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AP Chinese Vocab

Chinese CharactersPinyin + English
地球村 diqiucun - global vision
东半球 dongbanqiu - Eastern hemisphere
太平洋 taipingyang - Pacific Ocean
大西洋 daxiyang - Atlantic Ocean
亚洲 yazhou - Asia
总面积 zongmianji - total area
平方公里 pingfang gongli - square kilometer
仅次于 jinciyu - second only to
地形 dixing - topography; landform
复杂多样 fuza duoyang - complex with great variety
陆地 ludi - land
dao - island
高原 gaoyuan - plateau
草原 caoyuan - grassland
平原 pingyuan - plain
森林 senlin - forest
盆地 pendi - basin
沙漠 shamo - desert
江河 jianghe - river
以及 yiji - as well as
气候 qihou - climate
气温 qiwen - temperature
温差 wencha - temperature difference
平均 pingjun - average
热带 redai - tropics
四季分明 siji fenming - four distinct seasons
纬度 weidu - latitude
精度 jingdu - longitude
总人口 zongrenkou - total population
总统 zongtong - president
自治区 zizhiqu - autonomous region
阅读写作 yuedu xiezuo - reading and writing
意义 yiyi - meaning; significance
共同努力 gongtong nuli - to collaborate
应对挑战 yingdui tiaozhan - meet the challenge
交流工具 jiaoliu gongju - communication tool
提升 tisheng - to upgrade
决心 juexin - determination
信心 xinxin - confidence
基础 jichu - foundation
表达 biaoda - to express; to convey
文化差异 wenhua chayi - cultural difference
全球化 quanqiuhua - globalization
冲突 chongtu - conflict
表示 biaoshi - indicate
避免 bimian - to avoid; to avert
下不为例 xiabu weili - not to be taken as precedent
私事 sishi - privacy
自信 zixin - self-confidence
过分 guofen - excessive
代沟问题 daigou wenti - generation gap problems
三观 sanguan - three major systems determining one's perspective and personality
人生观 renshengguan - outlook on life
世界观 shijieguan - worldview
价值观 jiazhiguan - system of values
调查 diaocha - investiage
支持 zhichi - support
各类 gelei - all kinds of
从而 conger - thereby
因此 yinci - therefore
尽量 jinliang - to the best of one's ability
放松 fangsong - to relax
西半球 xibanqiu - Western Hemisphere
东半球 dongbanqiu - Eastern Hemmisphere
欧洲 ouzhou - Europe
澳洲 aozhou - Australia
非洲 feizhou - Africa
南极洲 nanjizhou - Antarctica
东岸 dongan - East Coast
西岸 xi‘an - West Coast
温带 wendai - temperate
大约 dayue - about/approximately
温柔 wenrou - gentle
大胆 dadan - bold; daring
极力反对 jili fandui - strongly oppose
接受 jieshou - to accept
接收 jieshou - to recieve
情书 qingshu - love letter
孤独 gudu - lonely
值得 zhide - deserve
珍惜 zhenxi - to cherish
惊人 jingren - astonishing
照亮 zhaoliang - to illuminate; to light up
邻居 linju - neighbor
理想 lixiang - ideal
脾气 piqi - temper; temperament
难得 nande - rare
骂人 maren - to curse
缺少 queshao - to lack
英里 yingli - mile
略大于 yuedalu - a little bigger
寒带 handai - tundra
蒙古族 mengguzu - Mongolian
藏族 zangzu - Tibetan
分布 fenbu - distribute/scatter
位于 weiyu - located at
差别 chabie - differences
淘汰 taotai - discard
以往 yiwang - in the past
保证 baozheng - guarantee
拍卖 paimai - auction
促进 cujin - promote
面对 miandui - confront
应对 ying dui - meet/answer
人类 renlei - mankind
做义工 zuoyigong - do volunteer work
志愿者 zhiyuanzhe - volunteer
社区服务 shequ fuwu - community service
贡献 gongxian - contribution
过程 guocheng - process
责任感 zerengan - responsibility
负责 fuze - to take responsibility for
社会意识 shehui yishi - social consciousness
优秀 youxiu - outstanding
成绩 chengji - grades
大学录取 daxue luqu - university admission
条件 tiaojian - circumstances; conditions
参考 cankao - reference
因素 yinsu - factor
部分 bufen - one portion; part
轻视 qingshi - to hold in contempt; to despise
普遍 pubian - ordinary; widespread
奉献 fengxian - dedicate
创办 chuangban - to establish; to found
改装 gaizhuang - re-equip; refit
整修 zhengxiu - renovate
捐给 juangei - donate to
贫穷 pinqiong - poverty; impoverished
努力 nuli - strive; to make great effort
志同道合 zhitong daohe - like-minded
积极 jiji - actively
惊讶 jingya - surprised (see 惊喜)
赔钱 peiqian - to pay for damages
相关 xiangguan - relevant
对比 duibi - to contrast
是否 shifou - whether or not
放心 fangxin - to feel relieved
疯狂 fengkuang - crazy
伤心 shangxin - to be broken hearted
目前 muqian - currently
忽视 hushi - to ignore; neglect
无私 wusi - selfless
题目 timu - topic/title
团结 tuanjie - unify
值得 zhide - worth/worthy of
可喜 kexi - luckily
衣食无忧 yishiwuyou - don't worry about basic necessities
战争 zhanzheng - war
灾害 zaihai - natural disaster
和平 heping - peace
至上 zhishang - above all else
知识分子 zhishi fenzi - intellectual
代替 daiti - to replace; to take the place of
蝾螈 rongyuan - axolotl
脑子 naozi - brain
脑力 naoli - Brain power/ability
组织 zuzhi - organize/organization
克服 kefu - overcome
剧增/剧减 juzeng/jujian - dramatic increase/decrease
公斤 gongjin - kilogram
有效 youxiao - efficient
庆祝 qingzhu - celebrate
产生误解 changsheng wujie - cause misunderstanding
讲究 jiangjiu - pay close attention to
连声 liansheng - repeatedly
破费 pofei - to spend (negative connotation)
对方 duifang - the other perspective
夸奖 kuajiang - praise/compliment
抽象 chouxiang - abstract
主观 zhuguan - subjective
客观 keguan - objective
义务 yiwu - duty
反而 faner - on the contrary
主动 zhudong - take action
然而 raner - however
以。。。为主 yi... weizhu - prioritize something
了不起 liaobuqi - amazing
服从 fucong - obey
预测 yuce - to predict
方向 fangxiang - direction
挚友 zhiyou - intimate friend
以下 yixia - below
文章 wenzhang - essay
翻译 fanyi - translation
其中 qizhong - among
根据 genju - according to; based on
要求 yaoqiu - requirements
完成 wancheng - complete (verb)
写作 xiezuo - writing
评分 pingfen - grading
标准 biaozhun - standard
句法 jufa - sentence pattern
建设 jianshe - to construct; to build
至少 zhishao - at least
改善 gaishan - improve
通知 tongzhi - to inform
目的 mudi - goal; destination
打架 dajia - physical fight
信任 xinren - trust
信心 xinxin - confidence
产生 chansheng - to occur
形成 xingcheng - to happen; to form over a while
焦躁 jiaozao - short-tempered
急躁 jizao - irritable
例子 lizi - example
观点 guandian - viewpoint
辩论 bianlun - debate
崇尚 chongshang - admire
隐私 yinsi - privacy
强调 qiangdiao - emphasize
批评 piping - to criticize
必然 biran - of course
关心 guanxin - show concern
提出忠告 tichu zhonggao - give advice
面临 mianlin - confront
谈恋爱 tanlianai - be in love
求爱 qiuai - to woo
宝贵 baogui - precious
友情 youqi - friendly sentiments
硕士 shuoshi - master's degree
学士 xueshi - Bachelor's degree
博士 boshi - PHD
提醒 tixing - remind
乐观 leguan - positive
感动 gandong - to move/to be moved emotionally
示爱 shiai - express one's love
传情 chuanqing - express one's tender feelings
通书信 tongshuxin - correspond through letters
代表 daibiao - on behalf of
做为 zuowei - be used as
发挥 fahui - exert/use
创造力 chuangzaoli - creativity
含蓄 hanxu - subtle
截然不同 jieran butong - distinctly different
耐心 naixin - patient
假装 jiazhuang - pretend
孤独 gudu - lonely
拯救 zheng jiu - save/rescue
不管 buguan - regardless
唯一 weiyi - only/sole
理智 lizhi - reasonable/practical
乐意 leyi - willing to do something (happy)
结论 jie lun - conclusion/verdict/to conclude
即日起 jiriqi - from this day
合法 hefa - lawful
安排 anpai - manage
明确 mingque - make something clear/clarify
仅仅 jinjin - only
热诚 recheng - devotion/fervor
鼓励 guli - encourage
寻找 xunzhao - look for
通常 tongchang - usually
俱乐部 julebu - club
被动 beidong - passive
zang - dirty
被撞了 beizhuangle - to be run into
Created by: lstewart18
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