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Chapter 6

Earth's Solar System

geocentric earth is at the center and the sun and planets orbit it.
heliocentric earth an other planets revolve around the sun
ellipse an oval shape
orbit path planets take as they go around the sun
solar system consists of the sun, planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteors
astronomical unit the average distance from the sun to earth. 150,000,000 kilometers
planet must be round, orbit the sun, and have cleared out the region of the solar system in its orbit.
dwarf planet an object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be spherical, but has not the area of its orbit.
axis imaginary line that passes through the center of earth and its north and south pole
rotation the spinning of earth on its axis
revolution the movement of one object around another
calendar a way to organize time
law of universal gravitation every object in the universe attracts every other object
inertia the tendency to resist a change of motion
newtons first law of motion an object at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion with a constant speed and direction unless a force acts on it.
core the sun produces an enormous amount of energy in the central region through nuclear fusion
nuclear fusion hydrogen atoms join to form helium
radiation zone region where gas is tightly packed and energy moves in the form of electromagnetic radiation
convection zone outer most layer of the suns interior; hot gases rise from the bottom cool then sink back down.
photosphere the inner layer of the suns atmosphere; considered to be the suns surface layer and gives off the light
chromosphere gives the sun the reddish color; middle layer of the suns atmosphere
corona the outer layer which looks like a white halo around the sun; you can see this during a total solar eclipse
solar wind where the corona extends out in to space it gradually thins out into streams of electrically charged particles.
sunspot dark areas on the sun; much cooler that the surrounding areas.
prominence huge loops of gas usually connecting sunspots
solar flare eruptions of gas on the sun's surface
terrestrial planet inner planets that are smaller and dense, and have a rocky surface.
greenhouse effect trapping of heat by the atmosphere
gas giant outer planets that are larger and more massive than Earth, they do not have a solid surface.
ring a thin disk of small particles of ice and rock
Galilean moons Jupiter's largest moons; Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
asteroid belt the region between Mars and Jupiter that
kuiper belt beyond Neptunes orbit. 100 au.
oort cloud beyond the Kuiper Belt a spherical region of comets. 1000 times the distance of netpune to earth.
comet lose collections of ice and dust with rocky particles, orbits can be very long narrow ellipses.
coma clouds of gas and dust form a fuzzy outer layer on a comet
nucleus solid inner core of a comet
asteroid small, irregular, rocky objects that orbit the sun; too small to be considered a dwarf planet
meteoroid Chunks of rock and metal smaller than asteroids.
meteor when entering the earth's atmosphere the friction creates a streak in the sky
meteorite meteoroids that pass through earth's atmosphere and are found on earth.
Created by: creedenb
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