sharp flavor or odor |
tangential | digressing, diverting |
tangible | able to be sensed, perceptible, measurable |
tawdry | gaudy, cheat, showy |
temperance | restraint, self-control, moderation |
tempered | moderated, restrained |
tempestuous | stormy, raging, furious |
tenable | defensible, reasonable |
tenacious | stubborn, holding firm |
tenet | belief, doctrine |
tenuous | weak, insubstantial |
tepid | lukewarm; showing little enthusiasm |
terse | concise, brief, free of extra words |
testament | statement of belief; will |
tether | to bind, tie |
theocracy | government by priests representing a god |
thesaurus | book of synonyms and antonyms |
timorous | timid, shy, full of apprehension |
tirade | long, violent speech; verbal assault |
toady | flatterer, hanger-on, yesman |
tome | book, usually large and academic |
torpid | lethargic; unable to move; dormant |
torrid | burning hot; passionate |
tortuous | having many twists and turns; highly complex |
toxin | poison |
tractable | obedient, yielding |
transcend | to rise above, go beyond |
transient | temporary, short-lived, fleeting |
transitory | short-lived, existing only briefly |
translucent | partially transparent |
travesty | parody, exaggerated imitation, caricature |
tremulous | trembling, quivering; fearful, timid |
trenchant | acute, sharp, incisive; forceful, effective |
trepidation | fear and anxiety |
trifling | of slight worth, trivial, insignificant |
trite | shallow, superficial |
troupe | group of actors |
truncate | to cut off, shorten by cutting |
tryst | agreement between lovers to meet; rendezvous |
tundra | treeless plain found in arctic or subarctic regions |
turgid | swollen, bloated |
turpitude | inherent vileness, foulness, depravity |
tyro | beginner, novice |
ubiquitous | being everywhere simultaneously |
umbrage | offense, resentment |
unadulterated | absolutely pure |
unanimity | state of total agreement or unity |
unconscionable | unscrupulous; shockingly unfair or unjust |
unctuous | greasy, oily; smug and falsely earnest |
undulating | moving in waves |
unequivocal | absolute, certain |
uniform | consistent and unchanging; identical |
unimpeachable | beyond question |
unscrupulous | dishonest |
upbraid | to scold sharply |
uproarious | loud and forceful |
urbane | courteous, refined, suave |
usurp | to seize by force |
usury | practice of lending money at exorbitant rates |
utopia | perfect place |
vacillate | to waver, show indecision |
vagrant | poor person with no home |
vanquish | to conquer, defeat |
vapid | tasteless, dull |
variegated | varied; marked with different colors |
vaunted | boasted about, bragged about |
vehement | strong, urgent |
vendetta | prolonged feud marked by bitter hostility |
venerable | respected because of age |
vent | to express, say out loud |
veracity | accuracy, truth |
verbatim | word for word |
verbose | wordy |
verity | truthfulness; belief viewed as true and enduring |
vermin | small creatures offensive to humans |
vernacular | everyday language used by ordinary peoples; specialized language of a profession |
vernal | related to spring |
versatile | adaptable, all-purpose |
vestige | trace, remnant |
vex | to irritate, annoy; confuse, puzzle |
viable | workable, able to succeed or grow |
vicarious | substitute, surrogate; enjoyed through imagined participation in another's experience |
vie | to compete, contend |
vigilant | attentive, watchful |
vilify | to slander, defame |
vim | energy, enthusiasm |
vindicate | to clear of blame; support a claim |
vindictive | spiteful, vengeful, unforgiving |
virile | manly, having qualities of an adult male |
virtuoso | someone with masterly skill; expert musician |
virulent | extremely poisonous; malignant; hateful |
viscous | thick, syrupy, and sticky |
vitriolic | burning, caustic; sharp, bitter |
vituperate | to abuse verbally |
vivacious | lively, spirited |
vociferous | loud, vocal, and noisy |
volition | free choice, free will; act of choosing |
voluble | speaking much and easily, talkative; glib |
voracious | having a great appetite |
vulnerable | defenseless, unprotected; innocent, naive |
waive | to refrain from enforcing a rule; to give up a legal right |
wan | sickly pale |
wanton | undisciplined, unrestrained, reckless |
wary | careful, cautious |
whet | to sharpen, stimulate |
whimsical | playful or fanciful idea |
writ | written document, usually in law |
wry | amusing, ironic |
xenophobia | fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers |
yoke | to join together |
zealot | someone passionately devoted to a cause |
zenith | highest point, summit |
zephyr | gentle breeze |
zoologist | scientist who studies animals |