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6th Grade History
Term | Definition |
Emigrate | Exiting or leaving a country |
Immigrate | Moving into another country |
Nativist | Favoring native people before Immigrants |
Ethnic Groups | Minorities that speak the same languages and have the same culture |
Assimilate | Becoming part of the American culture |
Steerage | Lower deck of a ship |
Settlement House | Organization located in a poor neighborhood that provides help to the poor - Example-Hull House founded by Jane Addams |
Suburb | Neighborhood outside or close to cities |
Slum | Poor run-down urban neighborhood |
Skyscraper | A very tall building |
Culture | Behaviors and beliefs of a group of people. Ex: ethnic groups, age groups, religious groups |
Spectator Sports | People watched and followed sports |
Vaudeville | Variety shows with dancing, singing, comedy and magic acts |
Philosophy | Ideas and beliefs |
Isolate | Cut off or separate |
Tenement | Run-down building where several families rent rooms or apartments often with little sanitation or safety |
Chinese Exclusion Act | Prohibited Chinese workers from entering the United States for 10 years. Extended in 1892 & 1902 |
Immigration Act of 1917 | Required immigrants to be able to read and write in some language. |
Urban vs. Rural | Urban - in the City; Rural - outside the City |
Middle Class | A class made up of people who enjoyed a comfortable life but were no rich (i.e. doctors, lawyers, and teachers) |
Yellow Journalism | Sensational writing style -Dramatic stories used to attract readers -Sometimes biased and false |