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Chapter 4 Pregnancy


cell the smallest unit of life that is able to reproduce itself
sperm the male sex cell
ovum the female sex cell; also called the egg
conception the union of ovum and sperm cells
zygote the single cell formed at conception; also called a fertilized egg
fallopian tubes two hollow tubes that connect to the uterus and have fingerlike projections that reach toward each ovary
uterus the organ in which the baby develops and is protected until birth
genetic factors traits that are passed through the gens
chromosomes threadlike structures that carry genes in living cells
dominant traits traits that always show in a person even if only one gene of the pair is inherited for that trait
recessive traits traits that typically do not show in a person unless both genes for the trait are inherited
multiple pregnancy pregnancy in which two or more babies develop
fraternal term describing children from multiple pregnancies who develop from two ova and differ in genetic makeup
chorion membrane that surrounds the baby in the uterus
identical term describing children from multiple pregnancies who develop from one fertilized ovum and have the same genetic makeup
prenatal development the development that takes place between conception and birth
germinal stage the first stage of prenatal development, which lasts about two weeks after conception
amnion a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the baby in the uterus
placenta an organ filled with blood vessels that nourishes the baby in the uterus
umbilical cord the cord that connects the baby to the placenta
embryonic stage the second stage of prenatal development, which lasts about six weeks
embryo term used to describe a baby in the embryonic stage of development
cartilage soft, elastic, flexible tissue that provides structure for the body
fetal stage the third stage of pregnancy, lasting from about nine weeks after conception until birth
fetus term used to describe a baby in the fetal stage of development
quickening movements of the fetus that can be felt by the mother
age of viability the age at which most babies could survive if they were born (28th week of pregnancy).
Created by: kcahill
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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