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Biology Mod 2
Term | Definition |
Pathogen | An organism that causes disease |
Saprophyre | An organism that feeds on dead matter |
Parasite | An organism that feeds on a living host |
Aerobic Organism | An organism that requires oxygen |
Anaerobic Organism | An organism that does not require oxygen |
Steady state | A state in which members of a population die as quickly as new members are born |
Exponential growth | Population growth that is unhindered because of the abundance of resources |
Logistic growth | Population growth that is controlled by limited resources |
Conjugation | A temporary union of two organisms for the purpose of DNA transfer |
Plasmid | A small, circular section of extra DNA that confers one or more traits to a bacterium and can be reproduced seperately from the main bacterial genetic code |
Transformation | The transfer of a DNA segment from a nonfunctional donor cell to that of a functional recipient cell |
Transduction | The process in which infection by a virus results in DNA being transfered from one bacterium to another |
Endosphere | The DNA and other essential parts of a bacterium coated with several hard layers |
Strains | Organisms from the same species that have markedly different traits |
F(x) Plasma Membrane | To negotiate what materials pass into and out of the cell |
F(x) Flagellum | To move the bacteria from place to place |
F(x) Capsule | To adhere to surfaces as well as to ward off infection-fighting agents |
F(x) DNA | To store the information needed to make an organism a living thing |
F(x) Cytoplasm | To hold the DNA and ribosimes in place |
F(x) Cell Wall | To keep the interior of the cell together and to hold the cell's shape |
F(x) Fimbria | To grasp onto surfaces or another bacterium during conjugation |
F(x) Ribosome | To make proteins |
Spherical Bacteria | Coccus |
Rod shaped bacteria | Bacillus |
Helical shaped bacteria | Spirillum |
dehydrate | The process of removing water from a substance |
What color are Gram negative bacteria after the Gram stain? | red |
What color are Gram positive bacteria after the Gram stain | blue |
Gram negative are in what phylum | Gracilicutes |
Gram Positive bacteria are in what phylum? | Firmcutes |
A bacteria with no cell wall is in phylum? | Tenericutes |
A bacteria with a cell wall different from Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria are | Mendosicutes |
The classes for Phylium Gracilicutes are divided by? | How they obtain their food |
The classes for Phylium Firmibacteria are divided by? | Shape |
What bacteria Phylium only have one class? | Tenericutes, Mendosicutes |
What shapes are Phylum Firmibacteria Class Firmibacteria bacteria able to be? | Bacilli or Cocci |
What shape is Phylum Firmibacteria Class Thallobacteria? | Spirillum |
Gram Negative non-photosynthetic bacteria are in what Class? | Scotobateria |
Gram Negative non oxygen producing photosynthetic bacteria are in what class? | Anoxyphotobacteria |
Gram Positive Oxygen- Producing photosynthetic bacteria | Oxyphotobacteria |
Bacteria without a cell wall are in what class? | Mollicutes |
Bacteria with a cell wall that is neither Gram Positive or Gram negative are in what class | Archaebacteria |