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Schwartz AP Gov 11

The Bureaucracy

appropriations distribution of funds
authorization of spending the maximum amount the agency can give on a certain program
Civil Service Commission oversees the process of the merit system and prevented officers from requiring federal employees to contribute to political campaigns
Civil Service Reform Act (1978) altered how a bureaucrat is dismissed, limited preferences for veterans, and put upper-level appointments back into the president's hands
committee clearance congressional committees securing the authority to review and approve certain agency actions in advance
competitive service jobs that require some type of exam or competitive hiring process
discretionary authority an agency's ability to take or not take, courses of action
excepted service hiring options when the competitive service is not practical
Federal Trade Commission created to prevent overly powerful corporations from engaging in unfair business practices
Freedom of Information Act (1966) gives the public the right to request access to records or information
government corporation a hybrid of a government agency and a private company
Hatch Act (1939) prohibited federal workers from becoming directly involved in federal political campaigns
INS v Chadha (1983) Supreme Court declared the legislative veto unconstitutional
issue networks committee staffers, academics, think tanks, advocates and members of the media
merit system included competitive, written exams for many job applicants in civil service
National Performance Review (NPR) Clinton organized to assess the federal bureaucracy, identify problems and offer solutions and ideas for government savings
Office of Personal Management (OPM) runs the merit system, promotes the ideals of public service and finds the best people for federal jobs
patronage rewarding loyal party leaders with federal jobs
Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883) Congress passed to prevent the constant reward to loyal party members
red tape the vast amount of paperwork, procedures, forms and formal steps citizens must take to accomplish a government mandated task
Senior Executive Service placed more emphasis on a bureaucrat's skills and experiences than on the job
spoils system appointing officials based on their efforts to help elect the presidents with an expectation of loyalty after the appointment
Sunshine Act (1976) requires most federal agencies to hold their meetings in publicly accessible places
Whistleblower Protection Act (1989) prohibits a federal agency from retaliating against an employee or applicant for disclosing acts that he or she believes are illegal or dishonest
legislative veto Congress established to control agencies by making them wait 30-90 days for certain decisions
Created by: schwarms1
Popular American Government sets




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