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quantitative, people, things (spanish to english)

Cualquiera Anyone, anybody
Cualesquiera Any (pl)
el/la que the one who (he/she)
los/las que they who (those who) the ones who
el/la mayor the oldest one
el/la menor the youngest one
nadie no one
ninguno/a neither one
todos/as everyone/everybody
algunos/as some of them/any of them
ambos/as both of them
cada uno/a each one
demasiado/a too much
demasiados/as too many
los demas/las demas the rest of them
los/las dos both; the two of them
mas more of it/them
la mayoria the majority (of people)
menos less/fewer
mucho/a a lot (of something)
muchos/as a lot of many things
nada nothing
ninguno/a none/neither one, not a single one
otro/a another; the other (one)
poco a little
primero first
todo everything
ultimo last
unos/as some
unos/as cuantos/as a few (of them)
varios/as several
lo mejor the best
lo mismo the same thing
lo peor the worst
segundo/a second
tercero/a third
cuarto/a fourth
quinto/a fifth
sexto/a sixth
septimo/a seventh
octavo/a eighth
noveno/a ninth
decimo/a tenth
este/esta/esto this
estos/estas these
ese/esa/eso that
esos/esas those
aquel/aquella/aquello that over there
aquellos/aquellas those over there
acerca de about
entrar en enter into
delante de in front of
al lado de next door to
despues then
entre between
incluso including
segun according to
excepto/menos/salvo except
detras de behind
cerca de near
encima de on top of
a la izquierda de to the left of
a la derecha de to the right of
debajo de underneath
que that/who/which
el cual, la cual the one who/which
los cuales, las cuales those who
lo que that which; what;whatever
cualquier any
sobre about/on
contra against
ademas de besides, in addition to
en vez de, en lugar de instead of
frente a facing
a traves de across
enfrente de across from, opposite
dentro de inside
en on
fuera de outside
a lo largo de along (movement)
alrededor de around (movement)
hacia atras backwards (movement)
mas alla de beyond (movement)
hacia adelante forward (movement)
de lado sideways (movement)
por through/throughout (movement)
hacia toward (movement)
al norte de to the north of
al sur de to the south of
al este de to the east of
al oeste de to the west of
despues de after
despues afterwards
antes de before
antes beforehand
durante during
por in
desde since
a/hasta to, until
abajo downstairs/underneath
arriba upstairs/above
por alli around there/that way
por aqui around here; this way
por ejemplo for example
por fin at last; finally
por eso/esto therefore
por lo general as a rule; generally
por lo menos at least
por primera vez for the first time
por separado separately
por supuesto of course
por todos partes everywhere
por todos lados all over; everywhere; on all sides
lejos de far from
Created by: ravibansal
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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