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Daily Vocabulery

Daily Vocab

Descansar to rest
Traer to bring
dar to give
ver to view
almorzar to have lunch
cenar to eat dinner
poner put
vivir to live
enteder to understand
desayunar to eat breakfast
aprender to learn
asistir to attend
pensar to think, plan
preferir to prefer
cerrar to open
mentir to lie
sentir to feel
perder to lose
volver to turn back
dormir to sleep
empezar to start/begin
regrasar to return
llegar to arrive
abrir to open
costar to cost
contar to tell, count
morir to die
decir to tell, say
repetir to repeat
servir to serve
saber to know (things)
conocer to know (people)
cantante singer
pedir to ask for, order
seguir to follow, continue
conseguir to get, obtain
la verdad the truth
una pelicula a movie
un deporte a sport
pequeño small, little
liviano light (not heavy)
grande big
pequeño small, little
liviano light (not heavy)
grande big
pesado heavy
viejo/ Antiguo old
nuevo new
fåcil easy
difîcil difficult, hard
duro hard to the touch
suave soft
breve brief, short
largo long
corto short (height , length)
amble friendly
alegre happy
triste sad
tacaño mean
generoso generous
valiente courageous
casado married
soltero single
viudo widowed
perezoso lazy
trabajador hard worker
hablador talkative
hacer to do
hacer la cama to make the bed
hacer un viaje to take a trip
hacer la tarea to do the homework
los quehaceres the chores
esperar to wait for, to hope
hace buen tiempo good weather
hace fresco to be chilly
hace sol to be sunny
hace nubes nublado there are clouds
hay tormenta thunderstorm
llover to rain
nevar to snow
tronar thundering
relampagear the lightning
el arco iris the rainbow
la estrella the star
la niebla the fog
amarillo yellow
azul blue
verde green
anaranjado orange
blanco white
negro black
rojo red
moreno dark
cafe/pardo brown
rubio blonde
pelirroja red head
casta/casto hazel (eyes)
rosa/rosado pink
gris gray
morado/violeta purple
claro light
oscuro dark
travieso mischievous
tranquilo calm
extraño odd
raro rare
el vecino the neighbor
la gente the people
a decir verdad to tell the truth
decir que si/no to say yes/no
querer decir to mean
¡no me digas! No! Never!
es decir that is
mejor dicho or rather
no hay más que decir that's all there is to it
salir con amigos going out with friends
el tiempo libre free time
la libertad the liberty
hacer ejercicios to exercise
ir de compras go shopping
cocinar to cook
preparar to prepare
castigar to punish
pagar to pay
pegar to hit
entregar to turn in
entruegen to turn in
Caer to fall
creer to believe
oir to hear
escuchar to listen
romper to break
doler to hurt
el cuerpo the body
la cara the face
los ojos the eyes
las orejas the out side of ear
la boca the mouth
los labios the lips
los dientos the teeth
la lengua the tongue
la nariz the nose
bañarse to bathe
ducharse to take a shower
irse to go away
pintarse to paint oneself
levantarse to get up
depertarse to wake up
acostarse to go to bed
dormirse to go to sleep
vestirse to dress
ponerse to put on
quitarse to remove
quedarse to remain
Created by: ladam0412
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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