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9th civics chapter 5


DECENTRALIZED Both parties are highly ____________, fragmented, disjointed, and often beset by factions and internal squabbling.
PRESIDENTS The ___________ is automatically the party leader.
NO ONE The other party has __ ____ in an even faintly comparable position.
FEDERALISM __________ is one major reason for the decentralized nature of the two major political parties.
DECENTRALIZED Because the government system is highly _____________, so too are the major parties that serve it.
NOMINATING The ____________ process is also a major cause of party decentralized.
INTRA PARTY First, candidate selection is an ________ ______ process.
NATIONAL CONVENTION These elements are the _________ ___________, the national committee, the national chairperson, and the congressional campaign committees.
SUMMER Meets in the ________ of every presidential election year to pick the party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
PLATFORM The adoption of the party's rules an the writing of its _________
NATIONAL CHAIR PERSON On paper, the ________ __________________ is the leader of the national committee.
HEADQUARTERS The national chairperson directs the work of the party's _____________ and its small staff in Washington.
UNITY They do so by promoting party ______, raising money, recuting new voters, and otherwise preparing for the next presidential season.
CONGRESS Each party also has a campaign committee in each house of ________
TWO They serve ___ years.
PARTY MACHINERY At the State level, _________ ___________ is built around a State central committee, headed by a state chairperson.
INCREASE IN SPLIT-TICKET-VOTING A big increase ____ - _______ - _________-_________ voting for canididates of different parties fo different offices at the same election.
SINGLE ISSUE The growth in both numbers and impact, of _____ ______ organizationas on our pollitics.
Created by: asimien907
Popular American Government sets




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