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Chapter 22 AP Euro

AP European Chapter 22 Vocabulary

Sir Richard Arkwright Invented water frame at almost the same time as the spinning jenny was invented.
Jeremy Bentham Believed that public problems should dealt with on a rational scientific basis. Believed in the idea of the greatest good for the greatest number. Wrote, Principles of Morals and Legislation.
Edmund Cartwright Inventor of the modern power loom.
Chartism Agitation against poor laws-working class discontent.
Combination Acts 1799 and 1800-made trade unionism illegal.
The Communist Manifesto Pamphlet written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels-basis of Socialism.
Corn Laws 1815 tariff on imported grain to protect domestic producers. Never worked well.
Henry Cort Refined pig iron-puddling furnace-heavy rolling mills
Benjamin Disraeli British Conservative-extended vote to all middle class male workers, needed to broaden aristocratic voter base.
Friedrich Engels Condition of Working Class in England- society’s problems caused by capitalism and competition. Colleague of Karl Marx.
Factory Act 1833 Created factory worday for children between 9-13 to 8 hours a day. Not applicable to home. Outlawed child labor under 9-factory owners establish schools. Destroyed family unit.
Charles Fourier French social theorist-criticized capitalism-wanted socialist utopia and emancipation of women. Theory of Four Movements.
James Hargreaves About 1705 invented spinning jenny
Industrialization New inventions, cotton and iron-changed small businesses beyond all recognition.
John Kay Inventor of flying shuttle, (1733).
Laissez-faire capitalism Minimal governmental interference in the economic affairs. Adam Smith and Francois Quesnay.
Karl Marx German - father of socialism-emancipation of women-Communist Manifesto.
Thomas Newcomen 1705 invented steam engine that used coal, very inefficient.
Robert Owen Scottish spoke out about hiring children. Created mills in New Harmony.
Henry Palmerston Hawkish English Foreign Minister during revolutions of 1848.
A People’s Charter Draft of reform Bill which called for universal suffrage payment of members of Parliament and annual elections-6 main points.
Poor Law 1834, Gave some aid to the poor, but not very helpful against unemployment. Very favorable to employers.
First Reform Bill 1832, Modified the old political system by easing voting qualifications (but still not easy to qualify!). Abolished some smaller boroughs.
Second Reform Bill 1867, Conservatives and Liberals trying to gain votes. Disraeli's Conservatives extended the vote to almost 1 million more voters.
Tory Political party in Britain controlled by aristocracy.
Utopian Socialism Ideal society based on socialist ideals-Louis Blanc and Charles Fourier
James Watt Added a condenser to Newcomen's steam engine to make it more efficient. Led to steam becoming a viable source of power.
Whig British party more responsive to commercial and manufacturing interests.
Created by: mr.bradley
Popular European History sets




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