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UE Ortho

Shoulder Biomechanics B

What are the components of the glenohumeral joint? head of humerus, glenoid, labrum, ligaments, and capsule
The angle between the head of the humerus and the longitudinal axis of the humerus is called what? the angle of inclination
What is the value for the angle of inclination? 135 degrees
The line through the humeral head and humeral condyles is called the ______ __ ______. angle or torsion
The humerus is rotated about ___ degrees in what direction? 30 degrees posteriorly
What are the directions of the roll and glide with shoulder abduction? roll=superior, glide=inferior
What are the directions of the roll and glide with shoulder adduction? roll=inferior, glide=superior
What is the direction of the glide with shoulder flexion? posterior
What is the direction of the glide with shoulder extension? anterior
In what direction is the glide for the following shoulder motions: 1. ER, 2. IR, 3. horizontal add, 4. horizontal abd 1.anterior, 2.posterior, 3.posterior, 4.anterior
What are the six ligaments of the glenohumeral joint? superior/middle/inferior GH ligaments, coracohumeral lig, coracoacromial lig, and transverse humeral lig
Which shoulder ligament checks ER during arm elevation from 0-60 degrees? coracohumeral ligament
Which shoulder ligament plays no role with movements, but is part of the supraspinatus tunnel? coracoacromial ligament
In the resting position the GH joint is more taut where? superiorly
In the resting position the GH joint hass more slack where? anteriorly and inferiorly
The GH capsule is how much larger than the humeral head? 2x
Because of the large GH capsule, there is greater than _ inch(es) of distraction allowed of the humeral head. 1
The subscapularis provides ________ stability. anterior
Space between superior border of subscapularis and supraspinatus tendons is called what? the Rotator Cuff Interval(RCI)
The RCI plays a roll in _________ stability? inferior
What provides stability to the GH joint at 0 degrees of abduction? superior GH ligament(SGHL), and the RCI
What provides stability to the GH joint at 45-75 degrees of abduction? middle GH ligament(MGHL)
What provides stability to the GH joint at >90 degrees of abduction? Inferior GH ligament(IGHL)
What is the closed packed position of the GH joint? full abduction, and ER
What is the Open-packed position of the GH joint? 55° ABD, 30° Horiz ADD
A capsular pattern of the GH joint results in limitations of __>___>__. ER>ABD>IR
What protects structures below it from direct trauma, prevents superior dislocationof the humeral head, and can cause impingement? Coracoacromial Arch
In the normal resting position the scapula is __-__ degrees anterior to the frontal plane. 30-40
What muscle primarily causes superior translation of the humeral head? deltoid
What balances the force of the deltoid (superior translation) and compresses the humeral head? rotator cuff
What muscle centers the humeral head in the glenoid fossa, and decreases vertical and anterior translation? biceps
The scapulothoracic joint is located between the ___ and ___ ribs. 2nd-7th
The spine of the scapula is located at what level? T3
The inferior anlge of the scapula is located at what level? T7
How fa from midline is the resting scapula? 2 inches
The scapula normally experiences about __-__ degrees of anterior tipping. 10-20 degrees
With the scapulohumeral rhythm, the GH joint accounts for ____ degrees of elevation while the ST(scapulothoracic) joint accounts for the other __ degrees of elevation, totaling 180 degrees. 120, 60
What two muscles initiate elevation during scapulohumeral rhythm? deltoid, supraspinatus
Initial elevation with the scapulohumeral rhythm mainly occurs at what joint? the GH
During phase one of the scapulohumeral rhythm, this ligament prevents motion at the AC joint. coracoclavicular lig
During phase one of the scapulohumeral rhythm, what causes the scapula to upwardly rotate? How many degrees of upward rotation occurs? clavicular elevation. 30 degrees
During phase one of the scapulohumeral rhythm there is __ degrees of GH motion and __-__ degrees of total elveation. 60 degrees GH motion, 90-100 degrees total elevation
During what phase of scpulohumeral rhythm does the Coracoclavicular ligament rotate the clavicle posteriorly (30-55 degrees) and result in 30 degrees of upward scapular rotation? phase two
During phase two of scapulohumeral rhythm there is __ degrees of ST motion, __ degrees of GH motion, and ____ degrees of total elevation. 30 degrees ST, 60 degrees GH motion, 180 degrees total elevation
During phase two of the scapulohumeral rhythm the t-spine does what to allow full elevation? extends/sidebends
Where does the subacromial bursae lie? between the supraspinatus and the acromion
What factors can lead to decreased subacromial space?(5) Hooked acromion, AC degeneration, GH instability, Tight posterior capsule, Lack of posterior tipping or upward rotation of scapula
Does protraction of the scapula increase or decrease subacromial space? decreases
Does retraction of the scapula increase or decrease subacromial space? increase
Hypermobility can lead to to excessice motion of what? the humeral head
_______ or _________ capsular tightness can lead to superior humeral head(HH) migration. inferior or posterior
What can lead to a loss of ability to compress/depress the humeral head in the glenoid and result in superior migration of HH? RC weakness/tear
What muscle can lead to increased anterior tilt of scapula, decreasing subacromial space? pec minor tighness
What can decrease UR of scapula? serratus weakness, LT weakness
Two forces that act in opposite directions to rotate a segment around its axis of motion is called? force couple
What two muscles create a force couple? RC and deltoids
Created by: txst fall 2009
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