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JC Engineer H-P

Hand manuel
Hebezeug lifting device
heften to track
Helligkeit brightness
herstellen to produce
installieren to install
Isolierung instulation
isoliert insulated
Istwert signal value
Kabel cable
Kanal trench
Kegel cone
Keil key
Kettentrieb chain drive
Klarer clarifier
Klappe diverter valve
Klemmkasten junction box
Kontermutter locknut
Korrosions-Bestandigkeit corrosion resistance
Kran crane
Kreiselpumpe centrifugal pump
Kuhler cooler
Kondensator condenser
Warmeaustauscher heat exchanger
Kukenhahn plug valve
Kugellager ball bearing
Kugelventil ball valve
Kupplung coupling
Laufer impeller for pump
Lager storage
Tanklager tank farm
Leckage leakage
Leistung efficiency
Leiter leader
Leitfahigkeit conductivity
Leitung (Rohr) pipe
Entstaubung ductwork
Locker loose
losen to loosen
Losung solution
Luft air
Druckluft plant air
Steuerluft instrument air
Abluft off vent gas
Magnetventil solenoid valve
Mannloch manhole
Masseinheit dimension
Meister foreman, supervisor
Membrane membrane
Messbereich measuring range
Messblende orifice plate
Messlatte dip stick
messen to measure
Messtafel panel
Messrafel ortlich local panel
mikronisieren to micronize
mischen to blend
Mischschnecke static mixer, mixing screw
Moment torque
Motor motor
Motorbock motor mount
Muhle mill
Muster sample
Naherungswert approximate value
Schweiss weld
Natronlauge sodium hydroxide solution
Netzmittel wetting agent
neutralisieren to neutralize
Motaus emergency shut down
Nut groove
Oberflache surface
Offnung opening
Oel oil
Oxidationsmittel oxidizing agent
Palette pallet
palettisieren to palettize
passivieren to passivate
Passung fit, tolerance
Paste paste
aure acid
luftventilator air fan
Probe sample
Probelauf test run
Prozent percent
Prozentsatz percentage
prufen to check
Pumpengehause casing
Laufrad impeller
Einspeissepumpe feed pump
Kreislaufpumpe circulation pump
Ruckfurpumpe recycle pump
Entleerungspumpe transfer pump
Dosierpumpe addition pump
Sumpfpumpe bottom pump
Vakuumpumpe vacuum pump
pumpfahig pumpable
Punktschweissen to spot weld
Created by: lescaldwell
Popular German sets




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